Title: A Quick Introduction to Java Concurrent Programming
1A Quick Introduction to Java Concurrent
- CS 472 Operating Systems
- Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne
- Mark Temte
2Java threads
- Java thread have the following states
- -- new
- -- running
- -- ready
- -- inactive (blocked)
- -- finished
3Java threads
- A new thread is created by subclassing the
- Thread class and overriding the run() method
- public class MyThread extends Thread
public MyThread() public void run()
ltactivity of the threadgt
4Java threads
- A method may start a thread as follows
- ? ? ? MyThread t new MyThread()
- ? ? ? t.start() ? ? ?
- Method start() invokes the run() method.
5Thread methods
- Thread methods-- start()-- sleep( milliseconds
)-- setPriority( n ) n is in the range 1 to
10-- interrupt() - Method interrupt() is applied by one thread to a
target thread - It sets a flag in the target thread that
requests that the target thread sleep when
appropriate. - The target thread must check the flag periodically
6Thread methods
- Every thread inherits methods
- -- wait()-- notify()-- notifyAll()
- When a thread applies wait() to an object, the
thread becomes inactive until another thread
applies notify() to that object - notify() awakens a single thread waiting on the
object - notifyAll() awakens all threads waiting on the
7Deprecated methods
- Deprecated methods are inherently unsafe and
should no longer be used - For threads, these include
- -- stop() Use t null instead-- suspend()
Prone to deadlock - -- resume() Prone to deadlock
8Object locks
- Every Java object has a lock used in
conjunction with a synchronized statement ? ?
? synchronized( someObj ) ltcritical
sectiongt ? ? ? - someObj represents a critical resource for which
mutual exclusion is needed - Critical code associated with someObj should be
placed in a synchronized statement
9Synchronized statement
- A thread executing a synchronized statement must
acquire someObjs lock - If someObj is already locked, the thread blocks
- The object acts like a binary semaphore
initialized to 1 - However, the thread blocked the longest is not
guaranteed to acquire the lock next
10Synchronized methods
- The synchronized method
- synchronized type method(? ? ?) ? ?
? is an abbreviation for - type method (? ? ?) synchronized( this )
? ? ? - In other words, the entire body of a synchronized
method is a synchronized statement on the object
to which the method is applied.
11Constructing a Java monitor
- Make use of the synchronized statement
- Example class MyMonitor ltprivate instance
variablesgt public MyMonitor( )? ? ? public
synchronized type1 method1(? ? ?)? ? ? public
synchronized type2 method2(? ? ?)? ? ? ltetc.gt
12Java monitor
- Using My Monitor
- ? ? ? m new MyMonitor() ? ? ? m.method2()
- ? ? ?
- The method blocks if m is locked by another thread
13Implementing a semaphore
- Application Implement a weak, counting
semaphore in Java - The semaphore is weak because the Java runtime
system does not use a FIFO queue for threads
waiting on notify() - Recall that the thread blocked the longest is not
guaranteed to acquire the lock next - A Java monitor is surprisingly tricky to
14Java semaphore implementation
- First attempt
- class Semaphore // private int value 0
// public Semaphore( int initial ) if (
initial gt 0 ) value initial //end
Sempaphore // public synchronized void p()
if ( value 0 ) // then no resources left,
so wait wait() value-- //end p //
public synchronized void v() if ( value 0
) // if not true, no need to notify
notify() - value //end v ////end class
Recall notation p() wait v() signal
15Java semaphore implementation
- This first attempt is flawed
- Barging is possible
- A thread calling p() might get in the monitor
before the thread notified with v() can get back
in from the ready state - Both calls will succeed when only one should
- This is a safety violation the number of
successful waits exceed the number allowed
16Java semaphore implementation
Second attempt solves the barging
problem Change if to while in p( ) class
Semaphore // private int value 0 //
public Semaphore( int initial ) if ( initial
gt 0 ) value initial //end Sempaphore //
public synchronized void p() while( value
0 ) // then no resources left, so wait
wait() value-- //end p // public
synchronized void v() if( value 0 ) //
if not true, no need to notify notify()
value //end v ////end class
17Java semaphore implementation
- The second attempt replaces if by while in
p() - This forces p() to check the condition again
after being scheduled - This second attempt is also flawed due to another
barging problem
18Java semaphore implementation
- This time, assume several threads are waiting
- One thread is released by the next notify()
- Before it can act, several threads call v()
- notify()s are lost since valuegt0
- Other threads wait unnecessarily
- This is a liveness violation the number of
successful waits is fewer than allowed - We need to keep track of the total number of
waits and notifies
19Java semaphore implementation
- Final successful attempt
- // DESCRIPTION This Java class implements a
weak counting semaphore// as described by
Stephen Hartley, SIGCSE Bulletin, Vol. 31, Num.
1, // March 1999, pp. 58 62. Note A
mandatory try-catch-finally block// associated
with the possibility of interruption has been
omitted to // simplify the presentation.class
Semaphore // private int value 0
private int waitCount 0 // tabulates the
number of waits private int notifyCount 0
// tabulates the number of notifys // public
Semaphore( int initial ) if ( initial gt 0 )
value initial //end Sempaphore //
public synchronized void p() - lt next page gt //end p // public
synchronized void v() - lt next page gt //end v ////end class
20Java semaphore implementation
- Final successful attempt
- public synchronized void p() if ( value lt
waitCount ) // then no resources left, so
wait waitCount do
wait() while ( notifyCount 0 )
waitCount-- - notifyCount-- else if (
notifyCount gt waitCount ) // then use up one
notify notifyCount-- value--
//end p // public synchronized void v()
value if ( waitCount gt notifyCount ) //
if not true, no need to notify
notifyCount notify() //end v