Title: Lon Po Po
1Lon Po Po
- A Red-Riding Hood Story from China
- The time in the evening just before it gets dark
- To close the door with a movable bar that fits
into a slot
9Listen for Directions
10If the vegetables are cooked until they are
tender, are they crunchy or soft?
11If the ice was to brittle to skate on safely, was
if fragile or bumpy?
12If you embraced your mom when she came home did
you hug her or say hello?
13If we came in at dusk, did we come in at
lunchtime or when it was getting dark?
14If you are delighted by the gifts you received,
are you pleased or sad?
15If you close the door and fasten the latch, are
you putting a key in the lock or sliding a metal
bar across the door?
16If the wolf used his cunning ways to get into the
house, did he use his mind or his paws?
- What does the word cunning mean?
17Say the words
- Delighted
- Dusk
- Embraced
- Latch
- Tender
- Brittle
- Cunning