Title: Personality Disorders: No Longer a Diagnosis of Exclusion
1Personality Disorders No Longer a Diagnosis of
2A note of thanks
- This presentation has been somewhat modified in
the light of a number of very helpful comments.
- All findings are provisional.
- Previous experiences working in
- Substance misuse
- Criminal justice
5Preparatory Research
- DSPD reform agenda of the UK government.
6Current Research
- PhD
- Social work orientation
- Advisory group
7Design and Implementation
- Extensive literature review
- Semi-structured interviews
- Front-line workers
- Key informants
- Service users
8Relevant Recent Reports and Inquiries
- MWCS reports re the care and treatment of Mr L
and Mr M (2006) followed by Mr G (2007). - The report into the early impact of the
legislation by (Atkinson et al, 2007).
9Possible Titles for This Presentation
- Personality Disorders no longer a diagnosis of
exclusion? - Or more controversially
- Personality Disorders still not my problem?
10Service Planning
- Limited response based upon specialised services.
- This appears to have been largely confined to the
health service.
11Staff Support and Training
- Where available also largely confined to health
service staff. - Exception MHO additional training following the
report into the care and treatment of Mr L. and
Mr M.
12Policies and Procedures
- These are a necessary but not sufficient
criterion for change.
13Service Provision and Delivery
- The continued absence of appropriate
psychological interventions appears to be an
ongoing problem. - Future resource planning does not appear to
anticipate an expansion in the provision of these
14What Else Would You Really Expect?
- All change or status quo?
- The Report of the Millan Committee has quite
rightly been heralded as providing the basis for
one of the most progressive examples of mental
health legislation to be found anywhere namely
the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland)
Act 2003.
- The report of the Millan Committee reflected the
breadth of views received during the extensive
consultation process. The following few slides
are intended to highlight the balanced and
realistic view, which characterised the
Committees recommendations concerning
personality disorders.
- there are attractions in reverting to the
position prior to 1999, when personality disorder
was not mentioned in the Act. However, it would
not be realistic to ignore the fact that the 1999
Act has given a new emphasis to the question of
personality disorder (pg 44).
- The report then states that
- we are of the view that people with personality
disorder require and deserve appropriate
services, and so should be included within the
scope of mental disorder (pg 44).
- The Millan Committee expressed the view that in
general, the effective treatment of personality
disorders normally require the co-operation of
the patient (pg 39). - Furthermore that in most cases compulsion would
not be appropriate because of the presence,
rather than absence of capacity or absence of
impaired judgement.
- The Committee recognised that the most likely
outcome of the continued inclusion of personality
disorders within mental health legislation would
therefore be that in the vast majority of
instances services would be provided on an
informal basis.
- Within its report, the Millan Committee
acknowledged considerable concerns regarding the
quality and availability of mental health
services (pg 179) the Committee also however
took the view that mental health legislation
itself was not an appropriate vehicle to remedy
this, largely because the majority of people
receiving services will not be subject to
compulsory measures (pg 179).
- The report of the Millan Committee therefore
contains the clear aspiration that people with a
diagnosis of personality disorders, should not
simply be included within the scope of mental
health law but rather that they should receive
appropriate services.
- The fact however that the vast majority of people
with personality disorders are likely to continue
to receive services on an informal basis, means
that the status quo may prove difficult to
change. -
- Considerable investment and the use of
specific delivery mechanisms will be necessary.
23Law of Unintended Consequences
- Emergence of a two-tier system Formal v Informal
care and treatment. - Driven by the requirements and obligations
contained within the current Act in respect of
formal care and treatment.
24Filtering Out
- Filtering out is a predictable consequence of the
Significantly Impaired Decision-Making Criterion. - N 133 i.e. 4 STDOs PD (MWCS, 2008).
- N 50 of these PD sole diagnosis.
25Unintended Consequences again!
- The profile of people with personality disorders
receiving services on a formal basis is therefore
likely to be skewed by a focus upon risk and
dangerousness. - This may serve to reinforce existing stereotypes.
26The Forensic and General Divide
- Despite the rejection of the DSPD agenda a
growing divide based upon assumptions concerning
risk and dangerousness is apparent.
27Another Tier
- In terms of the civil provisions of the Act those
perceived as risky or dangerous are more likely
to receive a formal service response. - MDOs with personality disorders are receiving an
increasingly formal and robust service response.
28Champagne and White Cider
- the detained population gets the champagne
service and the non-detained population gets the
white cider service - (Atkinson et al, 2007)
29Reaction and Progress
- PD was included explicitly in Scots law as a
reactive measure rather than as a genuinely
progressive and inclusive one. - This was implicitly acknowledged within the
report of the Millan Committee, who then advanced
a positive case for inclusion.
30Inclusion a Utopian Aspiration?
- The inclusion of people diagnosed with
personality disorders based upon their needs
appears to remain substantially aspirational. - This is despite legislation that has been rightly
heralded as highly progressive.
31Rights and Obligations
- As long as personality disorders remain part of
the diagnostic lexicon, the reciprocal right to
services will continue. - The issue of the right to treatment has been
defined as a basic human right - cont..
32United Nations Resolution 46/119
- Fundamental freedoms and basic rights
- 1. All persons have the right to the best
available mental health care, which shall be part
of the health and social care system. - (emphasis added)