Crisis Intervention - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Crisis Intervention


Why Do We React Like We Do To Crisis? Stress ... Maladaptive (go to movie, cram for 1 hr, make C) Unsuccessful attempt to reduce anxiety ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Crisis Intervention

Crisis Intervention
  • Peggy Pannell RN, MSN

What is a Crisis?
  • Katrina
  • 911
  • Tsunami
  • Earth Quakes
  • Tornado
  • How about less severe things?
  • Divorce
  • Death
  • Marriage
  • Childbirth

Why Do We React Like We Do To Crisis?
  • Stress
  • Any physical or psychological force that disturbs
  • What are physical stresses?
  • What are psychological stresses?
  • Anxiety
  • Physical and psychological response to stress

  • Maturational
  • Start School
  • Leave School
  • Develop Relationships
  • Become Employed
  • Support Families
  • Lose Loved Ones
  • Prepare for Death
  • All Stress causes Anxiety at some level
  • Situational
  • Acute Illness
  • Accidents
  • Divorce
  • Work lay off
  • Chronic Illness

Anxiety Levels
  • Mild 1
  • Constructive action, slight muscle tension,
    Feeling challenged, alertness
  • Moderate 2
  • Protective action, moderate muscle tension,
    feeling uncomfortable, difficulty concentrating
  • Severe 3
  • Prepare for flight or fight, extreme muscle
    tension, extreme discomfort, distorted
  • Panic 4 (Crisis)
  • Actual Flight or Fight, Feeling overwhelmed and
    out of control, Disorganized perceptions

Major Nursing RolesHelping patient learn/regain
effective coping strategies
  • Most common
  • Problem solving
  • Assertiveness
  • Positive self-talk
  • Stress/Anger Management
  • Skills needed for communication and relationships
  • Conflict resolution
  • Time management
  • Community living
  • Temporary Strategies
  • Visualization
  • Concentration of breathing
  • Relaxation training
  • Stretching exercises
  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Hobbies
  • Calming Music
  • Massage
  • Decreasing self destructive behaviors
  • Support systems

Types of Coping
  • Adaptive (study for test, make A)
  • Solve Problem
  • Palliative (go jogging, then study, make A)
  • Reduce anxiety then solve problem
  • Maladaptive (go to movie, cram for 1 hr, make C)
  • Unsuccessful attempt to reduce anxiety
  • No problem solution, anxiety remains
  • Dysfunctional (go out with friends, pass out,
    make F)
  • No anxiety reduction, no problem solution,
    minimal functioning becomes difficult, more
    problem arise

  • Any stressful event can lead to a crisis.
  • May be due to
  • poor coping mechanism
  • level of stress
  • severity or multiple stressors
  • The straw that broke the camels back
  • Stress Vs. Crisis
  • Disorganized from failure to cope
  • Out of control
  • Motivates pt to escape pain
  • Tune out
  • Drugs/alcohol

Individual Reaction
  • Anxiety to severe or panic level
  • Helpless, hopeless, immobile, Give up or keep
    repeating same ineffective coping method
  • During Crisis
  • Being dependent upon other is natural
  • Growth and Promotion Potential
  • Learn new coping skills, develop new or improved
  • Extended Crisis (4-6 weeks)
  • Causes exhaustion, physical illness, become
    chronic dysfunctional coping, violent, suicidal
    to escape pain (requires intense counseling at
    this point. Earlier intervention would require
    less time.

Crisis Intervention
  • Major Focus
  • Decrease Cause of Anxiety
  • Increase emotional security

5 Stages of Successful Interventions
  • Immediacy- Intervene as soon as possible. Goal is
    to reduce anxiety.
  • Assume Control - provide for their needs,
    physical and psychological
  • Assess the situation- let the person talk, watch
    for nonverbal cues, avoid judgments
  • Situation Management, prevent further
    decompensation violence, suicide
  • Post crisis intervention

Suicide and Depression
  • Suicide is influenced by
  • Cultural belief
  • Values and Norms
  • Suicide occurs in
  • Children
  • Adolescent
  • Adults
  • Suicide is assess by lethality
  • Suicidal ideation level

Suicide Ideation Assessment
  • Gestures
  • Nonlethal self-injury
  • Cutting or burning skin
  • Ingestion of small amounts of drugs
  • Some feel they are attention seeking
  • Threats
  • Verbal Statement
  • Often precede actual attempt
  • Attempt
  • Implementation of a self injurious act with the
    express purpose of ending life

  • Suicide
  • 9th leading cause of death
  • 11 per 100,000 general population
  • 15-34yrs (may be a cry for help)
  • 3rd leading cause of death
  • 71 completion ratio
  • Caucasian Male (highest demo)
  • 70 of all suicides
  • Senior Citizen (may just want to die)
  • 21 completion ratio
  • 28.8 per 100,000 of white males 65 and older
  • 65 per 100,000 of white males 85 and older

Assessment of Suicidal Patients
  • Plan
  • More developed, higher risk
  • Method
  • Less lethal methods include
  • Wrist cutting
  • Overdose ASA, Valium
  • Lethal methods include
  • Guns, jump from high place, hanging, drowning,
    carbon monoxide
  • over dose certain drugs (barb, alcohol CNS
  • Accessibility of means
  • pills on-hand or making appoint to ask for Rx
  • Gun and bullets available
  • running car and overdose has potential for mind
  • Rescue
  • Deliberately deceive rescuers more lethal
  • Leave note or make phone call more likely to

  • Face to face
  • Suspect in Depression
  • Ask them
  • Ask when and how
  • Ask about previous tries
  • Eval for
  • Depression
  • Loss or threat of loss
  • Self-destructive hallucinations
  • Alcohol/drug abuse
  • Suicide preventions (level 12)
  • No-suicide Contract
  • Observation (Q10min or constant)
  • Harmful objects removed
  • Restraints
  • Phone
  • Express Genuine Concern
  • Acknowledge their pain
  • Assess Lethality
  • Focus on positives (you called for help)
  • Ask about alcohol/drugs
  • Ask about solutions
  • Assess appropriateness
  • Suggest alternatives
  • Get name, phone , location
  • Have peer call police/ambulance
  • Ask permission or inform of plan
  • Is anyone with them?
  • Speak with them
  • Call family and ask them to go
  • Refer to walk in clinic/crisis center
  • If they refuse help
  • Give phone to crisis center or suicide hotline
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