Title: Instalation of the COMPASSD tokamak in IPP Prague
1Zpetnovazební rízení vertikální polohy plazmatu
tokamaku COMPASS-DJan Horácek
2Poloidal coils on COMPASS-D
Jen nekolik cívek, ale 4 ruzné obvody "M"
vinutí, kontrolované pomoci Magnetising Field
Power Supply (MFPS), poskytuje nezbytnou kontrolu
loop voltage plazmatu, tj. dIM/dt?Vloopgt0 "E"
vinutí, kontrolované pomoci Equilibrium Field
Power Supply (EFPS), reguluje polohu a tvar
plazmatu, "S" vinutí, kontrolované pomoci
Shaping Field Power Supply (SFPS), poskytuje
ruzné tvary plazmatu, "F" vinutí poskytuje
kontrolu polohy plazmatu pomocí zpetné vazby.
3Zpetná vazba
- Klícová soucást tokamaku je schopnost kontrolovat
polohu plazmatického sloupce. Ta je
diagnostikována merením magnetických polí vne
plazmatu pomocí flux loops, saddle coils (Bz) and
partial Rogowski coils. Zatímco horizontální
poloha je stabilní (závisí jen na tlaku
plazmatu), poloha vertikální je nestabilní a
vyaduje tudí rychlou zpetnou vazbu s odezvou do
100 mikrosekund.
4Questions for Culham
- Is the electronics inside the MR cubicles still
in place or even operational as described by W.
Morris in 1997? - Where to find electrical circuits of components
of the feedback diagrams? What are the settings
of the PID controllers, time constants of the
integrators of the coil signals ... - Can W. Morris come to COMPASS in Culham and help
us to identify all the diagram symbols within the
existing hardware inside the MR cubicle? - How can we read the waveforms? Either through SAS
(please provide the corresponding code) or using
file SHOTnnnnn.M01 but where is this file? - The F-coils have inductances L50mH and
resistances R1mW. This yields the fastest
responds of L/R0.05s which is too slow for a
feedback. Strange - If the actual analogue system exists and is still
operational, then use it. If not, develop a new
one, fully digital.
5Status of the feedback group 18.1.2007
- We know spatial positions of the measuring and
acting coils - We can read all the signals concerning the
feedback subsystems for several shots - We are now identifying what these signals mean
and how they correspond to the existing documents
(diagrams) - Olena found what waveforms mean
6Radial feedback affected by ELMs
- ELMy H-mode, ELMs at 350-700Hz
- This frequency is strongly visible on the radial
feedback, even at the Fast Amplifier input.
Signal from the amplifier itself not available ?.
- Waveform 4 is not just a signal, its an active
device that modifies a signal, something like
outdin/dt. - In contrary, block of Waveform 3 and 11 and Opto
modifies the signal only by a constant factor
8Jirka Vlcek
- He works practically with operational amplifiers,
PID controllers, fast amplifiers
9Matlab Simulink PID controllerMichal Stránský
- Simulink a Matlab umonují simulaci rízeného
systému, návrh a odladení PID controlleru. - We use it currently from Lausanne but I recommend
to buy it for Prague
10Michal Stransky
- Pro identifikaci modelu cástí rízeného systému
lze pouít nástroj Ident z programového balíku
Matlab, který najde prenosovou funkci v
Laplace-prostoru pro nejaká data vstupu a
výstupu. - Zkoueli jsme pro radial position control to
identify what the PID controller transfer
function is but the result was only that there is
no integral-term in the PID during shot 30868.
11What we should do?
- Transfer all COMPASS database to Prague and read
it in IDL/Matlab as soon as possible. In
principle, we know reading it by XPAD in IDL so
should be easy to write a reading script
- Found and put on web new documents
- Dizertace Luigi Scibile Non-linear control of
the plasma vertical position in a tokamak, mj.
Compass-D - Clanek od P. Vyase 1997 na Vertical position
control on Compass-D. Napsal jsem mu email jestli
nechce spolupracovat. Bydli v Mnichove. Jeho
disertace se hleda (Mlynar) - V clanku Gossnera je preklep 20MHz-gt20kHz. Tudiz
casove skaly vertikalni nestability jsou 2500s-1,
za 10ms je to pryc. - Zjistil jsem, ze 12x50600Hz sitova porucha
nerezonuje s ELMy ? pro 30868 - J. Vlcek navrhl rychlý zesilovac na zpetnou vazbu
a vypékání tokamaku. - První cást odpovedi z Culhamu jsme dostali
13ELMs drop plasma pressure by 6seen on
conditional-averaged bpol
Time delay between pressure drop and ELM is
likely due to incorrect data acquisition