Title: James Whitworth
1James Whitworth
- Head of Unit
- International Statistical Co-operationEurostat
2Eurostat engagement in EU policies for
international statistical co-operation
- Eurostat organisation
- Co-operation with European and Mediterranean
countries - International statistical co-operation
3Eurostat as of 16 September 2005
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5E4 Statistical co-operation with European and
Mediterranean Countries
Transition Facility
Western Balkan countries
European Neighbourhood Policy
Acceding and candidate countries
6E4 Statistical co-operation with European and
Mediterranean Countries
- Front-office in E4, back-office in production
units - Manages programmes
- Programmes are specifically statistical
7New member states
- Institutional building
- Help to comply with statistical legislation
8Acceding, Candidate, Western Balkan countries
- Acceding monitor commitments made in
negotiations support efforts to apply acquis - Candidates contribute to negotiations support
efforts to apply acquis - Western Balkans monitor negotiations and
implementation of Stabilisation and Association
Agreements (SAA) e.g. some acquis, trade, free
movement, etc.
9European Neighbourhood Policy
- ENP-TACIS countries strengthen national
statistical systems, support adoption of European
statistical methods through ENP actions plane,
bilateral discussions - ENP-MED continue supporting regional
integration harmonisation, dissemination,
exchange of experience through ENP action plans,
EU co-operation policies.
10European and Mediterranean countries
co-ordination of technical co-operation
- Few donors in region
- Questionnaire
- Eurostat working group
- Economic Commission for Europe / CIS-Stat
11E5 International Statistical Co-operation
International organisations
Asia, Latin America
C. AsiaCIS
Africa, Caribbean, Pacific
Central America
Mercosur, Chile
Specific policies / ad hoc
12E5 International Statistical Co-operation
- No budget
- Mainly provides own back office support
- Advisory role
- Mainly regional approach
- Does not lead projects
- Statistical elements of wider projects
13EU Finance for Development
- EU the largest donor of development aid
- - 55 of global ODA (Official Development Aid)
in terms of aid volume - - The most important economic and trade partner
of the developing world - EU committed to go further
- 0.41 GNI (0.51 old Member States, 0.17
new) - 0.56 GNI for EU-25 by 2010
- 0.70 GNI by 2015
14Development Policy the European Consensus
- Poverty reduction
- MDGs
- Good Governance (including statistics?)
- Human rights
- Trade
- Sustainable Development
15Set of 10 MDG indicatorsSelected by the EC
16Eurostats role on technical cooperation and MDGs
- Providing technical advice to DGDev, Relex and
17ACP, Asia, Latin America co-ordination of
technical co-operation
- Paris21 Light reporting
- Economic Commission for Europe / CIS-Stat
- Co-ordination Committee on Statistical Activities
- EU Statistical Programme Committee UK initiative
18- Thank you.
- James Whitworth
- James.whitworth_at_cec.eu.int
- Tel 00 352 4301 36857
- Fax 00 352 4301 37269
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