Title: Adaptive Course Creation for All
1Adaptive Course Creation for All
- Alexandra Cristea
- a.i.cristea_at_tue.nl
- http//wwwis.win.tue.nl/alex/
- Motivation
- Learning styles
- AH elements
- MOT adaptive strategies
- Conclusions
- Personalization in education
- Adaptive hypermedia the answer?
- Authoring AH needs reuse, flexibility
4UM adaptation reuse
- Learning styles adaptation
5Learning styles AH
- AEC-ES field-dependent (FD) independent (FI)
- LSAS, CS388 global-sequential (Felder-Silverman)
- ARTHUR, iWeaver, MANIC, CS388 sensory pref.
- Tangow sensing-intuitive dim. (Felder-Silverman)
- INSPIRE Kolbs learning styles
- More to come?
6FD vs. FI treatment
- FD learners prefer
- structures,
- social content,
- material relevant to own experience.
- AH systems respond by
- providing navigational support tools (CM, path
indicator, advanced organizer) adaptive
navigation support
7FD vs. FI treatment
- FI learners
- perceive analytically,
- make concept distinctions,
- prefer impersonal orientation.
- AH systems respond with
- learner control arbitrary succession of course
material. - Sometimes explicit switching between FI FD.
8Sensory preferences treatment
- AH adaptive presentations can switch between
- textual (hyper-text),
- auditory (sounds, streaming audio),
- visual (video, slideshows) or
- kinaesthetic views (animations, simulations,
9Sensing vs. Intuitive
- Sensing learners like
- learning facts,
- well-established problem-solving methods,
- dislike surprises
- intuitors like
- discovering relationships
- innovation,
- dislike repetition,
- better at grasping new concepts and
- more comfortable with abstractions.
10AH for sensors vs. intuitors
- Select. of appropriate meta-data (concept
attributes - example,
- activity,
- theory,
- exercise)
- adaptive presentation
11Kolb scale
diverger (concrete, reflective)
assimilator (abstract, reflective)
Child, Budda, philosopher
Teacher, reviewer
Business person
converger (abstract, active)
accomodator (concrete, active)
"What if?"
12AH response Kolb
- different sequences of information adaptive
navigational support techniques with link
13Ingredients of adaptivity
- providing different learners with different
presentations of the learning material
(explanations, theory, exercises, etc.) - providing different learners with different
ordering of the material - Using ingredients in adaptive strategies
15Different learners, different presentations
16Different learners, different ordering
ordering reflects the goal of the presentation,
the envisioned audience
17Using ingredients in Adaptive Strategies
18FD strategy
19Kolb diverger
20(Generalize, Specialize)
- DM is concept map with hierarchy
21Kolb diverger
22Kolb converger
23Kolb converger
24Mechanism for monitoring strategies
25Conclusion MOT
- allows def. of adaptive instructional strategies
via adaptation language programming interface, - Reuse is possible and encouraged.
- instructional strategies reflection of learning
/ teaching style or preference
26Download trial
- Download
- http//adaptmot.sourceforge.net/
- Trial
- http//e-learning.dsp.pub.ro/mot/
- http//e-learning.dsp.pub.ro/motadapt/
272nd International Workshop on Authoring of
Adaptive and Adaptable Educational Hypermedia
- Themes
- Design patterns for educational adaptive
hypermedia - Authoring patterns in adaptive/ adaptable
educational hypermedia - Authoring Tools for adaptive/ adaptable
educational hypermedia - Connecting adaptive educational hypermedia with
cognitive/learning styles - Collaborative issues for adaptive/ adaptable
educational hypermedia - Adaptation model transformations between adaptive
educational hypermedia systems - Evaluation of authoring tools for adaptive
educational hypermedia - Evaluation of adaptive educational hypermedia
design patterns - Evaluation of adaptive educational hypermedia
authoring patterns - http//wwwis.win.tue.nl/acristea/AH04/workshopAH.