Logical Time and Global States - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Logical Time and Global States


Logical time Vs. absolute time (from UTC) ... Lamport's algorithm corrects the clocks. Lamport's algorithm can only achieve partial ordering ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Logical Time and Global States

Logical Time and Global States
  • Logical Clocks and Logical Time
  • Lamports Logical Clock and Vector Clock
  • Global States and Termination
  • Chandy and Lamports snapshot Algorithm

Logical Time and Logical Clock
  • Logical time Vs. absolute time (from UTC)
  • To obtain the absolute time Require frequent
    clock synchronization. Frequent clock
    synchronization incurs heavy overheads, i.e.,
    short synchronization period gt many
    synchronization messages
  • For many systems, it is sufficient that a group
    of related machines in the system agree on the
    same logical time, i.e., for events ordering
  • In many applications (i.e., non-real-time), it is
    not essential that the logical time agrees with
    the absolute time as announced on the broadcast
  • Also, for two processes, if they are unrelated,
    their occur times are unrelated
  • Event ordering
  • If two events occurred at the same process pi,
    they occurred in the order in which pi observes
    them, i.e., e1 then e2
  • If a message is sent between two processes, the
    event of sending the message occurs before the
    receipt of the message, i.e., send before receive
  • Partial ordering gt NOT total ordering, also
    called casual ordering

Logical Time and Logical Clock
  • Lamport causal ordering x-P-gty means x happened
    before y in process P
  • happened-before (HB) -gt (precedence
  • HB1 If for process P x-P-gty, then x-gt y.
  • HB2 For the same message m, send(m)-gtreceive(m)
  • HB3 If x, y, and z are events, x-gty, y-gtz then
    x-gtz (transitive)
  • I.e. a -gtc b-gt d
  • How about the event order between a and e?
    Nothing can be said
  • They can be done in any order or even in parallel
    a e (i.e., partial order)

Logical Time and Logical Clock
  • Logical clock are used to capture happened-before
  • If e is defined to be happened-before e, i.e., e
    -gt e gt L(e) lt L(e)
  • I.e., L(e) the logical clock value at the occur
    time of event e
  • A logical clock needs not bear any particularly
    relationship with physical clock but it needs to
    be monotonic (i.e., increasing)
  • Each process/computing unit just keeps its own
    (local) clock Cp to timestamp events
  • The timestamp is monotonic and the initial value
    may be zero (or any number/integer)
  • What is the maximum bound of a logical clock
  • Does it need to be reset at after reaching the
    maximum value?
  • Notation Use Lp(a) and Lp(b) to timestamp events
    a and b happen in process p and L(b) for event b
    at whatever process it occurred
  • If a happens before b in the same process, Lp(a)
    lt Lp (b)
  • If a and b represent the sending and receiving of
    a message, respectively, L(a) lt L(b)
  • For all distinctive events a and b, L(a) ltgt L(b)

Logical Time and Logical Clock
  • Logical clock update and transmission rules
  • Logical clock rule 1
  • Lp is incremented before each event is issued at
    p Lp Lp1
  • Logical clock rule 2
  • When p sends a message m, it piggybacks on m the
    value t Lp
  • On receiving (m, t), a process q computes
    Lqmax(Lq, t) and then applies rule 2 before
    timestamping the event receive(m)
  • Why increment the value by 1 instead of a larger
    number or even a negative number?
  • All clocks run at the same rate, every time
    increases the value by one
  • Could they run at different rates? One clock
    advances by 1 before each event but others
    advance by 10 before each event
  • Could they run at variable rate? Sometimes faster
    and sometimes slower
  • A process consists of a sequence of events gt a
    sequence of states
  • After finishing an event, the process enters a
  • Each process state is associated with a logical
    clock (a timestamp)
  • e -gt e gt L(e) lt L(e) but the converse is not
    always true. L(e) lt L(e) ???

Lamports Logical Clocks
Note there is no increment after receiving the
messages. Is it a problem? What are the rates of
the logical clocks?
Fr. Tanenbaum
  • Three processes, each with its own local clock
  • Note, the logical clocks run at different rates.
    Between two events, the physical clock tick must
    at least advance once

Lamports Logical Clocks
  • Lamports algorithm corrects the clocks
  • Lamports algorithm can only achieve partial
  • Non-related events are unordered. What are
    non-related events?
  • What are related events?

Fr. Tanenbaum
Lamports Logical Clocks
Fr. Tanenbaum
The positioning of Lamports logical clocks in a
distributed system (middleware)
Total Order and Logical Clock
  • Partial order to total order (changing a set of
    partial orders to a total order)
  • Total order e1-gte2-gt -gten (all pair of events
    are ordered)
  • Assign a unique timestamp to each process
    (following the Lamports algorithm in timestamp
    assignment, e-gte gtTS(e) lt TS(e))
  • For any two events (even unrelated), you can
    determine their orderings based on the timestamps
  • Why? I.e., comparing their timestamps for data
  • Totally ordered logical clocks (how? Adding
    process id)
  • For pairs of distinct events, we take process id
    in setting the timestamps
  • If a is an event occurring at pa with local
    timestamp Ta, and b is an event occurring at pb
    with local timestamp Tb
  • Define the global logical timestamp for those
    events as (Ta, a) and (Tb, b), respectively
  • (Ta, a) lt (Tb, b) if and only if either Ta lt Tb
    or (Ta Tb and pa lt pb)
  • Note this method is just to serialize the
    ordering of a set of events. Event a may not
    really execute before event b in real time
  • Making each process has a unique time-stamp
    (total order)
  • TS(Pa) gt TS(Pb) or TS(Pa) lt TS(Pb) but NOT TS(Pa)
    ltgt TS(Pb)

Example Totally-Ordered Multicasting
  • Multicast A message is sent to multiple
  • Totally-ordered multicast all multicast messages
    are delivered in the same order to each receiver
  • For example, to improve query performance, a bank
    may place copies of an account database in two
    different cities, say A and B
  • A customer in B wants to add 100 to his account
    that currently contains 1,000 (update 1)
  • At the same (similar) time, a bank employee in A
    initiates an update by which the customers
    account is to increase with 1 interest (update
  • Both updates should be carried out at both copies
    (in A and B) of the database (no locking or
  • If update 2 is performed before update 1 in A,
    the A database records 1,110
  • If update 1 is performed before update 2 in B,
    the B database records 1,111
  • An inconsistency occurs if the two updates are
    not performed in the same order at the two sites
  • Solution Using the Lamports algorithm to assign
    logical times to implement totally-ordered
    multicast (for update messages), so that the
    update operations are performed in the same order
    at each copy. How?

Example Totally-Ordered Multicasting
  • Updating a replicated database and leaving it in
    an inconsistent state.

To ensure the two updates are performed in the
same order at each site. How?
Example Totally-Ordered Multicasting
  • Each update generates two updates to update the
    two copies of the record
  • We have four combinations of the execution orders
    at the two sites
  • Execution order I
  • City A
  • Update 2 gt 1010
  • Update 1 gt 1110
  • City B
  • Update 1 gt 1100
  • Update 2 gt 1111
  • Execution order II
  • City A
  • Update 1 gt 1100
  • Update 2 gt 1111
  • City B
  • Update 2 gt 1010
  • Update 1 gt 1110
  • Execution order III
  • City A
  • Update 2 gt 1010
  • Update 1 gt 1110
  • City B
  • Update 2 gt 1010
  • Update 1 gt 1110
  • Execution order IV
  • City A
  • Update 1 gt 1100
  • Update 2 gt 1111
  • City B
  • Update 1 gt 1100
  • Update 2 gt 1111

Totally-Ordered Multicasting Using Logical Time
  • For a group of processes, multicasting messages
    to each other, we assume
  • Each message is time-stamped with the current
    logical time of its sender
  • The sender is also a receiver of its own sending
  • The messages from the same sender are received in
    the order they were sent, and no messages are
  • When a process receives a message, it is put into
    a local queue, ordered according to its timestamp
  • The receiver multicasts an acknowledgement to the
    other processes. The timestamp assigned to the
    acknowledgement according to the Lamports
    algorithm and is larger than the timestamp of the
    original message

Totally-Ordered Multicasting Using Logical Time
  • A process can deliver a queued message to the
    application it is running only when the message
    is at the head of the queue and has been
    acknowledged by each other process
  • Thus, all the processes will eventually have the
    same copy of the local queue ordered by Lamports
  • The Lamports algorithm ensures that no two
    messages have the same timestamp, and the
    timestamps reflect a consistent global order of
    the events, e-gte gt TS(e) lt TS(e)
  • Therefore, all messages are delivered in the same
    order everywhere. That is, we have established
    totally-ordered multicasting
  • Problems The delay in update and higher
    communication overhead
  • How to solve the problem of loss of messages?

Totally-Ordered Multicasting Using Logical Time
  • Site B
  • Receive Update 1
  • Generate M1 and sends to site A and itself
  • Receive Ack 1 from A
  • Receive M2 containing Update 2
  • Generate Ack 2 and sends to site A
  • Compare the timestamps of M2 with Update 1
  • Process Update 1
  • Site A
  • Receive Update 2
  • Receive M1 containing Update 1
  • Generate Ack 1 and send to site B
  • Generate M2 and sends to site B and itself

Local queue Update 1 Ack 1,A Update 2
Local queue Update 1 Ack 1,A Update 2
Vector Clock
  • Shortcoming of Lamports algorithm L(e) lt L(e)
    cannot conclude e-gt e
  • Using a unique (total order) timestamp from the
    Lamports algorithm cannot solve this problem.
  • In the previous example, we serialize a set of
    events and the sequence order may not be the same
    as their execution orders following the absolute
  • Causality can be captured by vector timestamp
  • If L(e) lt L(e) then e-gt e
  • How to achieve this?
  • What are the differences in implications between
  • (1) If L(e) lt L(e), then e-gt e
  • (2) If e-gt e, then L(e) lt L(e)
  • With (1), by checking the time-stamps, the system
    can determine the event orders. Note for some
    cases, the events are unordered
  • (2) is to assign time-stamps to the events based
    on their event orders
  • Vector clock for a system with N processes is an
    array of N integers for each process
  • Each process Pi keeps its own vector clock Vi to
    timestamp its local events
  • Processes piggyback vector timestamps on the
    messages they send

Vector Clock
  • Rules
  • VC1 Initially Vi j 0 for i, j 1, 2, , N
  • VC2 Just before pi timestamps an event, it sets
    Vi i Vi i 1
  • VC3 pi includes the value t Vi i in every
    message it sends
  • VC4 When pi receives a timestamp t in a message,
    it sets Vi j max(Vi j, tj), for j 1,
    2, N (merge operation)
  • Two properties
  • For a vector clock Vi , Vi i is the number of
    events that pi has time-stamped (why?)
  • Vi j (j ltgt i) is the number of events that have
    occurred at pj that pi has recorded (why?)
  • Based on a message m, a timestamp vt of m tells
    the receiver how many events in other processes
    have preceded m and on which m may causally
    depends on

Vector Clock
  • V V iff Vj Vj for j 1 , 2, , N
  • V lt V iff Vj lt Vj for j 1, 2, , N
  • V lt V iff V lt V and V ltgt V
  • e-gte gt V(e) lt V(e)
  • V(e) lt V(e) gt e-gt e
  • Compare events a with f
  • Compare events c with e
  • What are the cost and benefit comparing with the
    Lamports logical clock?

Global State
  • Event S gt (e) gt S. An event changes the state
    of a process
  • To get the states of a process, record and
    time-stamp the state of the process after each
    event has been served
  • How to get the state of a distributed system
    (distributed processes)?
  • Collect the states of all the processes in the
    system. How?
  • Not so simple due to communication delay and
    changing process states
  • What are the purposes of getting the global
    state of a distributed system?
  • Examples detect the termination of a distributed
    computation, garbage collection, verification of
    a program correctness and deadlock detection,
  • Garbage collection no process (including message
    in transit) is referring to the object which may
    be collected as a garbage
  • Deadlock two or more processes are
    blocked/waiting. They are blocking each other
  • Termination when to terminate a process?
    Inactive and will not become active again. It may
    be waiting a message

Detecting Global Properties
Global State
  • Global state of a distributed system The local
    state of each process, and the messages that are
    currently in transit (the state is distributed)
  • How to obtain the global state of a distributed
  • The collection takes time and cannot be done
    instantaneously. Why?
  • Distributed snapshot reflects a (consistent
    global) state in which the DS might have been (at
    a particular time point?)
  • What is a snapshot? (at a particular time point)
  • But, the snapshots are distributed
  • Cut A graphical representation of global state,
    as shown in the next slide
  • What is the implication of a cut? A distributed
  • Inconsistent state Incorrect state
  • I.e., a snapshot contains a receipt of a message
    but not the sending of the message
  • What is the implication of an inconsistent state?
    Incorrect state may generate incorrect results

Global State
  • Problems of obtaining a global state
  • Lack of global clock (what is the state to be
    collected from each site to form the global
    state/global snapshot?) If you have a global
  • Transmission delay Vs. always changing statues of
  • We consider two types of events
  • Internal events of a process, i.e., logic
    operations and computations
  • Communication events sending and receiving of
  • History(pI) hi lte1,I, e1,I, gt
  • A prefix history hi,k lte1,I, e1,I, , ek,igt
  • sk,i is the state of process pi immediately
    before the kth event occurs from the initial
    state s0,i -gt -gt sk,i
  • s0,i is the initial state of pi. After the
    occurrence of each event, a new state is created
    for a process, ek,i gt sk,i
  • Global history H h1 U h2 U hn, the union of
    all process histories

Global State and Consistent Cut
  • A consistent cut
  • An inconsistent cut

Global State and Consistent Cut
  • How to collect the states/distributed snapshot
    from distributed processes? Follow a cut
  • A cut of the systems execution is a subset of
    its global state S that is a union of prefixes of
    process histories C h1,c1 U h2,c2 U U hn,cn
  • The state si in S corresponding to C is that of
    pi immediately after the last event processed by
    the cut ei,ci
  • The set of events ei,ci i 1, 2, , N is
    called the frontier of the cut C
  • A cut C is consistent if for each event it
    contains. It also contains all the events that
    happened-before that event e belong C, f -gt e gt
    f belong C
  • A consistent global state is one that corresponds
    to a consistent cut S0 -gt S1 -gtS2-gt Each
    transition represents an event occurred in one of
    the processes in the system
  • A run is a total ordering of all the events in a
    global history that is consistent with each local
    history ordering
  • A linearization (consistent run) is an ordering
    of the events in a global history that is
    consistent with happened-before relationship -gt
    on H
  • S is reachable from S if there is a
    linearization that passes through S and then S
    (from state S to S. What is the implication if
    S is not reachable from S?)

Global State and Consistent Cut
L1 e1,0 e2,0 e1,1 e1,2, e1,3 e2,1 e2,2 L2
e1,0 e1,1 e2,0 e2,1 e1,2 e2,2 e1,3 L1
L2 S is reachable from S if there is a
linearization that passes through S and the S
Global State Predicates
  • Global state predicate is a function that maps
    from the set of global states of processes in the
    system to True False
  • Stability once the system enters a state in
    which the predicate is true and it remains True
    in all future reachable from that state
  • Once the system enters the state and the
    predicate becomes true, it will remain true in
    all future states reachable from that state
  • I.e., Deadlock and garbage collection
  • Safety Let S0 be the original state of the
    system. Safety with respect to a is the assertion
    that a evaluates to False for all state S
    reachable from S0
  • There is an undesirable property a (deadlocked)
    that is a predicate of the systems global state.
    Safety respect to a is that the assertion that a
    evaluates to false for all states S reachable
    from the initial state S0
  • Liveness with respect to ß is the property that
    for any linearization L starting in the state S0,
    ß evaluates to True for some state SL reachable
    from S0. ß may be a desirable and reachable

Chandy Lamports snapshot Algorithm
  • Goal to record a set of processes and channel
    states for a set of processes pi such that even
    though the combination of recorded states may
    never have occurred at the same time, the
    recorded global state is consistent
  • What is a channel state? State of a process
    including the messages that are in transmission
  • Assumptions
  • The communication amongst the processes are
    reliable and messages are delivered in order
  • No process or communication failure
  • Channels are unidirectional and provide FIFO
  • Any process may initiate a global snapshot at any
  • The graph of processes and channels is strongly
  • The processes may continue execution while the
    snapshot takes place
  • Incoming channels for process pi are those
    channels that other processes send messages to pi
  • Outgoing channels for process pi are those
    channels that pi sends messages to other
  • Each process records its state and also for each
    incoming channel a set of messages sent to it

Chandy Lamports snapshot Algorithm
  • Any initiating process, say P, may start by
    recording its own local state then it sends a
    marker along each of its outgoing channels
  • When a process P receives a marker from an
    incoming channel C,
  • If P has not saved its local state, it first
    saves the state, then sends a marker along each
    of its own outgoing channels
  • If P has recorded the local state, it records the
    state of channel C the sequence of messages that
    have been received by P since the last time P
    recorded its local state, and before it received
    the marker
  • When a process has received a marker along each
    of its incoming channels, and processed each one,
    its recorded local state and state of each
    channel are collected and sent to process P
  • Because any process can initiate the algorithm,
    several snapshots can be constructed at the same
    time. To identify different processes of snapshot
    construction, a marker can be tagged with
    identifier (even version) of process that
    initiates the snapshot

Chandy Lamports snapshot Algorithm
Marker receiving rule for process pi On pis
receipt of a marker message over channel c if
(pi has not yet recorded its state) it records
its process state now records the state of c as
the empty set turns on recording of messages
arriving over other incoming channels else pi
records the state of c as the set of messages it
has received over c since it saved its
state end if Marker sending rule for process
pi After pi has recorded its state, for each
outgoing channel c pi sends one marker message
over c (before it sends any other message over
Global State
  • Organization of a process and channels for a
    distributed snapshot

Global State
  • Process Q receives a marker for the first time
    and records its local state
  • Q records all incoming message
  • Q receives a marker for its incoming channel and
    finishes recording the state of the incoming

Chandy Lamports snapshot Algorithm
  • The biggest problem on getting a distributed
    snapshot is how to collect the states of other
    processes and those messages in transmission
  • No message is received but the sending process is
    not included in the distributed snapshot
  • The marker is like a cut on the state of a
  • All other processes follow the same cut sequence
    (cut after the first cut) to collect their states
  • The marker sending rule obligates processes to
    send a marker after they have recorded their
  • The marker receiving rule obligates a process
    that has not recorded its state to do so
  • If a process that has already saved its state
    receives a marker, it records the state of the
    channel as the set of messages it received on it
    since it saved its state
  • What are the importance of reliable communication
    and in order transmission?

Two processes and their initial states
P2 has already received an order for five
widgets, which it will shortly dispatch to P1
The execution of the processes
Chandy Lamports snapshot Algorithm
  • Process P1 records its state in the global state
    S0, when P1s state is lt1000, 0gt
  • Following the marker sending rule, P1 emits a
    marker message over its outgoing channel c2
    before it sends the next application-level
    message (order 10, 100) over channel c2. Global
    state S1
  • Before P2 receives the marker, it emits an
    application message (five widgets) over c1 in
    response to P1s previous order. Global state S2
  • Process P1 receives P2s message (five widgets),
    and P2 receives the marker. Following the marker
    receiving rule, P2 records its state as lt50,
    1995gt and that of the channel c2 as empty
    sequence. Following the marker sending rule, it
    sends a marker message over c1
  • When P1 receives P2s marker message, it records
    the state of channel c1 as the single message
    (five widgets) that it received after it first
    recorded its state. Global state S3
  • The final recorded state P1 lt1000,0gt P2
    lt50, 1995gt c1 lt(five widgets)gt c2 ltgt

  • Dollimore ch 11.5
  • Tanenbaum ch 5.2 to 5.3
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