Title: CT10398E Software Applications
1CT10398ESoftware Applications
2Whats in store this week
- News
- (Brief) Review of Week 1
- Introduction to HTML
- Tags Attributes
- Images
- Links
- Workshop groups have been re-allocated
- The Monday 5-7 workshop is cancelled
- The Thursday 4-6 workshop is also cancelled
- A provisional workshop group list has been
published on the Module Study Guide - http//mercury.tvu.ac.uk/swa/
- Ensure you check to see what time you are due to
attend If you have any problems with your group
allocation, please e-mail or speak to me as soon
as possible
- All Multimedia computing Major students should
attend the LSDS sessions following this lecture - I suggest students with surnames beginning with
A-K attend the 1000-1100 and L-Z attend the
5(Brief) Review of Week 1
- Introduction to the Module
- History of the Internet
- The WWW
- Web Sites
6Introduction to HTML
- Web pages are generally written in HTML
- Hypertext Mark-up Language
- HTML is a method of marking-up text
- Designed to describe structure of a document
- Not designed to describe the way the document is
displayed - this is up to the individual browser - A Web browser is a piece of software that takes
web pages and renders them to screen - Different browsers may render the same page in
different ways
7Introduction to HTML
- Why should browsers render the same document
differently? - Some browsers may not have access to a graphical
display lynx, links - Tools such as screen readers exist to aid people
with visual difficulties - and you cant read
images - Implementation decisions - HTML as a
specification is quite flexible
8Introduction to HTML
- HTML is a standard
- The most current version is HTML 4.01
- Transitional - a version which is for people
moving from previous versions - a number of tags
and elements are permitted which are deprecated - Strict - the proper version of HTML 4.01
- Whilst you can write documents in older versions
of HTML, this is inadvisable - We will begin with HTML 4.01 Transitional
9Introduction to HTML
- What is marking up?
- marking up
- a description of the structure of a document
- the process of indicating how a document should
look or display - When you make text bold, italic, or underlined in
a word processor, you are marking up that text.
10Introduction to HTML
- Why is marking up useful?
- Giving structure to a document
- can make it easier to understand
- can make it more interesting to read
- Especially when you have a large quantity of text
- it helps to highlight key sections - Imagine trying to read a novel if it had no
paragraph breaks...
11Introduction to HTML
- ...and other documents can benefit too
- A Mediocre Haiku Ethereal fog Floats over roads
and fields I watch the sun rise. - A Mediocre Haiku
- Ethereal fog
- Floats over roads and fields
- I watch the Sun rise.
12Introduction to HTML
- An HTML document is a simple text file
- It contains text surrounded by elements used to
mark up sections - These elements are called tags
- Tags are indicated by angled brackets lt...gt
- Tags generally come in pairs
- One tag to begin the mark up, and one to end it
- There are exceptions
- The closing tag begins with a forward slash
13Introduction to HTML
- Tags must be properly nested
- This means when you open a tag, all tags inside
it must be closed before you can close the tag - e.g.
- lthtmlgtltheadgtlt/headgtlt/htmlgt
- ...is properly nested but
- lthtmlgtltheadgtlt/htmlgtlt/headgt
- ...is not properly nested
- The html element has been closed off, but the
head element is still open - not allowed!
14Introduction to HTML
- There are two different types of tag
- Block level tags apply to whole sections of a
document - Blocks can have other blocks contained inside
- Inline tags must be contained within a block
15Introduction to HTML
- The first tag that you will need to know is the
tag which indicates the contents are in HTML - lthtmlgt ... lt/htmlgt
- Everything in between the lthtmlgt and the lt/htmlgt
is HTML - An HTML document consists of two parts
- A head
- A body
16Introduction to HTML
- lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt
- ... Head
- lt/headgt
- ltbodygt
- ... Body
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
17Introduction to HTML - Head
- The head of an HTML document is an unordered
collection of information about the document - It does not contain information to display in the
document when rendered by a browser - It must contain a title - most browsers will
display this in the title bar - lttitlegtSoftware Applications Week 1lt/titlegt
18Introduction to HTML - Body
- The body of a HTML document contains all the
elements that make up the document, together with
the HTML that provide the structure of the
document - In HTML 4.01 Transitional, it also contains
information on how to format and lay out the
document - This is being phased out - the W3C prefer that
the structure of a document and the specifics of
how it should be displayed be kept separate
19Introduction to HTML
- By default, the text in an HTML document will be
displayed as one long line, running from left to
right across the page, and forming a new line
only when there is not enough space to display
any more on the current line - Just like the text in a word processor!
20Introduction to HTML - Paragraphs
- In an HTML document, carriage returns are not
recognised - So you cant add a line break into text by simply
pressing the RETURN key - Any number of consecutive carriage returns and
paces will reduce down to just a single space - How can we make paragraphs and carriage returns
then? - There are a whole series of tags to indicate
headings and paragraphs
21Introduction to HTML - Paragraphs
- The paragraph tag ltpgtlt/pgt marks up a block as
being a single paragraph - The heading tags lth1gtlt/h1gt lth2gtlt/h2gt ...
lth6gtlt/h6gt indicate a block as being a heading - You cannot have paragraph tags in a heading, or
vice-versa - Why are there six different headings?
22Introduction to HTML - Headings
- Because there are different types of heading
- Think of a newspaper
- Title
- Column/Article Heading
- Section Heading
- Main article text
- The title is akin to the effect of the lth1gt tag
23Introduction to HTML - Headings
- As you go up in number, the effect is that the
heading gets smaller - so lth6gt is the smallest
heading - How can we add a carriage return in a document?
- We use the ltbrgt (break) tag
- This is an example of a tag that does not have a
closing tag
24Introduction to HTML - Line Break
- The ltbrgt tag simply forces a carriage return in a
document - You would place a ltbrgt tag each time you want to
add a line break without starting a new paragraph - A Mediocre Haiku Ethereal fog Floats over roads
and fields I watch the sun rise. -
25Introduction to HTML - Line Break
- With some ltbrgt tags
- A Mediocre HaikultbrgtEthereal fogltbrgtFloats over
roads and fieldsltbrgtI watch the sun rise. - A Mediocre Haiku
- Ethereal fog
- Floats over roads and fields
- I watch the sun rise.
26Introduction to HTML - Formatting
- You can add tags to format text
- The preferred tags are
- ltstronggtlt/stronggt to indicate strongly typed text
- ltemgtlt/emgt to indicate emphasised text
- These are merely indications of structure - it is
up to the browser to decide what is meant by
those terms - Typically strong text will be displayed in bold,
and emphasised text in italics.
27Introduction to HTML - Formatting
- There are other formatting tags in HTML 4.01
Transitional - Whilst learning HTML these are
fine to use - ltbgtlt/bgt Bold
- ltigtlt/igt Italics
- ltugtlt/ugt Underlined
- ltcentergtlt/centergt Centre-align text
- ltfontgtlt/fontgt Font tag
28Introduction to HTML - Formatting
- The ltfontgt tag allows many aspects of the font to
be adjusted - Size, face, colour, background colour...
- We specify details with attributes
- Attributes are extra information which come
inside the tag - ltfont size"3"gt
- size is an attribute of the tag font, and is
being set to the value "3"
29Introduction to HTML - Attributes
- Most tags have attributes
- ltbodygt for example has the following attributes
(amongst others) - text - sets the default colour of text
- bgcolor - sets the background colour
- link - sets the colour of hyperlinks
- vlink - sets the colour of visited hyperlinks
30Introduction to HTML - Links
- The main point behind hypertext is to allow
information to be structured into blocks, and
linked to other information - We achieve this with links
- A link is simply a pointer to another file - the
target - Links can point to files on the same site, or
outside of the current web site
31Introduction to HTML - Links
- There are two ways to identify the target of a
link - You can give the absolute address
- Grove House, 1 The Grove, Ealing. W5 5DX
- Or you can give a relative address
- From St. Marys road, turn right and follow the
road until you reach Finnegans Wake pub. Then
take another right. Grove House is the red-brick
building on the left
32Introduction to HTML - Links
- The ltagtlt/agt tag is used to create links
- The attribute href specifies the target
- A link can be internal - that is it points to a
block within the same page - indicated with an
anchor - To create an anchor, the command is
- lta name"Introduction"gtlt/agt
- This creates an anchor with the name
33Introduction to HTML - Links
- To create a link to an internal anchor, you set
href to be the name of the anchor prefixed with a
- lta href"Introduction"gt
- To create a external link, you set href to the
address of the target - Absolute
- lta href"http//elgar.tvu.ac.uk/"gt
- Relative
- lta href"images/top.gif"gt
34Introduction to HTML - Links
- An absolute address always begins with the
resource identifier (the http// bit) - In the absence of a resource identifier, the link
is always a relative link - In a relative link, you give the path to a file
- so lta href"cv.html"gt points to a file called
cv.html in the same directory as the current
35Introduction to HTML - Links
- lta href"images/top.gif"gt points to a file called
top.gif in a subdirectory called images - if the relative address begins with a / then the
following path is relative to the root of the web
server - this will be explained next week
36Introduction to HTML - Images
- Images will be dealt with properly in Week 4
- For now, you should simply know how to add an
image - well worry about other issues regarding
them later - The tag is ltimggt - another element which has no
closing tag - The source of the image is pointed to using the
src attribute - ltimg src"top.gif"gt
37Introduction to HTML - Resources
- There are many online tutorials and references to
help you pick up HTML - All you need to write HTML is a simple text
editor - TextPad (http//www.textpad.com/) is
recommended, as it will colour-highlight your
HTML to make it easier to read - A few are listed on the Module Study Guide, but
for more simply do a web search for html tutorial
38Practical Work
- Familiarise yourself with the basics of HTML by
writing simple pages - Specifics can be found on the MSG at
- http//mercury.tvu.ac.uk/swa/
39Next Week
- Publishing pages on the WWW
- Assignment 1