Title: Smarties Adventure 2
1Smarties Adventure 2
2The Emerald Eye has been stolen from the museum
by Ethan Kolpit (an escaped convict) he is
planning to sell it as The Ethan Emerald to a
jewelry store.
- We need your help to get it back?
- It is said that Ethan hid the emerald in a
dumpster off Snazz Street or Loony Avenue - Go to Loony Avenue
- Go to Snazz Street
3You decided to go look in the dumpster off Loony
4All you found in the dumpster was Saltine
cracker boxes. Too bad.
- Click Here To Restart The Game
5You decided to go look in the dumpster off Snazz
6Too Late ?
- Before you got there, a garbage truck picked up
the trash? - What should you do?
- Follow the Garbage Truck
- Or
- Go to Loony Avenue
7You wanted to follow the garbage truck.
8It led you to a vacant lot with no dumpster and
the driver got out and
- Which Path will you take?
- Go report it to the F.B.I.
- Or
- Continue Watching The Driver
9You wanted to report the driver to the F.B.I.
10The F.B.I. were too busy trying to solve another
11You Continued Watching The Driver.
12You saw the driver take out a shovel and start
digging a hole.
- What do you do?!
- Go report it to the F.B.I. now
- Or
- Continue Watching the driver
13You Wanted To Continue Watching The Driver
14The driver took out something shiny and green
- But suddenly the man notices you and starts
walking towards you? - What Should You Do?
- Run Away As Fast As You Can
- Or
- Stay And Talk To Him
15You Wanted To Run Away As Fast As You Could
16You tripped over a box of saltine crackers
- and into an endless pit!
- Click Here To Continue
17You Stayed And Talked To Him
18You were talking to the driver
- and discovered he was Ethan Kolpit!
- Suddenly a whole bunch of Whumma Whummas came out
of nowhere and attacked Ethan. While other Whumma
Whummas got the emerald and gave it to you. - Click To Continue
19You showed your Boss the Emerald and received
your pay check. I cant tell you how much it was
for or else you would jump so high you would
smash right through the ceiling and we do not
want that to happen, do we? Best of all they are
making a fake copy of the emerald and you get to
keep the real one. Now, now dont jump to high at
that surprise. Stay tuned to see all the Whumma
Whummas and the credits!
20 - Credits
- Everything
- Evan Eschliman
- Zoe Bunton