Title: Service Oriented Business Models for ERP
1Service Oriented BusinessModels for ERP
- SYSLAB Seminar 2008-09-30
- Gustaf Juell-Skielse, KTH
- HÃ¥kan Enquist, Gothenburg Business School
Enterprise resource planning systems are
configurable information systems packages that
integrate information and information-based
processes within and across functional areas in
an organization. The current generation of ERP
systems also provides reference models or process
templates that claim to embody the current best
business practices.
- Infrastructural backbone of most western
companies of any size and industry. - An important market for vendors and consultants.
3Todays Objective
- We want to engage you in a discussion on our
research project Service Oriented Business
Models for Enterprise Resource Planning - Important factors and market trends
- Research design
- Our short-term goal is to write a position paper
for the research workshop on enterprise systems
on the 20-21 november in Uppsala.
4Research Project
- 2-year Vinnova funding (Sep 2008 Aug 2010)
- Identify and evaluate sustainable, service based
business models for enterprise resource planning
systems. - Deliver a set of applicable and tested business
models for vendors as well as consultants and
potential new actors in the market. - The expected benefits are reduced total cost of
ownership and increased flexibility for the using
organizations and an emerging new market for ERP. - KTH and University of Gothenburg partnering with
Acando, Accenture, Agresso, Bergs Propulsion, Cap
Gemini, Erlanders, Jeeves, KPMG, Lidingö stad,
Microsoft, Orust kommun, Saab Microwave Systems,
Stena Metall, Systeam, Västra Götalandsregionen,
Verva, Volvo Business Services, Volvo IT,
Winterheller Software Scandinavia.
5Software as a Service
- Lately, this market has been pressured to deliver
software as services due to the technical
development of service oriented architectures. - Software as services challenges the traditional
monolithic design and opens up for a new view on
ERP-systems as being an orchestrated collection
of software services.
6Business Model
- A business model answers
- Who is the customer?
- What does the customer value?
- How do we make money in this business?
- What is the underlying economic logic that
explains how we can deliver value to customers at
an appropriate cost?
Customer interface
Infrastructure configuration
7Suggestion and Ideas on a Business Model Concept
for ERP
- Business trends and buzz words
- Interesting factors to evaluate
- Trends in the software market to study
- Exciting new actors in the market
Using organization perspective
Vendor perspective
Consultant perspective
8Research Approach
Research design
Data collection
- Business model concept
- Evaluation model
- Litterature study
- Interviews
- Interviews
- Case studies
- Survey
- Evaluate business models
- Classify in taxonomy
- Generalize
9Experiences from Previous Research
- Framework design (in this case a business modell
framework) - Case studies for data collection
- Evaluation of business models
10Why ERP
- Tekniska skäl gemensam teknisk plattform,
uttjänta legacy-system. - Operativa skäl processförbättring, förbättra
kontroll, transparens i data, kostnadsreduktioner.
- Strategiska skäl centralisering, beslutsstöd,
kundfokusering, omstrukturering.
Using Organisation
ERP Vendors
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