Algebraic specifications : Specification and SPECalgebra - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Algebraic specifications : Specification and SPECalgebra


Given a set E of equations for a signature with a fixed set of ... Defintions (Equational Rules and Proofs) An equational rule (over SIG) is given by a pair ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Algebraic specifications : Specification and SPECalgebra

Algebraic specifications Specification and
  • Definition (derivation of rewriting of terms)
  • Given a set E of equations for a signature with
    a fixed set of variables X Xe for each
    equation e. (L,R) ? E defines two substitution
  • (1) L gt R (L-R-rule)
  • (2) R gt L (R-L-rule)
  • A rule t1 gt t2 is applicable to a term t ?
    TF(X) if there is an assignment assX? TF(X) with
    extension ass TF(X) ? TF(X) such that we have
    for t1 ass(t1) and t2 ass(t2)
  • (3) t1 is a subterm of t.

Algebraic specifications Specification and
  • The replacement of t1 in t by t2 yields a term
    t, the replacement of t1 by t2 in t is denoted
  • (4) t t(t1 / t2)
  • In this case we write
  • (5) t gt t, called direct
    derivation from t to t via E using the rule
    t1gt t2 and assignement ass.
  • (6) t gt t represent any sequence
  • t0gtt1 gt tn with t t0 and t
    tn. It is called derivation from t to t via E
    and it is correct w.r.t. SIG-algebra A if for
    each assignment ass X ? A
  • (7) ass(t) gt ass(t)

Algebraic specifications Specification and
  • Definition (occurrence or positions in terms)
  • Given a term t, the set of positions in t,
    denoted by Dom(t), is the set of sequences of
    natural numbers defined as
  • If t is constant or variable, then Dom(t) ?
  • If t is of the form f(t1, ..., tn) then
  • Dom(t) ? ? i.p / i ? 1,..,n and p ?
  • Definition (subterms)
  • Given a term t, and a position p ? Dom(t) we
    define a subterm of t rooted at a position
    denoted tp as
  • p ?, then tp t
  • If p i.pthen t f(t1, ...,ti,...)i.p
  • A term t is said to be a subterm of a t is there
    is a position p such that t tp

Algebraic specifications Specification and
  • Definition (Term replacement)
  • Given a term t, a position p, and a term t, we
    define tp t as
  • If p ? then tp t t
  • If p i.p then t f(t1, ..., ti-1,ti,
    ti1...)i.p t
  • f(t1, ..., ti-1,ti p t,
  • Definition (Rewriting term)
  • Given a system of rules (oriented equations), R,
    we define a rewrite relation by gtR , as t gt
    t, if
  • There is a rule r l gt r is R there is an
    assignement (substitution) ? X ? TF(X) and a
    position p in t such that tp ? (l) and t
    tp ? (r)

Algebraic specifications Specification and
  • Definition (Congruence on Ground Terms)
  • Given a specification SPEC (S, F, E) the
    relation ? on ground terms defined for all t1, t2
    ? TF by
  • t1 ? t2 if and only if evalA(t1) evalA(t2)
    for all SPEC-algebra A is called congruence on
    ground terms.
  • It satisfies the following conditions for all t1,
    t2, t3 ? TF
  • - t1 ? t1 (reflexivity) t1 ? t2 implies t2 ?
    t1 (symmetry)
  • t1 ? t2 and t2 ? t3 implies t1 ? t3
  • - t1 ? t1 ,..., tn ? tn implies f(t1, ?
    f(t1,....,tn) (congruence)
  • - each derivation t1 gt t2 via E between ground
    terms t1, t2 ? TF implies t1 ? t2 .

Algebraic specifications Specification and
  • A rewriting relation gtR is like a congruence
    relation without the reflexivity property.
  • Top(push(pop(push(empty,0)), succ(m)))
  • top(push(empty, succ(m)))
  • succ(m)

Algebraic specifications Specification
  • Definition (Algebra of Terms)
  • Given a signature SIG (S, F). We define the
    algebra of terms T (ST, FT) w.r.t. SIG and a
    set of variables X or simply termalgebra as
  • ST (TF,s(X))s?S as the family of base sets
  • fT f as the constant for f ? s
  • fT TF,s1(X) x . . . x TF,sn (X) ? TF,s(X)
    defined by
  • fT(t1,..,tn) f(t1,..,tn) for fs1 ? s
  • ti ?TF,si(X)

Algebraic specifications Specification and
  • Definition (Quotient Term Algebra TSPEC)
  • Given a specification SPEC (S, F, E) the
    quotient term algebra
  • TSPEC ((Qs) s?S, (fQ) f?F) is defined by
  • 1. For each s ? S, we have a base set
  • Qs t / t ? TF,s
  • where the congruence class t is defined by
  • t t / t ? t
  • 2. For each constant symbol f ? s in F the
    constant Qs is the congruence class generated
    by f fQ f
  • 3. For each operation symbol fs1 ? s in F
    the operation
  • fQ Qs1 x ... x Qsn ? Qs is defined by
  • fQ(t1, ...,tn) f(t1,...,tn)

Algebraic specifications Specification and
  • Example (Quotient Term Algebra Tnat)
  • Tnat (Qnat , 0Q, SUCCQ, ADDQ)
  • With
  • - Qnat SUCCn(0) / n ? 0
  • - 0Q 0, and for n, m ? 0
  • - SUCCQ(SUCCn(0)) SUCCn1(0)
  • - ADDQ(SUCCn(0), SUCCm(0)) SUCCnm(0)
  • Fact TSPEC is a SPEC-Algebra and it is called
    the initial semantics with ADT(SPEC) A / A ?
    TSPEC is called the (initial) abstract data
    type defined by SPEC.

Algebraic specifications Specification
  • The quotient term algebra TSPEC of a
    specification SPEC (S, F, E) has the following
  • The evaluation eval TF ? TSPEC is equal to
  • nat TF ? TSPEC, defined by nat(t) t for
  • t ?TF, and hence surjective.
  • Each equation e (t1, t2) of ground term
  • t1, t2 ? TF is valid in TSPEC if and only if it
    is valid in each SPEC-algebra A.
  • TSPEC is a SPEC-algebra.

Algebraic specifications Specification
  • Defintions (Equational Rules and Proofs)
  • An equational rule (over SIG) is given by a pair
  • (E, e)
  • Where E is a set of equations and e is a single
    equation w.r.t. SIG. We also write E -- e
  • 2. Given a set R of equational rules and a set of
    E of equations w.r.t. SIG. Then an (equational)
  • With rules R and premisses E is a sequence E is a
    sequence e1, ..,er.

Algebraic specifications Specification
  • Definition ( Equational calculus) The
    equational calculus, is defined to contain
    exactly the following equational rules
  • for t1, t2, t3 ?TF(X) and t TF(Y).
  • R1 -- t1 t1 (identity)
  • R2 t1 t2 -- t2 t1 (symmetry)
  • R3 t1 t2 and t2 t3 -- t1 t3
  • R4 (X, t1 t2) -- (X ? Y, h(t1) h(t2) )
  • for ass X ?TF(Y) (substitivity).

Algebraic specifications Specification
  • When the equations are used as rewrite rules,
    the symmetric rule is to be droped.
  • In rewriting techniques, the process of orienting
    equations is based on the so-called simplication
    orderings a partial order between operations
    extended to terms.
  • example add gt succ gt 0 gt add(..,..) gt
  • In order to ensure the termination of rewriting
    of a term, such ordering is required to be
    well-founded (any ordering should have has a
    small element).
  • The small element a any term is called the normal
    form of the term.

Algebraic specifications Specification
  • In order to ensure the uniqueness of computation,
    the so-called confluence property is required
  • t1 gt t2 gtNf(t1) and
  • t1 gt t3
  • then t3 should be rewritten to Nf(t1) i.e.
  • t3 gtNf(t1)
  • This property is ensured by the so-called
    Knuth-Bendix completion procedure. It takes a set
    of equations and an ordering, and it generate a
    set of rewrite rules which terminate and are

Algebraic specifications Specification
  • The confluence property is verified by
    eliminating all ambiguities that may be hidden
    between different rules of the system. These
    ambiguities are called critical-pairs.
  • Fot their definition, we need the notion of
  • Two terms t1 and t2 are said to be unfiable is
    there is a substitution ? such ? (t1) ? (t2)
  • Example let t1 f(a,g(y)) and t2 f(x,g(h(b))),
    then is it easy to proof that ? x --gt a, y --gt
    h(b) is a unfier of t1 and t2. That is, ? (t1)
    f(a,g(h(b))) ? (t2)

Algebraic specifications Specification
  • Definition (critical pair)
  • If l ? r and s ? t are two rewrite rules with
    distinct variables, p is the position of a
    nonvariable subterm of s, and ? is the unifier of
    sp and l, then the equation ?(t) ?(s?(r)p )
    is a critical pair formed from those rules.
  • Example suppose we want to add the alternation
    in the stack specification using the following
    two rewrite rules
  • alternate(push(x,y),z) ? push(x, alternate(z,y))
  • Alternate(y1,?) ? y1
  • Then, by applying the above definition, we can
    notice that alternate in the second rule occurs
    at position ? in the first rule. That is, s
    alternate(push(x,y),z) and l aternate(y1, ?).
    So, we have to check for a unification of
    alternate(z,y)) and Alternate(y,?). The unfier
    here is ? y1 ? push(x,y) , z ? ?

Algebraic specifications Specification
  • So, the resulting members of the critical pair
  • ?(t) ?(push(x, alternate(z,y)))
  • ?(t) ?(s?(r)p ) ?(s?(r)?) ?(r)
  • ?(y1) push(x,y)
  • And the critical pair is therefore the resulting
  • push(x, alternate(?, y)) push(x,y)

Advanced Algebraic specifications
  • To deal a maximal of cases and errors, subsorts
    may be defined. (S lt S)
  • Parametrized specifications are specifications
    based on others stack(string) list(nat) ....
  • Parametrized specifications are interpreted using
    category on algebras .
  • To go beyong the non-changing or fixed notions of
    algebras, and thereby interpreting state-based
    reactive (information) systems, several
    extensions have been proposed to the algebraic
  • Rewriting logic a computation is a functor from
    an algebra to an another.
  • Hidden sorted algebra some sorts modelling
    states are hidden.
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