Title: www'mflchristopherwhitehead'typepad'com
1www.mflchristopherwhitehead.typepad.com asp_at_christ
2I blog, You blog, (We)blogLets blog!
3(No Transcript)
4It is recommended that you work through this
PowerPoint in Slide Show mode. Then use Alt Tab
to move between this window and the Internet
window which you will need to be using to create
and design your blog. To return to the main
index page, press at any of the title
5- Contents
- How to create a blog
- How to make a Post
- How to manage the design of your blog-the Design
tab - How to set up Comment Moderation
- How to create a visitors map
- How to use the TypeList tab to create links to
other websites - How to Insert an Image and a File into a Post
- How to set up an RSS Feed
- How to set up Moblogging
- How to Insert a Flickr badge using a Notes
TypeList - Further websites to explore
- During the following session, you should all
- Create a blog
- Adapt the design of your blog
- Make your first post
- Create a link to another site
- Insert a file and an image
7How to create a blog
8Go to www.typepad.com Click on Sign Up Now
9Complete all the details as necessary
10If you are creating this blog for your school /
department, reflect that here e.g. nodehillfrench
/ edgehillcollege etc
CPD2009 This code will allow you to not have to
input credit card details for 90days AND give you
a 20 lifetime discount.
11- Finally, it is recommended to choose a Pro level
account. - This will
- allow you to create multiple blogs within a
school / department - have multiple authors for the blog- meaning that
comments come to the inbox of the appropriate
12How to make a Post
131. In the Weblogs tab, click on Begin a new post
141. Add a title, eg first post
2. Type a short text here (i.e. A description of
what you hope to learn during the session.
15- Click on category, and then Add a new category...
- This will allow you to organise your posts a bit
like good filing!
161. Add a category name, eg Blogging. Then click
171. This now shows the Post ready to be published.
Scroll down to finalise.
181. Decide whether or not you would like people to
be able to comment on your Post. If yes, leave
Open. 2. Then click SAVE
19Indicates success in posting. 1. It is now
advisable to check your blog to see if you are
happy with the Post.
20How to manage the design of your blog-the Design
21This is the main screen to change the appearance
of your entire blog. A full explanation of the 4
parts are available on the next slide. 1. To
access this, click on the design tab.
22- Blog design
- Changing the theme
- governs how your blog looks
- Changing the layout
- governs the structure of the blog, in particular
the number of columns - Selecting content
- to decide which of your typelists and
descriptive elements, such as post titles, should
be shown on your blog - Ordering content
- to put your sidebar elements (typelists and
widgets) in order
231.These are all your different possible designs.
Types of design are available here. Its worth
trying out different designs, but dont worry too
much, it can be changed at any time, even months
after you start blogging!
2. When finished, save the changes!
24The numer of columns principally effects the
width of your post. If you are intending to use
lots of widgets and typelists (things on your
sidebar) it is recommended to have 3 columns-
otherwise 2.
25The content selection screen allows you to decide
what elements should be included in your posts
(title, date etc) and your sidebar (categories,
archive, links etc). These can be changed at any
261. Choose which aspects you would like in your
Modules are facilities offered automatically by
TypePad. Widgets are fun bits and bobs for your
sidebar (you need to create these from
www.widgetbox.com). TypeLists allow you to form
links to other sites, and to host badges- of
photos and sitemaps of whos visited your blog.
271. Ordering content drag and drop in the order
of priority- what do you want people to be able
to see first on your sidebar? 2. Then click Save
28How to set up Comment Moderation
291. In order to set up comment moderation, click
on the Weblogs tab.
301. Click on Feedback
31These are recommended settings for a school blog.
1. Will allow commenters to provide their details
through their TypePad account.
2. Prevents any inappropriate comments, as the
author will be sent all comments to approve for
the blog.
32How to add a vistors map to your blog
33Step 1- register at www.clustrmaps.com Step 2-
check your e-mail for the password which will be
sent immediately. Use this in the register screen
which you should leave open.
34Copy ALL of Code A onto your clipboard
35In the TypeList section of your TypePad account,
click Create a new TypeList
36- The List type should be Links
- Input an appropriate name for the map
- Press Create New List
371. Paste your Clustrmaps code into the Notes
section. 2. Press Save
381. Press Publish
39If you have more than one blog under the same
account, choose the appropriate blog for the map
and press Save Changes
40In the Configure tab, change the Show to Notes
as text. 2. Press Save Changes
41How to use the TypeList tab
42A TypeList is displayed in your sidebar. It can
be used to... - create links - permanently
display specific things on your blog e.g. photo
43A TypeList must always be of a specific type.
When you have assigned it, it cannot
change. There are five different types of
TypeLists. However, for our educational purposes,
it is the Links and Notes TypeLists which are
key. So what are they?!
44- Link TypeList
- Use a Link TypeList to add a link to another
website to your sidebar. - The fields in a Link TypeList are
- Title (what people will see in your sidebar)
- URL (the web address)
- Notes (To describe what the link is to)
- These are the most common TypeLists, and allow
you to set up links for your pupils to follow.
45- Notes TypeList
- Notes TypeLists dont create Links, but allow you
to show selected content in your sidebar. - e.g - Your favorite badges eg for flickr
- Specific content such as gizmoz.com cartoons
- The fields in a Notes TypeList are
- Label where you will be adding an HTML code.
- Note what will be shown when you hover the
mouse over the content on your blog.
462. Click here to create a new TypeList
1. This main TypeList page can be accessed by
clicking on the TypeLists tab. It displays all
the TypeLists you have created, and you can add
or edit these at any time.
47In this screen you can create a new TypeList. 1.
By clicking on the drop down menu you can choose
the type of TypeList, and then put the name which
you want to assign it. But first you must decide
which type of TypeList to use...
481. Choose the List to suit your purpose- in this
case, Links.
49Here we are setting up a link to useful blogs to
help your readership 1. To do this, we need a
Link TypeList, which we will call useful
blogs. 2. Now press Create New List
50The Add Item function allows us to input the
details of a new Link. 1. Paste the URL
(www.joedale.typepad.com) of the required
site. 2. and then add a description in the Notes
section. This will appear when the user hovers
their mouse over the Link. 3. Then press Save
51In order for any changes to appear online, it
must be published onto the blog. 1. As such,
press on the Publish tab
521. Choose where the TypeList should be
made. Normally this will be onto your blog, not
the About Page which describes you. 2. You will
then need to press Save Changes.
53The blue shaded boxes indicate that a task has
been successfully completed. 1. If you want to
change the position of the new TypeList on your
sidebar, click Order
54How to Insert an Image and a file into a Post.
55- Before you begin this step, please write a short
description of how you would like to use a blog
with your class(es). This may be either in Word
or PowerPoint. - Save the description to an appropriate place.
Name it How I would use a blog
561. As you did earlier, go to the Compose Post
screen. 2. Using the cursor, position where you
would like to insert your image. 3. Then click
the Insert Image button.
57- Click Browse...
- Find the appropriate image to Insert from your
files. - The first time you do this it is advisable to use
the Custom setting - Click Insert Image.
581. It is advisable not to activate the pop-up
window setting. 2. When happy with your settings,
press Insert Image, saving them as your default.
59How to Insert a file in a Post.
- Reposition your cursor where you want to Insert
your file. - Click on the Insert File button.
60- Click Browse...
- Find the appropriate file to Insert from your
files. - 3. When found, click Upload File.
611. You can reposition the file by copying and
pasting. 2. When you are content with your Post,
press SAVE as per normal.
63How to set up an RSS Feed
64And what is a Feed?! According to TypePad, a feed
is, A feed is an easy way for readers to stay
current with blogs and news content using a feed
reader. An example of a feed reader is Google
Reader. This enables readers to not have to
check your blog to find out if there have been
any new posts. Instead, their feed reader will
inform them that there has been a new post,
saving them time and guaranteeing that they stay
up-to-date with your blog! But dont worry, these
reads still count towards your reader statistics!
651. Click on the Weblogs tab
661. Click on the Feeds tab.
671. Turn the Weblog feed On
2. If you will be writing very long Posts, it can
be a good idea to set this to Post Excerpts,
which will give readers a choice of articles to
681) Create an account (free)
2) Click Connect to FeedBurner
691. When you have created an account and logged
in, you will be asked to Select a Feed. 2. You
will need to Create a new Feedburner feed. 3.
Then click Continue.
70FeedBurner will automatically input the details
of the blog you want to create a Feed for. 1.
Click Continue.
711. Your Feed has been successfully created. Now
click Save Changes.
72Indication that TypePad has recognised your Feed.
If for any reason you want to end your Feed,
press Disconnect from FeedBurner in this
Configure, Feeds tab.
73How to set up Moblogging-the ability to update
your blog from away from your computer
741. Click on Edit my mobile settings
751. You must provide the e-mail addresses that you
will be moblogging from- be it from your computer
or mobile telephone.
Continued on next page
76This is where you will have to send your moblog
posts to. 1. It is a good idea to save this
e-mail address in the contacts of any of your
e-mail accounts as appropriate. 2. When you have
finished adjusting your settings, press SAVE.
77Try investigating these sites to learn more about
how to Moblog. www.ShoZu.com my favourite, and
very easy to set-up and use www.gabcast.com
allows you to leave voicemail messages on your
78How to Insert a Flickr badge using a Notes
79Register with www.flickr.com / log-on
801. Click on tools, which will allow you to easily
and quickly upload multiple photos.
811. Download the appropriate version. If you have
an older operating system, other uploadrs are
available further down the page. If you have
problems downloading this, use the Upload
facility on the main flickr page instead.
821. Click Run
831. Click Run
841. Click Next gt
851. Choose an appropriate destination in your
files. 2. Then click Next gt
861. If you are happy with the recommended
settings, click Install.
871. Installation complete, press Finish
881. Find the Flickr Uploadr icon on your desktop
and double click on it to open.
891. Press Authorize to begin the process.
901. The key message confirming that the download
process of the Uploadr has been successful. You
will only have to complete this once.
911. Click Continue
921. You can click on the green Add photos icon or
drag and drop your photos into the box. Use the
Photos of Spain folder for the photos.
93Photo Resize allows you to make your photos a
more appropriate size for use on the Internet-
which also allows a faster upload. 1. It is
recommended to leave the settings as suggested
unless there is a specific reason why you need
your photos in a different pixelation. If you are
happy with the settings, click Yes.
941. If you are happy with your photos, click
951. A tag allows other users to search for
specific things on Flickr and find useful
2. The Privacy settings decide who can see your
photos- the world (Public) or just friends and
family. For a badge it must be Public.
3. Photo Sets allow you to organise your photos
better. If you want to create a badge, as we do,
then this is important, as otherwise you will
have unwanted photos from your account in the
4. When happy with the settings, click Finish
96Indicates progress in the Upload.
97Indicates a successful upload. 1. Click Done
981. Back in the main Flickr.com page, (return here
by pressing Home) click on tools again.
991. Scroll down until you see Display Flickr
photos on your website, in the right-hand
column. 2. Click on build a badge
1001. Choose the required style and press NEXT
1011. Choose the Set which you created for the badge.
102- Choose your desired colour scheme.
1031. Copy this code onto your clipboard.
1041. In TypePad, find the TypeLists tab.
2. And now Create a new TypeList
1051. Create new Notes list, and give it a name as
1061. Copy the code from Flickr into the Note
section. 2. Then click Save
1071. Before the badge appears on your blog, you
will need to Publish it.
1081. Click on the blog you want to publish the
badge to. 2. Then click Save Changes. 3. Note
you might want to Order where the badge will be
in your sidebar.
109In your blogs sidebar you should see your Flickr
110Further websites to explore
111Recommended MFL blogs www.nodehillfrench.typepad.c
om www.edgehillcollege.typepad.com http//northgat
emfl.blogspot.com/ http//woodmillfrench.typepad.c
om/woodmillfrench/ http//mfle.typepad.com/tgs2/ w
ww.joedale.typepad.com http//jensutton.typepad.co
m/a_ship_in_the_country/ www.chrisfuller.typepad.c
om http//misssimmonds.typepad.com/misssimmonds/
112Presentations www.slide.com (for photo
slideshows) www.slideshare.net (for sharing
PowerPoint presentations) www.onetruemedia.com
(another form of photo sharing) www.blip.tv (to
add your own digital video to your
blog) www.jellycast.com (another podcast
server) www.odeo.com (a podcast server which you
can use with Podomatic or Jellycast to provide
players for your blog)
113- Moblogging
- www.shozu.com (to post from your mobile, or send
to www.blip.tv or www.flickr.com) - www.gabcast.com (to leave voice messages on your
blog via mobile phone)
114- Photo sharing
- www.flickr.com
- http//flickr.com/photos/cogdog/265279980/ (ideas
for using flickr)
115- Video materials and sharing
- www.youtube.com
- www.teachertube.com
- www.zamzar.com
- http//flixn.com/ (easy online video recording)