Title: Creation and Evolution PowerPoint project
1Top tips! You dont need fancy animation to make
a good PPT presentation, but you should try and
make use of colour and images. Remember to ensure
that when you use colour, your audience can still
read your text. Also dont cram a screen full of
text. Its difficult to read, and using more
slides and less text per slide is a better
alternative. If you are an advanced PPT user you
can use animation, or even sounds/songs to
accompany your PPT.
Creation and Evolution PowerPoint project
You will have three lessons in the ICT suites to
complete this project, which should use the
information weve been gathering and discussing
in class over the last couple of weeks.
- By the end of this project every student should
have produced a presentation using PowerPoint. - The title is Creation and Evolution, and you
must present the following information - Evolution
- What does this mean? Where does the theory come
from? How was it first received by people did it
cause controversy and why? You may obviously add
to this list. - Creation
- What is this idea which we call Creation? What
kind of people hold it and can you describe it
(maybe Genesis ch 1)? When, and by whom was it
first put forward? - If you believe in Creation must you reject
evolution? - This is the main section. You must describe the
difference between a scientific theory and a
religious belief BUT at the same time explain how
some religious people have come to support BOTH
ideas and WHY (your text book may have lots of
good ideas on this one)! You may mention in this
section the fact that obviously some people do
think that Creation and evolution arent
compatible with each other (Creationists) and you
nay choose to describe why they think this and
how they react towards those who promote
Mark Scheme This will be the same effort/quality
grade as described in your exercise books. They
may be a prize for the best presentation, and you
may also be presenting it to the class. Take
care, think before you write and have fun!
2Creation and Evolution PowerPoint Project.
If you believe in Creation, must you reject
- Resources
- Looking for God Text book ( 5 pages relating to
Creation/Evolution topic) - Your Exercise books and class notes.
- The RS Study Site\Lower School\Creation and
Evolution - sections and links on Evolution,
Creation, those who believe both can be true,
and Creationism