Title: Beautiful Dream
1Beautiful Dream
I am wishing to be accepted to be able to
learn. I am hungry for food a life. I want to
live like them. I stand in America the dream for
lay sick sad still waiting waiting for
America the real America the free America the
dream America to welcome them to open up for
them to let them live like those
others Perhaps dreams arent made to come true
I find hostility humility hunger clawing at
me. And thats only the Hs. Illiteracy chokes
me grips me disables me. I cant go to school I
dont have a home
- I am walking
- down the path
- a desired road
- a wonderful dream
- I am staring
- at the people
- the people
- who belong
- the people
- who live
- freely
- the people
- who
- never worry
- about
- where to find
- food
- for the day.
I live on the streets of Southern
California where many many others suffer like
me Where hopeful harmless hungry children
2written in an unknown language those
stories Ill never know Just because I was
born a mile from the line that makes me so
excruciatingly different
The place Ive always wished to walk in and
out of each day with those kids so similar yet
so very different from me Those books I wish to
hold those pages full of adventures secrets mil
es of words
They laugh they play they walk freely on any
street in any store Anywhere I hide I fear the
people I keep quiet Those kids they walk down
the steps of the school the very school that
turned me down
Why cant beautiful dreams ever come
true? -Pear Dhiantravan
I see I feel each useless uncertain unchanging day
pass me by Perhaps weve been wrong after
all. I watch these kids my age my height no
different from me