Title: Study of the impact of technology in primary schools
1Study of the impact of technology in primary
2Aims of STEPS
To compare strategies
For ICT in primary schools in the EU27 IS,
- Learning and learners - Teachers and teaching
- School plans and strategies
To analyse impact on
To identify
Barriers and enablers
For recommendations
To provide evidence
3Approach and Methodology /1 Analytical
4Approach and Methodology /2 Multiple
Teacher survey 18,000 interviews
60 research studies, 22 countries
Policy survey 30 Correspondents
School survey 255 respondents
Birmingham UK
25 case studies, 13 countries
5Approach and Methodology /3 30 country briefs
Case studies
Education policy
Common format
Examples of good practice
ICT in schools
Evidence from national research
LearnInd country analysis
7Impact on learners /1Knowledge, skills and
- Teachers are positive
- Skills and competence development
- are supported with ICT
- ICT helps children understand better
- ICT improves provision for
- individual needs
- Learners may lack basic computer skills
- Discrepancy between
- childrens home and school ICT use
8Impact on learners /2 Motivation, confidence
and engagement in learning
- More motivated and attentive
- Positive attitude and engagement
- Impact on group processes and
- collaborative learning
- Overcome low motivation,
- social diversity and disengagement
- Learners participate more actively
- Guided enquiry-based tasks are motivating
- Learning inside and outside school
- Parental engagement
9Impact on learners /3Sophisticated and
individualised assessment
- Sophisticated feedback on performance
- Value of virtual learning environments
- Achievement recorded in e-portfolios
10Impact on teachers /1Teachers use ICT and are
- Three in four teachers use
- computers
- Range of pedagogies supported
- Constructivist learning
- environments
- Teachers in some countries are
- more ICT-optimistic than others
- A sceptical minority
- Low correlation ICT-optimism/
- equipment, use and skills
11Percentage of teachers using computers in class
12Impact on teachers /2 ICT is pedagogically
- More use for administration,
- organisation and planning
- Lack of pedagogical vision
- New pedagogical approaches
- only if integrated into subjects
13What are the factors behind the decision (not) to
take up ICT?
- SKILL variable confidence in using text
processor, creating a presentation installing
software on PC
- Well ICT equipped schools
- Sufficiently fast internet connection
ICT use by teachers in class
- Disagreement with Using computers in class does
not result in significant learning benefits
14Impact on teachers /3Motivation and digital and
pedagogical skills
- ICT improves motivation and
- teaching skills
- All countries are developing
- ICT skills
- Step by step, on-site training,
- minimal disruption
- Little ICT training for new teachers
- Courses lack practical dimension
- Technical and pedagogical support?
Asturias, Spain
15ICT user literacy index by country
16Country clusters
- Frontrunners
- Enthusiasts
- Inhibited
- Mixed
- Outliers
17Impact on schools /1Childrens access to
technology is improving
- Almost all primary schools use computers
- 88 in each country have internet access - 8
internet computers per 100 learners - 8
countries have more than 14 computers per 100
learners - 72 of the primary schools have
broadband internet - in 20 countries over 2/3 of
primary schools have broadband
- Large variation in infrastructure across and
within countries
- from 3.1 to 32 computers per 100 pupils -
smaller primary schools are disadvantaged
- IWB provision ranges from very few to all schools
18Broadband 2006
19Broadband 2009
20Computers/100 pupils in schools 2006 and 2009
21Impact on schools /2Whole school ICT
integration and leadership matter
- ICT integration key to changing practices
- School leader support crucial
- ICT in classrooms rather than computer labs
22Impact on schools /3 ICT improves
administration and access to information
- ICT used for management
- Administration more accessible
- Whole school planning improved
- School ICT plans underplay learning
- Use by teachers for administration and planning
- Virtual learning environments
23Schools with PCs in classroom 2001 2006
24System /1ICT strategies infrastructure and
digital skills
- At least one ICT policy or initiative in every
- Usually infrastructure and teachers digital
competence - Less frequently content, pedagogical
reform or leadership
- System-wide intervention / specific projects
- Public concerns tend to be about e-safety
25System /2Digital competence part of primary
Digital competence in the primary school
curriculum in 22 countries
Integrated across subjects (in 15 countries)
Taught as a separate subject (in 11 countries)
26System /3Responsibilities can be unclear
- Part of general education policy - A specific
ICT policy - Not a specific policy in primary
- Fewer references to ICT in e-mature education
systems - ICT responsibilities can be unclear
- Increase, improve
- and diversify teacher
- education and support
- Build ICT into general
- educational policies
- Focus on a vision
- for learning
- Allow for initiative
- in assessment
- Ensure access to
- quality equipment and
- learning resources
- Emphasise
- pedagogy not ICT
- Capitalise on
- learners ICT
- competence and
- exploit the reach of
- technology to families
- Invest in school
- leaders training to
- lead change
- Develop roles and
- responsibilities for ICT
- and pedagogical
- support
- Complement the
- current picture by
- exploiting other
- methods and topics
- Establish a long
- term and continuous
- monitoring system
- on the impact of ICT
- in schools
- Provide a toolkit for
- indicator use by
- schools and
- policy-makers
- Improve the flow of
- knowledge of what
- works between
- countries.