Title: SLAT7830 The lexicon and L2 learning
1SLAT7830 The lexicon and L2 learning
2Understanding colloquial spoken language
- Estimated that 95 coverage is needed to attain
reasonable comprehension. - Approximately 2000 word families.
3Vocabulary and the spoken language
- How does speaking/listening differ from
writing/reading? - P 130
4Cummins framework of language proficiency
- Cognitively undemanding
- Context-embedded Context-reduced
- Cognitively demanding
5Task demands
- Using Cummins framework, classify the following
spoken tasks - Describing your family.
- Giving directions on a street corner using a map.
- Presenting an article summary in class.
- Presenting an article summary in class using
visuals. - Describing your lost wallet over the telephone.
6Providing vocabulary support for listening
- Receptive information transfer
- - turn listening input into visual information
- Listening while reading
- - have accompanying written text
available - Listening to stories
- - providing key words while telling a
story - Quizzes
7Learners can learn new vocabulary by listening to
stories. Optimum learning occurs from meeting
the following conditions.
- Interest
- Comprehension
- Repeated retrieval
- Decontextualisation
- Generative processing
8Repeated retrieval
- Repeated retrieval helps develop fluency in
access. It can be achieved by reading a story in
serialised form or several stories on the same
- Learners need to focus on words not only as part
of the message but as words themselves. -
10Generative processing
- Learners need to meet new words in differing
contexts, in association with pictures, and in
discussion and negotiation.
11Learning vocabulary through spoken negotiation
- Baseline directions
- Premodified input
- Interactionally modified input
- Negotiated output
12The vocabulary of speaking
13Vocabulary learning activities
- Criteria
- 1. What is the learning goal of the activity?
- 2. What psychological conditions does the
activity use to help reach the learning goal? - 3. What are the observable signs that learning
might occur? - 4. What are the design features of the activity
which set up the conditions for learning?
14Role play activity
15End of slides Week 4 SLAT7830