Title: Clustering and Classification In Gene Expression Data
1Clustering and Classification In Gene Expression
- Carlo Colantuoni
- ccolantu_at_jhsph.edu
Slide Acknowledgements Elizabeth Garrett-Mayer,
Rafael Irizarry, Giovanni Parmigiani, David
Madigan, Kevin Coombs, Richard Simon, Ingo
Ruczinski.Classification based in part on Chapter
10 of Hand, Manilla, Smyth and Chapter 7 of Han
and Kamber
2Data from Garber et al. PNAS (98), 2001.
3(No Transcript)
- Clustering is an exploratory tool to see who's
running with who Genes and Samples. - Unsupervized
- NOT for classification of samples.
- NOT for identification of differentially
expressed genes.
- Clustering organizes things that are close into
groups. - What does it mean for two genes to be close?
- What does it mean for two samples to be close?
- Once we know this, how do we define groups?
- Hierarchical and K-Means Clustering
- We need a mathematical definition of distance
between two points - What are points?
- If each gene is a point, what is the mathematical
definition of a point?
1 2 . . . . . . . N
1 2 . . . . . . . . G
- Gene1 (E11, E12, , E1N)
- Gene2 (E21, E22, , E2N)
- Sample1 (E11, E21, , EG1)
- Sample2 (E12, E22, , EG2)
- Egiexpression gene g, sample i
8Most Famous Distance
- Euclidean distance
- Example distance between gene 1 and 2
- Sqrt of Sum of (E1i -E2i)2, i1,,N
- When N is 2, this is distance as we know it
When N is 20,000 you have to think abstractly
9Correlation can also be used to compute distance
- Pearson Correlation
- Spearman Correlation
- Uncentered Correlation
- Absolute Value of Correlation
10- The difference is that, if you have two vectors X
and Y with identical - shape, but which are offset relative to each
other by a fixed value, - they will have a standard Pearson correlation
(centered correlation) - of 1 but will not have an uncentered correlation
of 1.
11The similarity/distance matrices
1 2 ...G
1 2 .N
1 2 . . . . . . . . G
1 2 . . . . . . . . G
12The similarity/distance matrices
1 2 ..N
1 2 .N
1 2 . . . . . . . . G
1 2 . . . N
13Gene and Sample Selection
- Do you want all genes included?
- What to do about replicates from the same
individual/tumor? - Genes that contribute noise will affect your
results. - Including all genes dendrogram cant all be
seen at the same time. - Perhaps screen the genes?
14Two commonly seen clustering approaches in gene
expression data analysis
- Hierarchical clustering
- Dendrogram (red-green picture)
- Allows us to cluster both genes and samples in
one picture and see whole dataset organized - K-means/K-medoids
- Partitioning method
- Requires user to define K of clusters a
priori - No picture to (over)interpret
15Hierarchical Clustering
- The most overused statistical method in gene
expression analysis - Gives us pretty red-green picture with patterns
- But, pretty picture tends to be pretty unstable.
- Many different ways to perform hierarchical
clustering - Tend to be sensitive to small changes in the data
- Provided with clusters of every size where to
cut the dendrogram is user-determined
16Choose clustering direction
- Agglomerative clustering (bottom-up)
- Starts with as each gene in its own cluster
- Joins the two most similar clusters
- Then, joins next two most similar clusters
- Continues until all genes are in one cluster
- Divisive clustering (top-down)
- Starts with all genes in one cluster
- Choose split so that genes in the two clusters
are most similar (maximize distance between
clusters) - Find next split in same manner
- Continue until all genes are in single gene
17Choose linkage method (if bottom-up)
- Single Linkage join clusters whose distance
between closest genes is smallest (elliptical) - Complete Linkage join clusters whose distance
between furthest genes is smallest (spherical) - Average Linkage join clusters whose average
distance is the smallest.
18Dendrogram Creation Interpretation
19Dendrogram Creation Interpretation
20Dendrogram Creation Interpretation
21Cluster Assignment
22Simulated Data with 4 clusters 1-10, 11-20,
21-30, 31-40
450 relevant genes 450 noise genes.
450 relevant genes.
23K-means and K-medoids
- Partitioning Method
- Dont get pretty picture
- MUST choose number of clusters K a priori
- More of a black box because output is most
commonly looked at purely as assignments - Each object (gene or sample) gets assigned to a
cluster - Begin with initial partition
- Iterate so that objects within clusters are most
24K-means (continued)
- Euclidean distance most often used
- Spherical clusters.
- Can be hard to choose or figure out K.
- Not unique solution clustering can depend on
initial partition - No pretty figure to (over)interpret
25K-means Algorithm
- 1. Choose K centroids at random
- 2. Make initial partition of objects into k
clusters by assigning objects to closest centroid - Calculate the centroid (mean) of each of the k
clusters. - a. For object i, calculate its distance to each
of - the centroids.
- b. Allocate object i to cluster with closest
- centroid.
- c. If object was reallocated, recalculate
centroids based - on new clusters.
- 4. Repeat 3 for object i 1,.N.
- Repeat 3 and 4 until no reallocations occur.
- Assess cluster structure for fit and stability
- We start with some data
- Interpretation
- We are showing expression for two samples for 14
genes - We are showing expression for two genes for 14
samples - This is with 2 genes.
Iteration 0
- Choose K centroids
- These are starting values that the user picks.
- There are some data driven ways to do it
Iteration 0
- Make first partition by finding the closest
centroid for each point - This is where distance is used
Iteration 1
- Now re-compute the centroids by taking the middle
of each cluster
Iteration 2
- Repeat until the centroids stop moving or until
you get tired of waiting
Iteration 3
31K-means Limitations
- Final results depend on starting values
- How do we chose K? There are methods but not much
theory saying what is best. - Where are the pretty pictures?
32Assessing cluster fit and stability
- Most often ignored.
- Cluster structure is treated as reliable and
precise - Can be VERY sensitive to noise and to outliers
- Homogeneity and Separation
- Cluster Silhouettes how similar genes within a
cluster are to genes in other clusters (Rousseeuw
Journal of Computation and Applied Mathematics,
- Silhouette of gene i is defined as
- ai average distance of gene i to other gene in
same cluster - bi average distance of gene i to genes in its
nearest neighbor cluster
34WADP Weighted Average Discrepancy Pairs
- Add perturbations to original data
- Calculate the number of paired samples that
cluster together in the original cluster that
didnt in the perturbed - Repeat for every cutoff (i.e. for each k)
- Do iteratively
- Estimate for each k the proportion of discrepant
35(No Transcript)
- Diagnostic tests are good examples of classifiers
- A patient has a given disease or not
- The classifier is a machine that accepts some
clinical parameters as input, and spits out an
prediction for the patient - D
- Not-D
- Classes must be mutually exclusive and exhaustive
37Components of Class Prediction
- Select features (genes)
- Which genes will be included in the model
- Select type of classifier
- E.g. (D)LDA, SVM, k-Nearest-Neighbor,
- Fit parameters for model (train the classifier)
- Quantify predictive accuracy Cross-Validation
38Feature Selection
- Goal is to identify a small subset of genes which
together give accurate predictions. - Methods will vary depending on nature of
classification problem - Choose genes with significant t-statistics to
distinguish between two simple classes e.g.
39Classifier Selection
- In microarray classification, the number of
features is (almost) always much greater than the
number of samples. - Overfitting is a distinct risk, and increases
with more complicated methods.
40How microarrays differ from the rest of the world
- Complex classification algorithms such as neural
networks that perform better elsewhere dont do
as well as simpler methods for expression data. - Comparative studies have shown that simpler
methods work as well or better for microarray
problems because the number of candidate
predictors exceeds the number of samples by
orders of magnitude. - (Dudoit, Fridlyand and Speed JASA 2001)
41Statistical Methods Appropriate for Class
Comparison may not be Appropriate for Class
- Demonstrating statistical significance of
prognostic factors is not the same as
demonstrating predictive accuracy. - Demonstrating goodness of fit of a model to the
data used to develop it is not a demonstration
of predictive accuracy. - Most statistical methods were not developed for
pgtgtn prediction problems
42Linear discriminant analysis
- If there are K classes, simply draw lines
(planes) to divide the space of expression
profiles into K regions, one for each class. - If profile X falls in region K, predict class K.
43Nearest Neighbor Classification
- To classify a new observation X, measure the
distance d(X,Xi) between X and every sample Xi
in training set - Assign to X the class label of its nearest
neighbor in the training set.
44Random Forests
- Build several random decision trees and have
them vote to determine final classification
45Evaluating a classifier
- Want to estimate the error rate when classifier
is used to predict class of a new observation - The ideal approach is to get a set of new
observations, with known class label and see how
frequently the classifier makes the correct
prediction. - Performance on the training set is a poor
approach, and will deflate the error estimate. - Cross validation methods are used to get less
biased estimates of error using only the training
46Split-Sample Evaluation
- Training-set
- Used to select features, select model type,
determine parameters and cut-off thresholds - Test-set
- Withheld until a single model is fully specified
using the training-set. - Fully specified model is applied to the
expression profiles in the test-set to predict
class labels. - Number of errors is counted
47V-fold cross validation
- Divide data into V groups.
- Hold one group back, train the classifier on
other V-1 groups, and use it to predict the last
one. - Rotate through all V points, holding each back.
- Error estimate is total error rate on all V test
48Leave-one-out Cross Validation
- Hold one data point back, train the classifier
on other n-1 data points, and use it to predict
the last one. - Rotate through all n points, holding each back.
- Error estimate is total error rate on all n test
49Non-cross-validated Prediction
1. Prediction rule is built using full data
set. 2. Rule is applied to each specimen for
class prediction.
Cross-validated Prediction (Leave-one-out method)
1. Full data set is divided into training and
test sets (test set contains 1 specimen). 2.
Prediction rule is built from scratch using the
training set. 3. Rule is applied to the specimen
in the test set for class prediction. 4.
Process is repeated until each specimen has
appeared once in the test set.
50Which to use depends mostly on sample size
- If the sample is large enough, split into test
and train groups. - If sample is barely adequate for either testing
or training, use leave one out - In between consider V-fold. This method can give
more accurate estimates than leave one out, but
reduces the size of training set.
- Cross-validation of a model cannot occur after
selecting the genes to be used in the model
52Incomplete (incorrect) Cross-Validation
- Publications are using all the data to select
genes and then cross-validating only the
parameter estimation component of model
development - Highly biased
- Many published complex methods which make strong
claims based on incorrect cross-validation. - Frequently seen in complex feature set selection
algorithms - Some software encourages inappropriate
53Gene-Expression Profiles in Hereditary Breast
- Breast tumors studied
- 7 BRCA1 tumors
- 8 BRCA2 tumors
- 7 sporadic tumors
- Log-ratios measurements of 3226 genes for each
tumor after initial data filtering
RESEARCH QUESTION Can we distinguish BRCA1 from
BRCA1 cancers and BRCA2 from BRCA2 cancers
based solely on their gene expression profiles?