Treatment Approaches - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Treatment Approaches


Avoid lifting child out of crib but can sit in room to help child if extremely upset. ... Water mattress, crib cradle may help for children who need movement or ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Treatment Approaches

Treatment Approaches
  • The Irritable Child

Techniques for the irritable child
  • Rule out medical problems reflux, ear
    infections, allergies
  • Address sensory hypersensitivities that
    contribute to irritability clothing, auditory
    and tactile overstimulation
  • Avoid overstimulating child during attempts to
    console, through too many activities

Techniques for irritability
  • Soothe both parent and child create breaks for
    both calming den for child
  • Help child to learn how to self-calm on own, to
    recognize precursors of irritability
  • Help child learn how to transition on own thru
    transitional objects, picture boards to predict

Techniques for irritability
  • Provide clear limits and boundaries when child
    acts out but redirect once calm to productive,
    organizing activity
  • Help child become more self-reliant- to do things
    for self, play alone
  • Develop tolerance for frustration and distress

Techniques for irritability
  • Support parents in feelings of isolation and
    provide respite
  • Address parents anxieties about why child
    behaves this way
  • Help parent differentiate what crying or
    irritability means when it is distress,
    manipulative, etc. Learn to read cues.

Techniques for sleep and separation problems
  • Develop appropriate sleep-wake schedule
  • Address sensory problems associated with high
  • Evaluate if milk intolerance affects sleep
  • Put child in bed awake rather than drowsy or
  • Use security object at bedtime

Techniques for sleep and separation problems
  • Ferber method may work after child is 6-7 months
    go into bedroom after 5 minutes of crying,
    reassure and reorganize briefly but dont play,
    feed, or pick up child. Leave. Increments of
    waiting increase each night.
  • Address parents fears of abandoning child at
    night, how to cope with crying, how to get sleep
    for self

Techniques for Sleep and Separation problems
  • Discourage middle of night feeding or falling
    asleep with bottle
  • If child vomits in bed (when not sick), throw
    towel over. Avoid lifting child out of crib but
    can sit in room to help child if extremely upset.
  • Spray out monsters with water bottle.

Techniques for sleep and separation problems
  • Assure bedroom environment supports sleep-
    oscillating fan, white noise, stuffed toy that
    smells of parent, lullabies, body pillows
  • Water mattress, crib cradle may help for children
    who need movement or cant move easily in bed

Techniques for sleep and separation problems
  • Address separation issues during daytime games
    like hide and seek peek-a-boo
  • Watch parents face for signs of anxiety upon
  • Provide opportunities to play about sleep in CCA-
    nesting pillows or cubbies
  • Encourage parents to get enough rest

Techniques for sleep and separation problems
  • Keep sleep log noting activities done in daytime.
  • High vestibular activities in afternoon often
    help child sleep at night
  • Keep TV off before bed, do soothing routine
  • Use sedatives like Benadryl, melatonin with
    physician guidance

Techniques for separation issues
  • Play disappearing games with objects easier than
    favorite person leaving
  • Practice hiding games self and objects
  • Make good-bye book with pictures of mom, dad, and
    child leaving
  • Formalize good-byes (dont slip out)
  • Use transitional objects and rituals to help

Treatment of Feeding Disorders
  • Address tactile hyper sensitivities in mouth
    electric toothbrush, terry clothe towel on checks
    and in mouth
  • Begin with firm food textures expand food
    repertoire beginning with smooth, soft textures
    before uneven textures.
  • Address motor needs in holding utensils

Treatment of Feeding Disorders
  • Drop cloth under high chair shirtless, dipping
    bowl for hand wipe issue, dab face rather than
  • Engage in ritual of hand wash, set table, candles
    on table for atmosphere, and clean-up afterwards
  • Label hunger and fullness states

Treatment of Feeding Disorders
  • Work with pediatrician around monitoring weight
    and dietary needs
  • Rule out reflux with physician position to
    promote digestion
  • Set up mealtime schedule with schedule snacks.
    Avoid middle of night bottles.
  • Provide rationale for mealtimes (appetite drive)

Treatment of feeding disorders
  • Establish food rules during mealtime (no throwing
    food, no standing in chair)
  • Put on plate only what is reasonable to eat
  • Practice oral-motor piece at other times
  • Food should not be used as reward for other
  • Provide opportunities for child to play about
    nurturing, feeding, control, etc.

Treatment of feeding disorders
  • Support parents in feelings of rejection and
    depression in not being able to nurture and feed
    child. Nurture child in other ways.
  • Explore meaning of food and eating for parents
    (past history of anorexia)
  • Socialize mealtime experience (no TV on)

Treatment of feeding disorders
  • Everyone should eat at mealtime to model eating
    (Parents need to be careful about dieting)
  • Go to fun places like McDonalds where child can
    see others eating and having fun.
  • Acknowledge and respect cultural issues related
    to feeding and mealtimes

Treatment of Attentional Problems
  • Provide structure in environment by reducing
    number of toys and other distractors
  • Introduce spatial barriers in environment,
    particularly small enclosed areas
  • Inhibit hyperarousal through deep-pressure/proprio
    ceptive and high intensity vestibular activities

Treatment of attentional problems
  • Provide structure in day with periods of novel
    activity coupled with periods of calm, quiet or
    routine activity
  • Through CCA, focus on letting child self-initiate
    attentional cycle
  • Allow child to leave and return to toys as
    attention span dictates, however, help parent to
    elaborate on what child is doing with toys

Treatment of attentional problems
  • If child is finished playing before 15-20 minutes
    of CCA, help parent to stay with child and wait
    until child organizes something.
  • Work on pace and timing of parents interactions
    with child, decreasing overstimulation and need
    to entertain or organize child.
  • Discover childs processing time during play,
    learning style (visual/auditory) and provide
    timing and activities to foster.
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