Title: Organic Food in the Future of Irish Food
1Organic Food in the Future of Irish Food
- John McKenna
- Sunday 18th November
225 Years of IOFGA
- The Culture of Agri-Culture
3Eating is an Agricultural Act
4The Argument
- It really is a lifestyle choice. There is no
bad food and no good food, but the key is a
balanced diet. - Pat OMahony, FSAI
5The Balanced Intellectual Diet
- The disdain of nature and craft that still
dominates our agriculture. - Roger Deakin Wildwood
6The Lifestyle
What about this over crowded land? How much more
abuse from man can she stand. Marvin Gaye
Mercy Mercy Me The Ecology
7Organics and Ecology
Ecology has become the new dismal science. It
has grown less moral and social.
Environmentalism used to be about how we want to
live now it is about how we have to live.
Christopher Caldwell
8The Message
- Organics. Because youre worth it.
9The Language
Autonomy. Conviviality. Simplicity French
Decrease Movement The consumer as
co-producer Slow Food Enlightened agriculture
is guided by the most fundamental human values,
of morality and aesthetics Colin Tudge
10Organics The Luxury Brand
11Artisan Economics
Not Industrial Organic, not Supermarket
Pastoral, but Ecological Organic
12The Ambition
- Food Citizens
- They understand the need to break our
generations addictions and to build up stronger
decencies with the land and its resources. - Giana Ferguson
13The Ambition
- Food Care
- A commodity is like a filter, stripping
qualities and histories from the harvest of a
particular farm and farmer. - Michael Pollan
14The Ambition
- Food Heart
- Try to think of a politician whose prospects
have been damaged by revelations about what he or
she eats. - Peter Singer Jim Mason
15The Ambition
- Food Footprint
- There is hardly anything in this world that
anyone cannot make a little cheaper, and a little
worse. - John Ruskin