Title: Reports in Access
1Reports in Access
- Using expressions
- Using totals and control breaks
- Event procedures
- order of events
- useful event procedures
2Using Expressions
- Calculations, e.g. line item totals
- example
- formatting the expression
Unbound text box control source is expression
Quantity Price
Use the Format property of the Text Box to change
the expression to Currency
3Using Expressions
- Concatenating column headings or other text
fields - makes a report look tidier
- example
Delete messy looking labels and create an
unbound text box field. Join the fields using
CompanyName , LocationName ,
4Using Expressions
- Page numbers and dates
- automatically generated by report wizard BUT you
may want to change them - example
Page numbers -- create unbound text box and
select page number option from Insert menu
creates an expression Page Page
Dates -- create unbound text box and select date
and time options from Insert menu creates an
expression Format(Date(),Long Date)
5Using Expressions
- Yes/No Values useful for categorizing information
- example
In a group header, add a check box. Modify the
control source to check for a value.
(SentDate - OrderDate) lt 2 Check box will
be filled in if the expression returns True.
6Using Expressions
- IIf function
- useful for printing only the relevant information
for a line item - returns the true action if the condition is
satisfied, otherwise it returns the false action - example
IIf (IsNull(Age), , Age years old,)
7Using Control Breaks and Totals
- Control breaks
- control breaks in Access are group headers and
footers - in Report Design view, set properties for group
headers and footers - can group on a specific value (e.g., category) or
a range of values (e.g., numeric)
8Using Control Breaks and Totals
- Totals
- VERY important to summarize information whenever
there is a control break and at the end of a
report - place totals in group footers for control breaks
and in the report footer for grand totals - Count function used to count occurrences of a
field - example
Add unbound text box to a group footer. Set
control source to an expression Sum(Quantity
Price). Format as Currency.
9Report Events
- Open
- when a report is opened, but before printing
takes place. - could be used to warn user that the report will
take a long time to print, or even to password
protect the report - example ...
10Report Events
Private Sub Report_Open (Cancel As Integer) Dim
strPwd As String strPwd InputBox (Please
enter the report password, Password) If
strPwd ltgt OpenTheReportHAL Then MsgBox Im
afraid I cant do that Dave! Cancel
True End If End Sub
11Report Events
- Activate
- when a report that has been opened becomes the
active window - good place to display a custom menu or toolbar
- example
Private Sub Report_Activate() DoCmd.ShowToolbar
FullOrder, acToolbarYes End Sub
12Report Events
- Deactivate
- when the report stops being the active window,
but before another Access window becomes active - use to remove the toolbar or menu
- Close
- when the report is closed and removed from the
screen - could use to log who used the report
13Report Events
- Error
- when an error is generated within a report but
NOT from a VB runtime error - has 2 arguments
- DataErr is the error number, as set by Err
- Response determines whether an error message is
displayed - acDataErrContinue -- do not display the Access
error message (but could display one of your own) - acDataErrDisplay -- display the Access error
message (default)
14Report Events
Private Sub Report_Error (DataErr As Integer,
Response As Integer) Response
acDataErrContinue LogError (Me, DataErr) End Sub
15Report Events
- Format
- called every time Access formats the data in a
report - can be used to change report layout
- example ...
16Report Events
Private Sub GroupFooter2_Format (Cancel As
Integer, FormatCount As Integer) If txtTotal gt
1000 Then lblAccount.Visible True Else
lblAccountVisible False End If End Sub
17Report Events
If FormatCount 1 Then Select Case Age Case
Is lt 15 IntLessThan15 intLessThan15
1 Case Is gt 15 IntMoreThan15 intMoreThan15
1 Case Else Do nothing End Select End
18Report Events
- Print
- after a section has been formatted but before it
has been printed - another way to count fields by their values
- store results in text boxes
- example ...
19Report Events
If PrintCount 1 Then If Status Open
Then OpenIssues OpenIssues 1 End If If
Priority High Then HighPriority
HighPriority 1 End If End If
20Report Events
- NoData
- the EASIEST event procedure every report needs
this one - example
Private Sub Report_NoData (Cancel As
Integer) MsgBox No data for this
report Cancel True End Sub