Title: Normality and Skewness of Genetic Evaluations
1Normality and Skewness of Genetic Evaluations
2Effects of Skewness
- Number of extreme bulls
- Rankings are ok within countries
- Problems when EBVs with differing skewness merged
across countries - Linear vs non-linear models
- Economic contribution to index
- Values linear on underlying or observed scale?
3Observed vs Underlying EBV
5Data and Methods
- May 2006 MACE evaluations
- All traits (except conf.) on all scales
- Only bulls with domestic data
- Skewness computed within year
- Removed birth year trend by linear regression
- Removal had little effect for traits with small
genetic trends
6Protein, SCS, Longevity Skewness (Within year,
for countries sampling most bulls)
Ctry Pro SCS Long Ctry Pro SCS Long
USA -.16 -.26 .03 POL .93
DEU .13 -.16 -.01 NZL -.10 -.29 .09
FRA -.05 -.23 .06 GBR -.48 -.25 -.06
NLD -.13 -.24 -.15 JPN .18 -.25
DNK1 .10 -.20 -.03 ESP .03 -.33 -.30
ITA .27 -.17 -.36 CZE -.07 -.81
CAN .20 -.33 .00 HUN .20 -.22
AUS .06 -.19 -.09 ISR .02 -.27 -.06
1 Protein obtained from Denmark-Finland-Sweden
joint evaluation
7Calving Ease Skewness (Within year)
Ctry Dir Mat Modl Ctry Dir Mat Modl
USA -.18 -.08 Thr SWE -.69 -.53
FRA -.29 -.01 Thr FIN -.65 -.67
NLD -.37 -.21 ISR -.59 -.81
DNK1 -.55 -.17 CHE -.80 -.30
ITA -.12 -.16 Thr
CAN -.47 -.34
AUS -.60 USA -.69 -.42 Thr
DEU -.48 -.84
Observed scale Pilot run
1 Protein obtained from Denmark-Finland-Sweden
joint evaluation
8Stillbirth and Mastitis Skewness (Within year)
Stillbirth Stillbirth Clinical
Ctry Direct Maternal Mastitis
NLD -.48 -.62
DNK -.54 -.47 -.21
SWE -.41 -.63 -.23
FIN -.52 -.69 -.24
ISR -.52 -.94
CHE -.86 -.06
USA -.10 -.23
USA -.32 -.69
Underlying scale Observed scale
9Fertility Skewness
- Heifer conception rate
- Range -.23 to .11
- Days to first insemination
- Range -.33 to -.09
- Cow conception rate
- Range -.20 to .10
- Calving interval or days open
- Range -.35 to -.04
10Extreme Calving Ease Bulls
- USA compared to foreign bulls
- Slightly poorer for direct and better for
maternal calving ease on average - Percent of extreme 100 bulls across scales
- 45 (direct) and 32 (maternal) of BEST
- 20 (direct) and 21 (maternal) of WORST
- 34 (direct) and 22 (maternal) of ALL bulls
- Unskewed EBVs are an advantage
- Economics linear on observed scale?
- Cumulative normal density
- Converts underlying to observed scale EBVs in
threshold models - Exponential (Manly, 1976)
- exp(a EBV) 1 / a
- Choose a to make skewness 0
- Skewness differs by trait
- Yield and longevity fairly normal
- SCS always moderately skewed
- Calving traits, stillbirth most skewed
- Underlying vs observed scale
- Nonlinear transformations useful
- Consistent skewness is desired