Title: Pediatric Case Management
1Pediatric Case Management
- Joseph Wiley, MD
- Cynthia Roldan, MD
- December 20, 2005
2December Cases-Ward
- 12 yo female with headaches and mental status
changes (transfer) - 15 yo female with abdominal pain, b/l pulmonary
nodules likely autoimmune in origin (transfer) - 4 month old ex premie with h/o NEC readmitted for
abdominal distension
3December Cases-PICU
- 20 month old female with pneumonia and pleural
effusions transferred to floor, and developed
pneumothorax post chest tube removal (morbidity)
4Follow up Case
- 4 month old female ex 30 week premature infant
presented with ALTE - History of apnea, reflux, developmental delay,
seizures - Admitted for work-up (9 day hospitalization)
- CV
- Neuro-normal MRI, EEG
- GI-Reflux
5Hospital Course
- Discharged with diagnosis of Reflux
- apnea monitor with reflux precautions and
medications, - Neurology follow up
6Follow up-contd.
- 4 days after discharge, found face down in crib,
not breathing-with blanket over head - EMS found baby apneic and pulseless
- Resuscitated after 45 minutes w/o spontaneous
circulation - Expired Autopsy report
- Died of complications of Prematurity cause of
apnea and seizure not found - Manner of death natural
- Jamie Lanzillotta, D.O.
- December 20, 2005
8Baby Girl W
- 36 6/7 week Caucasian female
- Prenatal/maternal history
- 22 y.o G2 P1001
- Prenatal care since 6 wks
- All labs normal, GBS unknown
- Uncomplicated pregnancy until day prior to
9Prenatal History
- Day prior to delivery _at_ OB visit
- 14 lb wt gain in 2 wks
- Fundal Ht-44 cm
- Bedside ultrasound
- -Polyhydramnios
- -Pleural effusions b/l
- -Hydrops
10Delivery History
- Induced
- Vaginal delivery attempted with vacuum
assist?unsuccessful - Emergent c-section
- Appearance before resuscitation
- Blue, edematous, no respiratory effort, HRlt100
- Intubated
- UV line placed
- Epinephrine x 1 IV
- HR improved gt100
- Chest tubes placed b/l
- gt500 cc serosanguinous drainage
12Initial Chest film
No visible lung fields
No visible lung fields
13Follow up films
Large pneumothorax with subcutaneous air
After chest tubes x 3
14Physical exam
- T 35.6 P 113 RR 50 BP 53/32 MAP 34
- Wt 4.060 kg HC 36 cm Length 46.5 cm
16 Initial labs
139 105 13
3.7 25 0.9
Pleural fluid 2980 WBC Lactate 5.7 1430
RBC Protein 1542 Glucose 70
Gram stain -
ABG 7.01/86/46/22/-12
Subsequent Labs Chromosomes-Normal,
All viral studiesnegative
- 36 6/7 wk female with b/l pleural effusions
hydrops - Plan
- D15 _at_ 50 cc/kg/day
- Oscillator for ventilation- Q2 gasses
- Stat echo
- Ampicillin/Gentamicin
- Dopamine _at_ 2 mcg/kg/min
- CXR q 6
- Chromosomes, viral cultures
- Genetics consult
18Hospital Course
- Respiratory
- On oscillator throughout course
- Chest tube output-500 cc/day
- Developed
- Pneumothoraces requiring additional
- chest tubes
- PPHN-placed on nitric oxide _at_ 20 ppm
19Hospital Course, contd.
- Cardiovascular
- Required pressor support with dopamine
- Echocardiogram- nl function, nl anatomy _at_ Sinai
- _at_ hopkins-Interrupted Inferior Venae Cava w/
right azygous continuation to right SVC - ID
- All cultures-negative to date
- Received 48 hrs of abx
- Heme
- Required PRBCs
- Abnormal coagulation profile suggesting DIC
20Hospital course, contd.
- Albumin cc/cc for chest tube replacement
- Ca gluconate
- GU
- Poor urine output until Day 2
- Urine grossly bloody
21Albumin Levels
22Genetics Consult-Recommendations
- Chromosomes? nl
- Limited secondary to inadequate number of cells
cultured - Hemoglobin electrophoresis
- Urine
- mucopolysaccarides
- sialic acid
- Iron, Ferritin
23Hospital course continued..
- DOL4
- Unable to maintain sats on maximum vent settings
- Hypotension despite pressor support
- Transferred to Hopkins to be placed on ECMO
- Died before ECMO could be initiated
24Initial A-a Gradients
A-a gradient gt600?Indication for ECMO
25A-a gradients 24 hrs prior to transfer
A-a gradient gt600?Indication for ECMO
26Discussion -Non Immune Hydrops Fetalis (NIHF)
- Epidemiology
- Management
- Indications for ECMO
- Role of ECMO in treatment
27Points of Discussion
- Questions
- Did the patient meet criteria for starting ECMO
several hours before transfer occurred? - Would starting ECMO sooner have improved her
chance of survival?
28Epidemiology- NIHF
- 1 in 2,500?4,000 pregnancies
- Varies by population
- More common in SE Asian population (homozygous
alpha thalassemia) - Mortality-50
29Management-in utero
- Management depends on etiology-Examples
30Neonatal management
- Resuscitation in DR-Intubation, UV line
placement, Chest tube placement - ?Surfactant
- Echocardiogram
- Abdominal and cranial ultrasound
- Genetics consultation
- Fluid restriction
- Albumin to increase oncotic pressure
- Broad spectrum antibiotics
- Pressor support as needed
- Octreotide-if chylothorax
31Qualifying Criteria for ECMO
- A-a Gradient 600-624 for 4-12 hrs
- Oxygenation index gt40 in 3 of 5 postductal gasses
30-60 minutes apart - PaO2- 35-50 mm Hg for 2-12 hours
- Acute deterioration
- PaO2lt30-40 mm Hg for 2 hours
- pH lt7.25 for 2 hours
- Intractable hypotension
32ECMO And Hydrops
- Retrospective chart review
- 24 hydropic babies with no etiology
13 Survivors
11 Non-survivors
2 groups compared using 10 criteria Conclusion
Major difference between 2 groups? Time lapsed
before ECMO initiated was greater in non-survivor
group Bealer, John. Journal of Pediatric
Surgery. 1997. 321645-1647.
33Comparison Data
- www.e-medicine.com
- Chescheir, Nancy. Management of Hydrops Fetalis.
(article provided by Dr. OBrien-unknown text) - Murphy, Janet. Nonimmune Hydrops Fetalis. Neo
Reviews. 2004. Volume 55-15. - Bealer, John. Journal of Pediatric Surgery.
1997. 321645-1647.