Title: 15 jaar 15 oktober 2004
115 jaar 15 oktober 2004
2Young children playing together and coping with
conflicts A training programme for educators
Research training project Elly Singer, Dorian
de Haan, University Utrecht Anke van Keulen,
Bureau MUTANT, The Netherlands www.mutant.nl
Perspective democratic social life in peer
group Focus on 1) Peer relations
constructing rules 2) Role teachers and
educators fostering and co-constructing positive
- 2-3 years olds
- different ethnic backgrounds
- in 23 child care centres
- including the mothers
5Publication The social lives of young children
play, conflict and moral learning in day-care
- Teachers, educators
- Students
- Parents
6Training programme
- leading vision
- democracy and young children
- training for educators
- training of trainer course
7Training themes
- young childrens construction of togetherness
- young childrens conflictsolving in peergroups
- educators roles in coping with childrens
conflicts - educators effective interventions in childrens
8Training approach
- Observation of children
- Reflection on and analysis of the educators
competencies - Exercising in effective skills
- Mediating approach the three Rs
- Actions plans at individual, team and
institution level
9Conflicts functions and types
- Clashes over things
- The stay-away-from-me feeling
- The I-want-to-join-in-too hullabaloo
- Conflicts over ideas about play
10Conflicts functions and types Clashes over
- Learning social skills
- taking turns, no snatching,
- playing together
- Coping with rules
- - share your belongings
- - respect anothers possesion
11Conflicts functions and types The
stay-away-from-me feeling
- Learning social skills
- no intruding or touching
- Coping with rules
- -dont hurt one another
- -respect anothers physical domain
- -value physical intimacy
12Conflicts functions and types The
I-want-to-join-in hullabaloo
- Learning social skills
- focussing on the other childs perspective and
joining in smoothly - Coping with rules
- -respect anothers social domain
- -be generous and share with newcomers, younger
children, etc
13Conflicts functions and types Conflicts over
ideas about play
- Learning social skills
- discussing and negotiating
- Coping with rule
- -respect anothers ideational domain
14Role of the professional
- Protector
- guarantees fysical and psycholgical safety
- Authority
- guarantees rules in the day-care group
- Mediator
- guarantees connections
15 Mediation approach the 3 Rs
R1 Recognition R2 Resolution R3 Reconciliation
16 Mediation approach the 3 Rs R1 Recognition
- Stage insight
- recognition the logic-in-action of the children
- Observing
- Soothing
- Asking questions checking
- Verbalizing feelings
- Mentioning the other childs perspective
17 Mediation approach the 3 Rs R2 Resolution
- Stage of good ideas
- using strategies to resolve the problem
- asking and suggesting the children what to do
- proposing an alternative or compromis
- suggesting the children to express their needs
- reminding the children on shared moral rules
18 Mediation approach the 3 Rs R3 Reconciliation
- Stage of restored relations
- assuring that children reconcile and restore the
relationship - asking the children for a plan
- giving advice
- complimenting the children
- referring to togetherness and friendship
19Training experiences MUTANT training target
- Child Care providers - 20 60 child care centres
- Preschool managers
- Resource support centres in child care and in
preschool education - Colleges initial training
20Training experiences Training courses
- Induction workshops
- Inservice training
- Training for trainers
21 Training experiences
- Educators learning results
- Observing children and childrens needs
- Reflecting ones own interventions
- Less intervening
- Addressing equally all involved children
- Reconstructing the environment
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