Title: Mrs' Perkins Social Studies Class
1Mrs. Perkins Social Studies Class
- World History from 1600s to the Present
2About Me
- I attended the University of Tennessee. I
received my Masters in Middle Level Social
Studies at Furman. - I have a husband David, two sons Alex who
graduated from Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia
and John who is in 8th grade here at Hughes.
3About Me
- I have a dog Lucky and two cats Missy and Bo.
- This is my fifth year at Hughes. I used to teach
at Sara Collins. - When Im not at school, you can find me at Gower
Swim Meets, cooking or reading at home.
4About Me
- My favorite subject in school was history, and I
hope youll find something about history youll
like this year.
5About This Course
- This year well try to answer the following
6Unit 1For God, Gold, and Glory
- How did European expansion in the 17th and 18th
centuries effect the new world?
7Unit 2Its Good to be the King
- How did governments move from absolute monarchies
to constitutional governments in the 17th and
18th centuries?
8Unit 3So You Say You Want a Revolution
- How did the political, social, and economic
upheavals that occurred during 1770 through 1848
effect the world?
9Unit 4Do You Have a Flag?
- How did European Imperialism effect the rest of
the world during the late 19th and early 20th
10Unit 5War, Peace and All That Jazz
- What were the causes of the conflicts during the
early 20th century, and what affect did they have
on the world?
11Unit 6The New Frontier
- What were the events that went on in the
post-WWII world?
12Unit 7The Times They Are A Changing
- What were the significant political, economic,
geographic, scientific, technological, and
cultural changes and advancements that took place
throughout the world from the beginning of the
twentieth century to the present day?
13What Supplies Do I Need?
- Pencils
- Colored Pencils
- Pens (Blue or Black only)
- Paper
- Your brain and willingness to work hard!
14What Does Mrs. Perkins Expect From Me?
- Not to interfere with anyone elses learning.
15What Can I Expect From Mrs. Perkins?
- To teach me what I need to know to succeed in 7th
grade history and to help me get ready for 8th
grade and beyond.
16What Can We Expect From Each Other?
- Well be prepared
- Well contribute
- Well listen
- Well ask questions when we dont understand
something - Well always do our best
- Well respect people and things
17How Can I Get Make-Up Work?
- Make-up work can be found in the folder marked
Today in class we - You are responsible for looking for this folder.
- Make-up work is due 5 days after you return to
18Do You Take Late Work?
- I deduct 10 points for each day you are late.
- I will not take work that is more than 3 days late
19What Kind of Work Will We Do In Your Class?
- We will do a lot of hands-on in class projects.
- You will have a test after each unit.
- You will have some written homework.
20How Much Do Assignments Count?
- Projects/Tests count 50
- Quizzes count 30
- Daily Work and Homework count 20
21What Do I Need To Bring To Class?
- Your folder
- A pen or pencil
- (I sell pencils for a dime)
- A readiness to learn
22What Should I Do When Arrive?
- Sharpen your pencil.
- Find your seat.
- Complete the starter.
23What Happens at the End of Class?
- I will assign homework
- Youll clean-up around your table
- When your area is clean, Ill dismiss you by
24What Happens If I Break The Rules
- 1st offense Warning/Conference
- 2nd offense- Silent Lunch
- 3rd offense Detention
- 4th offense - Referral
25Do You Have Any Offenses That Merit an Automatic
- Fighting
- Cursing or Threatening Me
- Gang Activity
- Sexual Harassment in any form
26How Can I Get In Touch With You?
- You can stay after class
- You can e-mail me at kperkins_at_greenville.k12.sc.us
- You can see me in the morning or after school
27What If I Cant Remember My Homework Assignment?
- I post all homework assignments on the front page
of my teacher website - http//www.greenville.k12.sc.us/websites/collins/k
28Do You Have Any Questions?