Some Misc' Introductory notes on Physics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Some Misc' Introductory notes on Physics


and that was the beginning of science as we know it. ... He was a dreadful fellow...he was a drinker, a drunk actually, he was a cad and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Some Misc' Introductory notes on Physics

Some Misc. Introductory notes on Physics
  • Today we live in a world that revolted against
    superstitions and whims and opinions.
  • Somebody said, OH Yeah? Prove it! and that was
    the beginning of science as we know it.
  • Anyone can say anything they wish but if there is
    no proof then scientists tend to smile and walk
  • The greatest among the scientists are such as
    Isaac Newton. He will appear on every list of
    the top ten smartest guys who ever lived. BUT,
    in a letter to Robert Hookeyou remember him from
    biology, Newton wrote If I have seen further
    than you it is by standing upon the shoulders of
    giants. He wrote that in 1675. What did he mean
    by that?
  • Get your team together and see if you can find
    out what he meant by that and to whom might he be
    referring? Be specific in a fine ESSAY (5
    paragraph minimum) for 30 points due_________?

  • Galileo was his first namewhat was his last
    name? 5points, write it on a piece of paper for
  • Galileo said the book of nature was written in
    the language of MATH.
  • Galileo said only quantitative, objective
    characteristics mattered.
  • All mechanics can be quantified.
  • Galileo said such as color, taste, odor, the
    senses are not primary qualities but are
    secondary qualities in that they rely on
  • Get your team together and in a 5 paragraph ESSAY
    tell me 3 clear contributions Galileo made to
    science. 30 points. Due_________

  • This man was a great contributor to scientific
    thought andMATH!
  • Ask a math teacher to tell you ONE thing Rene
    Descartes contributed. Bring it back to me on
    paper for 5 points EC
  • I will tell younot for ECthat Descartes said
    that Physics was the science of moving forms of
    space just as geometry was the science of the
    resting forms of space.
  • He also said that objective nature consisted ONLY
    of the math aspects of objects like size, shape,
  • He also went on to say that all mechanics was
    capable of being imitated in a mechanical
    modeliethere was no difference between a
    working clock and a growing trees.
  • I would like you to approach your math teachers
    with such ideas and see if they will share their
    opinions of such statements with you. You may put
    that into your next 5 paragraph essayone per
    team30 points. Due_____
  • Descartes formulated the first clear statement of
    the Law of Inertia by suggesting that the natural
    motion of an isolated body is in a straight line
    at constant speed, any departure must be result
    of a push or pull.
  • He never fully developed this notion into the
    language of sciencemath.
  • Your essay should be an interesting reflection of
    your math teachers opinions, ideas, information
    about Descartes.

The Greeks
  • Newton, Galileo, Descartes were a long way from
    the much earlier Greeks like Aristotle whose
    OPINIONS were taken as absolute truth!
  • Aristotle was wrong when he said that all motion
    was governed by the objects final aim or
    purpose. A body would move as a result of an urge
    or desire on the part of a mover.
  • He also said that objects have a natural realm
    they try to return toso a rock falls down to
    its earthly realm.
  • He also was wrong when he said that stillness was
    a desired conditionhence things stopped moving.

Newtonian Motion
  • We bought Aristotles opinions for a long time.
  • But Newton proved that motion is neither
    intuitive nor purposeful, there is no inherent
    logic within the object to fill some cosmic
    schemethere is no desire
  • Motion simply IS.
  • The object has no thought or purpose.
  • The Law of Inertia simply states what isnot why.
  • Newton taught us there is NO significant
    difference between an object sitting still and an
    object moving relative to some frame of reference
    of our choosing.
  • Like may laws of Physics, they seem
    counterintuitive to our common sense.

Lest we become too arrogant
  • Math is truly wonderful for science and it has
    its place in logic BUTMath cannot help us much
    when we try to understand the Aesthetic, the
    Philosophical, the meaningful, humanistic, our
    rational sense of beingand love.or patriotism!
    Icons are not equations, not scientific but they
    speak to some part of us.
  • The myth may fail us as accurate, verifiable in
    its description of the way the universe works but
    myths score higher in adding meaning and
    significance to human life.

A myth
  • A myth is a wonderful explanation of something we
    may not understand scientifically.
  • You have read myths in your language arts
  • Get your team together.
  • 1. Choose a myth.
  • 2. Write a brief summary of it for me.
  • 3. CLEARLY point out what scientific principle
    the myth seeks to explain. Include any role
    played by humans in the creation of the
    scientific phenomena in your myth.
  • 30 points, one per teamdue_________

Newtons synthesis
  • About 320 years ago Newton, with the
    encouragement of Edmond Halley, published
    Principia Mathematica Philosophiae.
  • It is generally believed to be the greatest
    treatise ever published. Therein Isaac Newton
    proposed a new world viewa new universal view.
  • It was Mathematical. It wasnt religious or
    emotional. There was no conscious design to
    explain the behavior of nonliving objects.
  • These were simple truths, simple LAWS that
    applied to apples as well as to the moon, to the
    planets, to the stars, to childs toys.

Johannes Kepler
  • This man is a study in courage.
  • He had to discard much of what he had always been
    taught was true.
  • He had to call into question his religious
    beliefs and training.
  • He had to decide to CHOOSE math, quantification,
    numbers and logic and what can be measurednot
    felt or thought to be the case.but what indeed
    DID exist and was measurable!

Keplers Laws
  • Kepler looked at the sky at the stars and
    planets. Religion told himhe was studying to be
    a Lutheran ministerthat Heaven was perfection
    and Earth was corrupt.
  • The circle was perfect
  • Everything, therefore, that moved in the heavens
    above, moved in circular orbits.
  • Everyone KNEW this to be true
  • No one ever measured it, checked it out, verified
    it though.

Tycho Brahe
  • At the time Kepler was looking up at the night
    sky, so was a little fellow named Tycho Brahe. He
    was a dreadful fellowhe was a drinker, a drunk
    actually, he was a cad and a womanizer and
    generally a party animal.
  • BUT
  • He had a passion. Every night of his adult life
    he went out to his astronomically outfitted
    backyard and he measured, tracked, recorded the
    motion of every object he could see clearly in
    the night sky. NO TELESCOPE! Not invented yet.
  • But he tracked the motion of night sky objects
    across his homemade grid instrumentation and then
    he wrote down that the object was so many degrees
    N,S,E,W of frames of reference of his design.
  • He ended up with notebooks FULL of numbers and

Opposites dont always attract
  • So here we had a deeply religious Kepler trying
    to understand the behavior of sky objects and the
    wild man Brahe who jotted down columns and rows
    of numbers describing the positions of sky
  • Tycho Brahe had the data, Kepler needed the data
    to draw his conclusions as to HOW sky objects
  • They met. Brahe, who wore a silver nose since his
    own nose had been either bitten off or cut off in
    a drunken brawl, tantalized Kepler with his
    notebooks but would not give them up.
  • Brahe died. Some say of a burst bladder others
    say he died of peritonitis. Now Kepler was
    delayed again in trying to get at those numbers.
  • FINALLY the family allowed him the notebooks.

Keplers Dilemma
  • He went to work, Johannes Kepler, pored over
    those notebooks and tried to come up with ways
    the planets moved that allowed them to move in
    circlesPERFECT circlesreligiously correct
  • BUTno matter what he tried, Brahes numbers and
    perfect cirles did not fit one another!
  • So, Kepler had to choose religion or trust the
    numbers written by the sinner Brahe.
  • It was truly courageous. Kepler chose the
    calculations made my Brahe. He chose the
    emotionless, measurable numbers. It was wrenching
    for him!

Keplers Laws of Planetary Motion
  • The results of Keplers work are as follows
  • Planets travel around the sun in ELLIPTICAL
    orbits with the sun at one foci. This means that
    the planets are sometimes closer to the sun and
    sometimes farther from the sun. When they are
    closer, the planets move faster along their path.
    When they are farther they slow down as they
    travel along their path. BUT the areas swept out
    are always the same for a given time. In
    addition, planets are at varying distances from
    the sun so that closer planets move faster than
    farther planets as they orbit the sun.
  • He just didnt know why!! He know what but not
    why. Newton came along to explain why but he
    didnt know HOWit took Einstein to teach us HOW.

Newton said
  • If planets were isolated bodies in empty space
    they would move uniformly obeying the law of
    inertiamotion continues in a straight line until
    or unless some external net force acts to change
    the behavior.
  • BUT planets are not alone. Planets feel the
    effects of the massive sun on their behaviorthe
    force of gravity which bends straight line
    trajectories into elliptical orbits.
  • Newton said it is the action of this force which
    is responsible for the departure of planets etc
    from inertial motion.
  • But even Newton didnt know HOW it worked

Along came Einstein
  • It took Einstein to explain HOW gravity worked.
  • Generally what he suggested was this
  • Every bit of mass warps, bends the space around
    it, the same way a bowling ball would warp a
    tautly pulled sheet so that everything rolled
    onto the sheet would fall toward that lowest
    curve in the sheet.
  • Every mass warps space..
  • If you did not exist within the universe, the
    shape of the universe would be different!
  • The Earth is the biggest bowling ball rolling
    across the sheet of space. Everything rolled
    onto the sheet close to it will roll down in
    toward the Earth.

But now
  • Good grief
  • We still dont know for sure
  • There is the chaos theories and the String
    theories and waves theories and the quantum
    theory and and
  • We still dont really know for sure. What is a
    force? How does it arise? If we have never
    touched anythingHOW can we cause a change in
    behavior actually!
  • SoYOU might need to answer those and MANY more
    questions we still have!!
  • Dont ever assume we know everything about
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