Title: Calaveras River Watershed Management Plan Implementation (Phase II)
1Calaveras River Watershed Management Plan
Implementation (Phase II)
- A Presentation
- by
- Calaveras County Water District
- The mission of the Phase II program is
- To restore, sustain, and enhance the Calaveras
River watershed through the use of sound
scientific, technical, and planning practices for
the benefit of natural and human environments.
3Grant Proposal Submitted
- A 600,000 grant application has been submitted
to CALFED for a 3 year, Phase II implementation
program. - If selected for further consideration, the next
step is to compose a detailed work plan on which
funding will be based.
4Objectives of Phase II include
- Restoration OF
- Protection
- Conservation
- Enhancement
- Preservation
- and
- Development...
- -- water quality
- -- aquatic resources
- -- water supplies
- -- natural resources
- -- hydrologic
- functions, and
- -- ecological, cultural,
- visual amenities
5Work Plan
In order to accomplish these objectives, a WORK
PLAN will be developed that builds upon
information gathered during Phase I of the
watershed planning effort, and is based on
recommendations made in the Calaveras River
Watershed Management Plan.
6Phase II Goals
- The Phase II implementation program relies on
strong Stakeholder relationships and on the
Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) established in
Phase I . - Phase II goals are
- Insure the sharing of information and resources
to improve watershed conditions, and - Monitor trends in water quality and the
effectiveness of management measures.
- Program needs, activities, and outcomes are
organized into 5 general categories - Structure Decision-Making
- Science Monitoring
- Public Outreach
- Technical Capacity
- Implementation Projects
category includes
- 1. Formal agreements among agencies
- 2. Ranking and prioritizing projects
- 3. Committees to manage implementation
- 4. Programmatic EIR/EIS reports
- 5. Technical assistance and project reviews
- 6. Coordination with land use planning entities.
9Key Priorities (Stakeholders)
- Community and landowner involvement
- Analysis, debate and discussion to seek common
ground and consensus - Review and revise the projects design,
implementation, and management elements to
satisfy community interests and landowner
concerns and - Encourage the (over 100) Stakeholders to make
sustainable commitments to the Phase II program.
10Key Priorities (Water Quality)
- Address water quality and regulatory objectives
and compliance requirements, which are becoming
more complex and more expensive - Implement the proposed Baseline Water Quality
Monitoring Study recommended in the WSM Plan.
This project will scientifically investigate,
assess and quantify current conditions and
identify potential impacts to water quality and - The main benefit of Phase II projects to the
community is source protection of drinking water
11Key Commitments (CCWD)
- CCWD and SEWD staff will support meeting
coordination, public outreach, data management,
web site updates, grant administration, and (to a
limited extent) sub-committee activities. - CCWD will promote the entire watershed planning
effort as an ideal model project for the San
Joaquin Valley Water Institute, for other Sierra
Nevada counties, and for new Stakeholder groups. - CCWD, as an impartial facilitator, is committed
to sound scientific methods and accurate,
quantifiable results in evaluating actual and
potential impacts to water quality.
12Summary of Targets Anticipated Accomplishments
- Design and implement the Baseline Water Quality
Monitoring Program - Analyze monitoring results, and implement
priority projects - Expand pubic outreach and education programs
- Develop a Basins II conceptual model of the
watershed - Promote CRWMP as a model watershed program.