Title: ECSE4963 Introduction to Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems
1ECSE-4963Introduction to Subsurface Sensing and
Imaging Systems
- Lecture 2 Introduction to MATLAB
- Kai Thomenius1 Badri Roysam2
- 1Chief Technologist, Imaging technologies,
- General Electric Global Research Center
- 2Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Center for Sub-Surface Imaging Sensing
2Review of Last Lecture
- Subsurface imaging Course Focus
- Many applications to Biology, Medicine, Industry,
Homeland Security - Probes, media, and probe-media interactions
- Methods by which we examine contents of hidden
volumes - Wave theory the common thread
- Common to electromagnetic and acoustic probing
- This Class
- Overview of Matlab tools
3Outline of Course Topics
- What is subsurface sensing imaging?
- Why a course on this topic?
- X-Ray Imaging
- Computer Tomography
- propagation of waves
- interaction of waves with targets of interest
- Examples
- A different sensing modality from the others
- Basics of MRI
- What is it?
- PET Radionuclide Imaging
- These slides have been collected from a number of
sources - www.cs.cornell.edu/Courses/cs401/2001fa
- www.soes.soton.ac.uk/MSc/current/matlab.ppt
- Matlab File Exchange
- www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/loadC
ategory.do - While there, download the following MATLAB
Programming Style Guidelines by Richard Johnson
5Matlab History
- Matlab stands for Matrix Laboratory
- Created by Dr. Cleve Moler in the 1970s, then a
professor at U. of New Mexico - Now Dr. Moler is Chief Scientist Mathworks, Inc.
- Mathworks is now a major computer company
- Developed from LAPACK--a series of routines for
numerical linear algebra - Consequences
- is funny, / is even funnier
- Matlab does linear algebra really well
6Starting Up
- On Windows
- Launch from START, or find matlab.exe double
click - On UNIX/Linux
- Open a terminal, type matlab
- Problems
- Command not found--check your path
- Splash window of 6.X hangs--try matlab -nojvm
7Matlab Windows
- As of 6.0, Matlab has lots of windows inside a
Desktop - The Workspace is the center of the Matlab
universe - Holds your data
- Waits for your commands
- (other windows are fluff)
- 5.X only has workspace
8Basic Math
- Matlab is a command-line calculator
- Simple arithmetic operators
- - /
- Basic functions
- sin(), log(), log10(), exp(), rem()
- Constants
- pi, e
9Big deal, a calculators 20
- Matlab is a fully-functional programming language
- This means we get variables
- name value
- Name can be anything made of letters, numbers,
and a few symbols (_). Must start with a letter - End line with to avoid output
- Can also use to put multiple commands on a
line - List with who
- Delete with clear
- More info with whos
101D Arraysa.k.a. Vectors
- An array is anything you access with a subscript
- 1D arrays are also known as vectors
- Everything (nearly) in Matlab is a double array
- Create arrays with brackets
- Separate elements with commas or spaces
- Access with ()s
11Regular arrays
- We can create regularly spaced arrays using
- Asten produces st, st1, st2, en
- A15 is 1 2 3 4 5
- A-3.52 is -3.5 -2.5 -1.5 0.5 1.5---note,
stops before 2! - What happens if en lt st ?
- Can also insert a step size Aststepen
- A026 is 0 2 4 6
- A5-2.50 is 5 -2.5 0
12Accessing vectors
- Matlab arrays start at 1
- In most languages (C, Java, F77) can only access
arrays one element at a time - a(1)1 a(2)2.5 a(3)-3 etc.
- In Matlab, can access several elements at a time
using an array of integers (aka an index) - a(15) is a(1),a(2),a(3),a(4),a(5)
- a(5-21) is a(5), a(3), a(1)
13Accessing vectors
- Index vectors can be variables
- A1010100 I129 A(I) gives
10,30,50,70,90 - J2210A(J) gives 20,40,60,80,100
- What does A(I)A(J) do?
14Column vectors
- row vectors are 1-by-n
- column vectors are n-by-1
- Row/column distinction doesnt exist in most
languages, but VERY IMPORTANT in MATLAB - Create column vectors with semi-colons
- Can force to column vector with ()
- Convert column-to-row and back with transpose ()
- Can access the same way as row vectors
152D arrays--matrices
- From using commas/spaces and semi-colons
- A1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- A(j,k) jth row, kth column
- A(23,12) rows 2 through 3 and columns 1
through 2 - A(1,3,4, ) all of rows 1, 3 and 4
- A(, 1) first column
16Size matters
- A is m-by-n means A has m rows and n columns
- m,nsize(A) gets size of A
- length(a) gets length of vectors.
- A(13,2)v, v better have length 3
- A(125,23)B, B better be 3-by-2
17Array Arithmetic
- if A and B are the same size, C(j,k)A(j,k)B(j,k)
- If A is a scalar, C(j,k)AB(j,k)
- Same for -
18Array Multiplication
- Multiplication is weird in Matlab
- Inherited from linear algebra
- To multiply by a scalar, use
- To get C(j,k)A(j,k)B(j,k) use .
- Also applies to . and ./
19Matrix Multiplication CAB
- A is m-by-p and B is p-by-n then C is m-by-n
- C(i,j) a(i,1)b(1,j)a(i,2)b(2,j)
a(i,p)b(p,j) - Another view
- C(i,j)a(i,)b(,j)
- 1-by-p p-by-1 answer is 1-by-1
20ND arrays
- Until V5, Matlab arrays could only be 2D
- Now has unlimited dimensions
- Aones(2,3,2)
- A is a 3D array of ones, with 2 rows, 3 columns,
and 2 layers - A(,,1) is a 2-by-3 matrix
- squeeze command is very important
21What kind of graphics is possible in Matlab?
Polar plot t0.012pi
Line plot x00.055,ysin(x.2),plot(x,y)
Stem plot x 00.14, y
sin(x.2).exp(-x) stem(x,y)
22What kind of graphics is possible in Matlab?
Surface plot zpeaks(25), surf(z),
Mesh plot zpeaks(25), mesh(z)
Contour plot
Quiver plot
28 January 2003, Matlab tutorial Joanna Waniek
- For loops in Matlab use index-notation
- for jststepen
- ltcommands involving jgt
- end
- Example uv
- tot0
- for j1length(u)
- tottotu(j)v(j)
- end
- Conditional statements control flow of a program
- if(logic)
- ltcommands executed if truegt
- else
- ltcommands executed if falsegt
- end
- Matlab also has switch
- switch(j)
- case a ltcommands if ajgt
- case b ltcommands if bjgt
- otherwise ltdefault commandsgt
- end
25Logic--searching with find
- Find--searches for the truth (or not false)
- b1 0 -1 0 0
- Ifind(b)
- I1 3 --b(I) is an array without zeros
- Ifind(ones(3,1) 1 2 32)
- I 4 5 6
- I,Jfind(ones(3,1) 1 2 32)
- I 1 2 3
- J 2 2 2
- Matlab programs are stored in m-files
- Text files containing Matlab commands and ending
with .m - Script m-files--commands executed as if entered
on command line - Function m-files--analogous to subroutines or
methods, maintain their own memory (workspace)
- First line of file must be function
outputsfname(inputs) - outputs and inputs can be blank
- Comments immediately following are returned by
help - Functions must be in current directory or in
Matlabs search path
- Matlab
- Very widely used mathematical modeling tool
- Brief introduction to MATLABs key concepts
- Arrays, vectors, matrices, their addressing
- Graphics w. MATLAB
- Iteration program flow
- Conditionals
- Next Class
- Projection Imaging X-rays
29Instructor Contact Information
- Badri Roysam
- Professor of Electrical, Computer, Systems
Engineering - Office JEC 7010
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- 110, 8th Street, Troy, New York 12180
- Phone (518) 276-8067
- Fax (518) 276-6261/2433
- Email roysam_at_ecse.rpi.edu
- Website http//www.rpi.edu/roysab
- NetMeeting ID (for off-campus students) - Secretary Betty Lawson, JEC 7012, (518) 276
8525, lawsob_at_.rpi.edu
30Instructor Contact Information
- Kai E Thomenius
- Chief Technologist, Ultrasound Biomedical
- Office KW-C300A
- GE Global Research
- Imaging Technologies
- Niskayuna, New York 12309
- Phone (518) 387-7233
- Fax (518) 387-6170
- Email thomeniu_at_crd.ge.com, thomenius_at_ecse.rpi.edu
- Secretary TBD