Title: The Right Path No Shortcuts to Success
1The Right Path No Shortcuts to Success
- Norman Noe
- Director, CIO Policy and Oversight
- Defense Finance and Accounting Service
- Completeness, Accuracy, Validity, Reliability and
above all REPEATABLE - Policies and processes
- Systems
- Financial Management Practices
- Key is linking processes, systems and financial
3Audits Are Metrics
- They evaluate where an entity is in managing its
finances - They generate a score
- Adverse
- Disclaimer
- Qualified Opinion
- Unqualified Opinion
- They provide lessons learned to improve
Audits are not the only metric Moving beyond
Audit as end of year project requires a
paradigm shift
4Passing Audit The Good News
Time to Pass Audit
- 8 Consecutive Unqualified Opinions
- Meeting submission timelines
Time to Pass (days)
Heroic Effort Normal Operations
Fiscal Year
Time to Pass Audit shrinking!
5Passing Audit The Bad News
- The Burning Platform
- Shortened submission timelines
- Effort to support financial position increasing
- Error rates going up
- Auditors digging deeper to validate Agency
Effort to Pass Audit
Effort ( of data pulls)
Fiscal Year
It is getting harder and harder every year!
6Passing Audit The Whole Story
Apply Discipline
Multiple Interim Samples
Time to Pass (days)
Effort ( of data pulls)
Pass Interim Audit - FY07
Heroic Effort Normal Operations
Fiscal Year
We changed our Paradigm
7Transforming the Paradigm
Linking processes, systems, and financial
DFAS Transformation Blueprint
End of Year Audit
Any Day Audit
- 2000-2004
- End of year project
- Audit result focus not process
- Lack of CAVR principles
- Lack of standardization
- Auditor identified deficiencies
- 2005-2007
- Every day process
- Process Discipline
- CAVR principles incorporated
- Standardization through FMIP and FMFIA
- Self-identified deficiencies
8OUTCOME Policies and Processes
- Used Financial Management Improvement Plan (FMIP)
to - Standardize and streamline policies and
procedures - Improve internal control practices
- Eliminate invalid financial transactions
- Eliminating root causes
- Lean6 approach
- Fact based analysis
- Improving quality of supporting documentation
Audit Actions
All FY05 and FY06 Actions completed
Audit Action Items
Fiscal Year
Transform Financial Management Processes to be
more disciplined
9OUTCOME Systems
- Improved internal control processes
- Eliminated material duplicate or repeat findings
- Linked system compliancy reporting to financial
audits - Established a repository for system documentation
and audit findings
Audit Actions
Minimum number of new audit actions identified
every year
Audit Action Items
Acceptable Range
Fiscal Year
Focus on closing audit actions as soon as possible
10OUTCOME Financial Management Practices
- Wrote down
- 80M AP
- 90M UDO
Aged Amounts (M)
Aged Amount (M)
Error Rates ()
- No recommended audit adjustments
- FY06
- FY07
Error Rate ()
Benefit to customer good financial management
results in accurate billing
11Continuing Success
- Policies and procedures to sustain position
- Enabling compliant systems
- Reports to track and monitor
- Managing within established metrics
12Balanced Scorecard
- Changing the paradigm means changing the culture
- Management needs to measure the right things to
motivate right changes - DFAS uses the Balanced Scorecard to monitor
process improvement
13Tri-Annual Review Reporting
ltblankgt - nothing has been done with the
document it has not been reviewed. RV - the
document has been reviewed and found to be
valid RA - the document has been adjusted RW -
the document is awaiting outside action
(contracting, disbursement, de-obligation) RC -
the document is closed. We are done with this
14What does this mean to you?
- Apply lessons learned to foster financial
improvement - Support customers efforts to achieve auditable
financial statements - Apply CAVR to all of our processes, systems
initiatives - Continue to transform to improve processes and
procedures - Series of Transformational Initiatives to improve
the organization - Ongoing programs to improve operational processes
15Continued Process Improvement
Our processes are how we accomplish our Mission
Mission Direct, approve, and perform finance and
accounting activities for DoD
The Approach - Process Excellence Program
Planned Results
- Risks identified
- Mitigation plans in place
- Robust internal controls
- Processes documented
- Continuous process improvement
Measuring Success
Process Maturity Level
Level 1 Ad Hoc
Level 2 Managed
Level 3 Standardized
Level 4 Integrated
Level 5 Optimized
By Dec 2008
- Completeness, Accuracy, Validity, Reliability and
above all REPEATABLE - Policies and processes
- Systems
- Financial Management Practices
- Key is linking processes, systems and financial
DFAS Transformation Blueprint
18Point of Contact
Norman Noe II norman.noe_at_dfas.mil 317 510-5864