Preparing a Global Manager - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Preparing a Global Manager


Received cold (without communicator's tone of voice or gesture to help) ... Dangling Modifiers. Leena Sen. What is Readability Index? Low Fog Index ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Preparing a Global Manager

Functions of Business Communication
1. To inform 2. To persuade 3. To Promote
External Communication with Customers Suppliers Go
vernment agencies the public
Internal Communication with Superiors Coworkers Su
Leena Sen
When Is Written Communication Really Complete?
  • Reach
  • Read
  • Understood
  • Appreciated
  • Acted Upon

Leena Sen
Written Communication-The Most Troublesome
  • Formal Communication
  • Received cold (without communicators tone of
    voice or gesture to help)
  • Rigid (Cannot be adjusted to the recipients
  • It stays on record
  • The subject is crucial
  • Handling No! is not an easy task

Leena Sen
The Readers Priorities
  • Written Communication-Highly valued asset for a
    top executive
  • The reader has limited time
  • S /he is deluged with paperwork
  • S / he hates to read a long letter
  • Is in a hurry to stop reading a letter as soon as
    the s / he has all the information
  • Please do not waste the readers time!

Leena Sen
Mind Your Grammar for Style in Business Letters-1
  • Subject Verb Object order (English is a word
    order language)
  • Strong Verbs
  • Active voice (Use Passive to minimize the source
    of action / unknown)
  • Use Adjectives / Adverbs sparingly
  • Use strong Nouns
  • Correct tense
  • Dangling Modifiers

Leena Sen
What is Readability Index? Low Fog Index
  • Business English must be simple, clear, concise,
    sincere and courteous
  • Not wordy and full of jargon
  • Correct choice of words / Not pretentious
  • Not unnecessarily long sentences
  • Subject verb object order must not be violated
    /Sentences must have coherence, not awkward
  • Paragraph must begin with a topic sentence
  • Not too many ideas in a single paragraph)
  • Must have logical progression of ideas

Leena Sen
The Composition Process
  • Good communicators realize that the composition
    process often occurs out of order as they jump
    back and forth from one stage to another.

Leena Sen
Rules for Writing Effective Business Letters /
Memos / Emails
  • Choosing the Correct Format
  • Choosing Correct Language / Use of words /
  • Using Modern Terminology
  • Using Research for Effective Business Writing
  • Avoiding Discriminatory Expressions
  • Organizing Writing for Goodwill / Building
    Relationships Understanding

Leena Sen
Parts of A Business Letter / Memo
Leena Sen
What does the Reader Do?
  • S / He tries to hold the text together
  • Finds reading easier when the text comes as a
    pyramid, beginning at the top and working

Main Idea
Related ideas
Concluding ideas
Leena Sen
Pitfalls of Business Writing
  • Too Many Words
  • Cliches
  • Too Many Big Words
  • Jargon
  • Vague Expressions
  • Condescending Statements
  • Sexist Language
  • Negative Expressions
  • Inattention to Detail
  • Inattention to the Reader
  • Lack of Commitment
  • Passive Construction

Leena Sen
Orientation towards the Receiver
  • The recipients mind should be kept in mind while
  • Practise YOU attitudelook at a message from the
    receivers point of viewwhat benefits /
    advantages for goodwill and lasting relationship.

Leena Sen
Short and Simple Vocabulary
Leena Sen
Use specific words to bring vitality and
Leena Sen
Use Active voice in preference to Passive voice.
Leena Sen
Use of Action Verbs conveys the force of your
personality and your sense of purpose.
Leena Sen
Be brief
  • An example of a verbose sentence is--
  • May I have your blessings to apply for a days
  • An example of a brief sentence is given below--
  • May I have a days leave?

Leena Sen
Prefer short sentences to long, compound and
complex sentences.
  • Those who do not attend the meeting and prefer
    to stay away, by offering feeble and lame
    excuses, shall be dealt with in a serious manner,
    vide IAC 37, which deals with office discipline
    and punishments liable thereof, in order to
    maintain the sanctity of office and to uphold the
    hoary traditions, on which the edifice of our
    organization, has been developed.

Leena Sen
Principle 8 Gender biased words.Do not use
masculine / feminine gender for both sexes. You
could avoid this by using plural or the word or
the symbol /
  • In case a student fails in the English language
    test, he will not be eligible for placement
  • Non gender biased words
  • In case a student fails in the English language
    test, he/she will not be eligible for placement
    assistance. (Use also the plural form of the
    subject noun)

Leena Sen
Keep Sentences Short
  • Write in sentences of various lengths, but keep
    the average sentence relatively short.
  • If youre not persuaded that average sentence
    length is important, read this chart published in
    communication briefings

Leena Sen
Big Impact with Little Words
  • Short words
  • can often
  • make a
  • bigger impact.

Leena Sen
Recognizing Cliches
  • along these lines
  • as per our agreement
  • at the present time
  • due to the fact that
  • enclosed please find
  • for the purpose of
  • in response to your memo of
  • in view of the face
  • per
  • Pursuant to
  • regarding the matter of
  • we are returning some herewith
  • as per your request
  • at an early date
  • despite the fact that
  • enclosed herewith
  • for the amount of
  • in response to your letter of
  • pending receipt of
  • please be advised
  • thank you for your cooperation
  • we will file your letter for future reference
  • with reference to your letter of
  • subsequent to

Leena Sen
Written Communication The Power of Seven Cs
  • Courtesywould you mind, I am really sorry
  • Claritysubmit the invoice first /production
    line is kept clear
  • ConcisenessIll definitely try to submit by
    Wednesday / Thank you for your hospitality in
    Hong Kong
  • Concreteness15 gain
  • Correctness--You waited for two days for my
  • ConsiderationAs soon as you submit the required
    documents to us, we will promptly deliver the
    goods to you.
  • Completeness Please refer to our letter dated 2
    June, about additional information of the shirt
    samples that you had sent for approval

Leena Sen
Weak Words
  • You can make your writing clearer by deleting
    words that dont add meaning. For example, pay
    close attention to the following words
  • actually kind of
  • basically particular
  • certain practically
  • definitely really
  • different various
  • generally very
  • given virtually
  • individual
  • These words are not bad, but people tend to use
    them unnecessarily. Example Actually, I
    generally kind of enjoy typing practically and
    specific type of communication. These words
    weaken the sentence because they add nothing to
    it but length.

Leena Sen
Use Gender Neutral Words
Leena Sen
Write Economically by Reducing Redundancy-3
Leena Sen
Documents that are Considerate in tone are well
  • As soon as you submit the required documents to
    us, we will promptly deliver the goods to you.
  • So that you will be able to shop freely, we have
    extended the shopping time by two hours.
  • We will not deliver the goods until you have
    submitted all the documents to us.
  • We are delighted to inform that we have extended
    shopping time by 2 hours

Leena Sen
Too Many Words
  • Limit your sentences to fewer than 17 words. In
    business communication time is precious! Do not
    waste the readers time
  • Edit ruthlessly

NO In this letter we have tried to answer all
the questions that you had asked, and we
hope that in case you have any
additional questions whatsoever, you
will not hesitate to contact us. YES If you
have additional questions, please call us.
Leena Sen
  • Avoid fad / dead phrases / words and trite
    phrases like input, parameters, utilize,
    hopefully, and enclosed please find

NO Enclosed please find herewith the
information as per your request.
Hopefully, you will be able to utilize our
product to benefit your company within
the parameters of your computers
invoice processing. Well appreciate your
input. YES We have enclosed the information
you requested. Our product will
speed up your computers invoice
Leena Sen
  • Jargon
  • Avoid using overly technical terms like
    facilitator JIT TQM/interface etc

NO After analyzing the organizational climate,
we found that it lacks a TQM approach to
work and quality maintenance YES After
analyzing the organizational climate,
we found that people need to believe in a
structured and quality approach to work.
Leena Sen
  • Vague Expressions
  • If the profits were affected did they increase
    or decrease ?
  • Be concise and specific

NO The companys negative cash flow position
forced it to resize its operations to the level
of profitable market opportunities. YES The
company lost money and had to lay off workers.
Leena Sen
  • 5 Condescending Statements
  • Write with warmth, as one human to another
  • Of course can be interpreted as any idiot

NO We are certain you are concerned with saving
money. Of course, you will mail the
enclosed card. We thank you in advance. YES If
saving money is important to you, please mail
the enclosed card today.
Leena Sen
  • 7 Negative Expressions
  • Stress the positive
  • Instead of telling what you cant do or dont
    have, provide good news.

NO Were sorry to tell you that we dont supply
XYZ software any more. YES Since we no longer
supply XYZ software, we are sending you a list
of distributors who could help you.
Leena Sen
Lack of Commitment
  • Take a stand
  • Omit qualifiers sort of, rather, quite,

NOT We are quite pleased about our rather
exciting work processor. BUT We are pleased
about out exciting line of word processors.
Leena Sen
Five steps you can take to improve your writing
1 Come straight to the point Avoid phrases
like these as they add nothing to your
message I am writing to inform you Please be
informed Please be advised Please note that I
wish to bring to your attention that
Leena Sen
Use modern terminology
Use words you would use if you were
speaking, and avoid old-fashioned, long-winded,
boring standard clichés that have been around
for decades. Instead of Say We have
received your letter Thank you for your letter
dated of 12 November. 12 November. Please
find enclosed I enclose Enclosed
is/are Please find attached I attach
Attached is/are Please be reminded Please
remember the above-mentioned goods these
goods the above-mentioned workshop this

Use Active Voice not Passive Voice-4
Use active not passive voice Active voice
makes your writing more interesting, more
personal, more proactive and much more
natural. Instead of Say The new system
was Our staff developed the developed by our
staff. new system. The cheque was presented to
the The Prince of Wales charity by the Prince
of Wales. presented the cheque to the charity.

Leena Sen
Remember the KISS Principle-3
KISS means Keep It Short and Simple that
means simple words and short sentences, for
example Instead of Say endeavour try
despatch send terminate end I should be
obliged if you would Please In view of the fact
that As, Since In the event that If
Leena Sen
Mistakes Your Computer Wont Catch-1
  • Revert back. Revert means to go back or to
    return. Eliminate back
  • I could care less. Thats wrong, because it means
    you care a lot. It should be I couldnt care
  • New innovation. An innovation is something new,
    so drop the adjective.

Leena Sen
Mistakes Your Computer Wont Catch-2
  • The principal reason. The adjective should be
    principal, meaning the most important.
  • 8 P.M. tonight. Because p.m. means after noon
    and a.m. means before noon, we dont need to
    use qualifiers such as tonight or in the
    morning when were using those Latin
  • This will effect my job status. The verb should
    be affect, which means to influence or to
    produce an effect upon. The verb effect means
    to bring about.

Leena Sen
Write Economically by Reducing Redundancy-1
  • Consensus of opinion /general consensusA
    consensus by definition is a general solidarity
    of opinion.Contained hereinsubmitted a
    resignation (say Resigned)basic fundamentals
    close proximity provide with information (say
    inform)cooperate togethercompletely full

Leena Sen
Write Economically by Reducing Redundancy-2
  • end result/final outcometake under consideration
    (consider)many in numberfuture
    prospectssufficient enoughother alternativenew
    innovationpast experiencepostpone until later

Leena Sen
The Push Skill of Feedback for positive
image-Feedback is not the same as criticism
  • Meant to improve performance in a positive way
  • Calm
  • Tough on the issues
  • Look for solutions
  • Looks for underlying causes
  • Two way
  • Person giving the feedback owns the opinion, says
    I think

Leena Sen
Influencing / Persuasive skills for positive
impression-The Pull skills for Creating Rapport
  • Positive Body Language Communication
  • Managing your body language
  • Avoid mismatches
  • Match, dont copy
  • Genuine Listening
  • Asking Questions

Leena Sen
Phrases to Avoid-2
  • For your perusal, review, and consideration
  • We deem it advisable
  • It has come to my attention
  • The undersigned
  • Pursuant to your request
  • Transparent to the user
  • Under separate cover

Leena Sen
The 2 Golden Rules
  • For all pleasant messages practise BIF formula
  • For all unpleasant messages practise BILL formula

Leena Sen
E-mail Etiquette (Netiquette)
Leena Sen
Minding Your E Mail / Memo Manners
Leena Sen
Ten Techniques for Effective Communication
  • Keep your writing clear, concise, and simple.
  • Choose your words carefully.
  • Be natural.
  • Avoid fad words, jargon, and cliches.
  • Use active verbs, avoid passive construction.
  • Take a stand, make a commitment, avoid
  • Use familiar wordsplain English.
  • Be specific avoid vagueness.
  • Eliminate redundant expressions.
  • Keep your audience in mind.

Leena Sen
  • Language, Values, Attitudes, and other cultural
    traits change very slowly. Therefore,
    communicating inter-culturally calls for
    recognition of the cultural elements that cause
    people to view things differently and thus create
    barriers to communication.

Free Your Mind From Cliches!
Leena Sen
Leena Sen
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