Title: How to repair damaged relationships
1Spiritual Disciplines of a C.H.R.I.S.T.I.A.N.
Almigthy God
draw near
2Spiritual Disciplines of a C.H.R.I.S.T.I.A.N.
- Repetition Memorization, Meditation, Teaching
- Col 316 Let the word of Christ richly dwell
within you, with all wisdom teaching and
admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and
spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in
your hearts to God. - Psa 11-3 How blessed is the man who does not
...but his delight is in the law of the Lord and
in his law he meditates day and night day and
3How important is Biblical Meditation?
Almigthy God
Causes Good Success Joshua 18 Protects from
temptation Psa 1199,11 Insures God will
abundantly supply Psa 11-3 Brings the peace of
God Col 315,16 Brings wisdom and insight beyond
teachers Psa 11999
draw near
4How do you Meditate Biblically?
Almigthy God
draw near
Memorize or Study or Familiarize yourself with a
passage of Scripture
5How do you Meditate Biblically?
Almigthy God
Press the Scripture through your soul (mind,
will, emotions) and body by externalizing
write, speak, pray, sing, draw, etc
draw near
6How do you Meditate Biblically?
Almigthy God
Run the Scripture thru your mind, will,
emotions and body during the rest of the day by
cogitating or murmuring it to yourself or by
applying other techniques
draw near
7How do you Meditate Biblically?
Almigthy God
draw near
Visualize/Role Play
Record Insights/application
8Classic Passages for Biblical Meditation
Almigthy God
Beatitudes Ladder of Virtue Ten
Commandments Lords Prayer Apostles Creed Stories
and Teaching of Jesus
draw near
9Other Passages Common for Biblical Meditation
Almigthy God
John 11-5 Col 13-12 35-17 Eph 1 313-21
425-54 Phil 21-10 44-14 1 John 15-10
21-11 Rom 61-23 81-1718-39 Any passage of
draw near
- Write or speak
- your name, your sins,
- your temptations, your circumstances, your
problems, your situations, your concerns, etc.
into the passage. - Rom 61-23 Rom 81-17 Jam 12-5
- In Prayer
- (referring to the specific Scripture)
- Agree with every truth
- Give thanks for what is good and right in your
life - Agree with God on what still needs work
- Agree with God on how you have violated the
passage - Beatitudes Phil 21-10 Gal 516-21 Ladder of
- Picture the Biblical Scene
- Sights, sounds, smells, touch, taste.
- Picture yourself in the Biblical Scene
- 5 senses and Asking, Interacting, Reacting
- Picture yourself doing the Biblical Truth
- Actions, Reactions, Words, Thoughts, Attitudes,
Motives - Record these mental images in some way during or
after - Christ on the Cross, Christ at the Ascension,
- 1 Thess 43-5 1 Tim 66,17-18 Eph 525,28
Titus 24,5
- Draw, Diagram, Schematize the action or truth in
the verse - Suggest an analogy, metaphor or simile for the
truth or truths in a particular passage - The 10 Commandments
- The Fruit of the Spirit
14No other gods-No idols-No cursing-Remember the
Sabbath-Honor Father Mother-No murder-No
adultery-No stealing-No lying-No coveting
The 10 Commandments are the perimeter fence
around a blessed life
No other gods-No idols-No cursing-Remember the
Sabbath-Honor Father Mother-No murder-No
adultery-No stealing-No lying-No coveting
No other gods-No idols-No cursing-Remember the
Sabbath-Honor Father Mother-No murder-No
adultery-No stealing-No lying-No coveting
No other gods-No idols-No cursing-Remember the
Sabbath-Honor Father Mother-No murder-No
adultery-No stealing-No lying-No coveting
15No other gods-No idols-No cursing-Remember the
Sabbath-Honor Father Mother-No murder-No
adultery-No stealing-No lying-No coveting
1st and 2nd Great Commandments
No other gods-No idols-No cursing-Remember the
Sabbath-Honor Father Mother-No murder-No
adultery-No stealing-No lying-No coveting
No other gods-No idols-No cursing-Remember the
Sabbath-Honor Father Mother-No murder-No
adultery-No stealing-No lying-No coveting
No other gods-No idols-No cursing-Remember the
Sabbath-Honor Father Mother-No murder-No
adultery-No stealing-No lying-No coveting
16Love God Love Thy Neighbor
No other gods-No idols-No cursing-Remember the
Sabbath-Honor Father Mother-No murder-No
adultery-No stealing-No lying-No coveting
No other gods-No idols-No cursing-Remember the
Sabbath-Honor Father Mother-No murder-No
adultery-No stealing-No lying-No coveting
No other gods-No idols-No cursing-Remember the
Sabbath-Honor Father Mother-No murder-No
adultery-No stealing-No lying-No coveting
No other gods-No idols-No cursing-Remember the
Sabbath-Honor Father Mother-No murder-No
adultery-No stealing-No lying-No coveting
17The Christian Life is to be a garden of Holy
Spirit developed Fruitfulness
The Fruit of the Spirit
18The Whole Christian Life can be divided into 9
Relational Gardens
- Self Marriage Family
Work - God
- Church Money Society Friends
19The Christian Life is like a Garden
- Self Marriage Family
Work - God
- Church Money Society Friends
- Ask for everything
- possible in the passage
- Eph 13-18
- Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual
blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just
as He chose us in Him before the foundation of
the world, that we would be holy and blameless
before Him. In love He predestined us to adoption
as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself,
according to the kind intention of His will, to
the praise of the glory of His grace, which He
freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. In Him we
have redemption through His blood, the
forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the
riches of His grace which He lavished on us. In
all wisdom and insight He made known to us the
mystery of His will, according to His kind
intention which He purposed in Him with a view to
an administration suitable to the fullness of the
times, that is, the summing up of all things in
Christ, things in the heavens and things on the
earth. In Him also we have obtained an
inheritance, having been predestined according to
His purpose who works all things after the
counsel of His will, to the end that we who were
the first to hope in Christ would be to the
praise of His glory. In Him, you also, after
listening to the message of truth, the gospel of
your salvationhaving also believed, you were
sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of
promise, who is given as a pledge of our
inheritance, with a view to the redemption of
Gods own possession, to the praise of His glory.
21Record Insights/Applications
- As you are going over a passage of Scripture
- God will show you
- connections between truths
- ways to apply a truth
- solutions for specific problems evidence for a
doctrine - Record these in some way
22The Jungle and the Garden
23The Jungle
No other gods-No idols-No cursing-Remember the
Sabbath-Honor Father Mother-No murder-No
adultery-No stealing-No lying-No coveting
The Garden
The Jungle
The Jungle
No other gods-No idols-No cursing-Remember the
Sabbath-Honor Father Mother-No murder-No
adultery-No stealing-No lying-No coveting
No other gods-No idols-No cursing-Remember the
Sabbath-Honor Father Mother-No murder-No
adultery-No stealing-No lying-No coveting
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
meekness, faithfulness, self-control
No other gods-No idols-No cursing-Remember the
Sabbath-Honor Father Mother-No murder-No
adultery-No stealing-No lying-No coveting
The Jungle
- Start singing Scripture whatever tune
- Do not change Scripture
- Write sing a song that goes with Scripture
- Do not change Scripture
- Paraphrase Scripture into an appropriate tune
- Stay as close to Scripture as possible
- Sing about a truth in a Scripture
- Be Biblical and pour out your heart
- Write sing a song about a truth in Scripture
- Psa 11-3 Eph 12-8
- After studying a passage
- Write your own amplified bible with definitions
woven into the text and expanded historical and
grammatical references - It still must be readable and Biblically accurate
- Many times this can be combined with
personalization for a powerful but very personal
passage of Scripture
26Action Steps
Almigthy God
I will spend extended time pressing the
Scripture thru my soul and body
draw near
I will redeem at least 1 waste time per day with
Biblical Meditation
27(No Transcript)