Title: vPCGR Evaluations Readiness
1vPC-GR EvaluationsReadiness
- Key Terms
- Evaluation Crosswalk
- Process Flowchart
- vPC-GR e-Images
- Benefits to Airmen
- FAQs
- Where to Find Information
Air Reserve Component Strong Force Total Force
3Key Terms
4Key Terms
5Evaluation Crosswalk
6Evaluation Crosswalk
7Process Flow Chart
MPF attaches PR shell forwards to raters
vPC-GR account
Rater attaches PR forwards to coordinators vPC-
GR account
Coordinators download PR, review/change, upload
forward via vPC-GR
ARPC QC PR Update MilPDS push to ARMS
Rater downloads reviewed PR, e-signs, uploads
forwards via vPC-GR
8Process Images Initiation Form
Information fields Due Date and Close Out Date
are entered by clicking on the calendar icons.
Shell Attachment is added by clicking on the
Add button. The Form Type is selected from a
drop down menu. Remarks may be entered manually
or chosen from a list of canned
statements. Find Ratee and Rater using vPC-GR
9Process Images Coordination Form
Evaluation Information and Ratee information were
entered during the Initiation. The Previous
Coordination field displays all prior
coordination, one entry at a time. Coordinators
name and role as well as remarks are viewable.
An updated IMT is also available for download.
10Process Images - Coordination
The Current Coordination field allows the active
coordinator to make remarks and upload an updated
IMT. An evaluation may be forwarded to the Next
Rater/ Coordinator or it may be returned to a
previous coordinator. When forwarding the
evaluation, the Next Rater/ Coordinator may be
chosen by Role or as an individual within vPC-GR
- All vPC-GR account holders have dashboard.
- One log-in for all vPC-GR actions/requests.
- Assigned or delegated roles have process
oversight. - Coordinator e-mails reduced to one daily notice
for all tasks assigned to them in their Worklist - Expanded vPC-GR Account Search available to
locate evaluation raters, coordinators and
reviewers - MPF/CSS have oversight of the evaluation to view,
assist and develop reports, if needed
12Frequently Asked Questions
- Q What are the major changes?
- A The primary change is the capability to route
forms electronically and the availability of the
digital signature, saving units time and money.
13Frequently Asked Questions
- Q Why was there a phase-in period for AFRC
performance reports? - The phased approach was primarily due to the
limited period to develop a robust vPC-GR
capability before the ARC implementation date.
To release an enhanced version before February
would have prohibited sufficient time for testing
and training, so critical to a successful launch.
14Frequently Asked Questions
- Q If the digital signature locks the data
entered by the evaluator, and those signatures
cannot be removed, how can I make changes to the
report as it goes through coordination? - A Keep in mind, the report cannot be signed
prior to the close-out date of the report. If
your unit pre-coordinates a draft prior to the
close-out date, the evaluation cannot be signed.
The unsigned draft can be coordinated and changed
until it is in final format. Once the close-out
date arrives and the entire rating chain agrees
the evaluation is in final format, the evaluators
can sign the form. Once the form is signed,
changes can be made by cutting and pasting from
the incorrect evaluation to a new form, making
the changes and signing the new form.
15Frequently Asked Questions
- Q Why change now with the Defense Integrated
Military Human Resources System (DIMHRS) coming
online? - A Integrated Process Teams, which included a
cross section of Air Force personnel, recommended
going forward with electronic evaluations now
rather than waiting on DIMHRS implementation.
The technology is available now and with the
expeditionary nature of our Air Force today, it
makes sense to take advantage of the technology
available. The implementation of the new process
does not impact DIMHRS and these new forms will
continue to be used after DIMHRS is active.
16Where to Find Information
- ARPC Personnel Services Delivery Public Site
doing business that is transforming the Air
Force's personnel processes, organizations and
technology - ARC PSD Transformation Community of Practice
(CoP) - Facilitates team collaboration between the Air
Reserve Personnel Center, Air Force Reserve
Command, and Air National Guard. - ANG PSDT CoP Used to increase NGB/A1XT's
ability to deliver information concerning
Personnel Delivery Services which will be
targeted directly to a worldwide Air National
Guard audience. - AFRC/A1X CoP Goal to provide our customers with
current Personnel information a platform to
voice your concerns, and also share pertinent
information that may help you and your fellow
Reservist. - PSDT Tools Select a handbook link to open
Reserve or ANG tools. - Note The CoPs listed here are restricted and
access will have to be granted by the
17Information Assistance
- AFRC / ANG Tutorials AFPC PSD Handbook (Guide)
- Toll Free 1-800-525-0102,(0600 to 1800 MST /
Monday - Friday)(0730 to 1600 MST / 1st 2nd
Saturday of each month) - (0900 to 1400 MST / 1st 2nd Sunday of each
month) - Fax Commercial 478-327-2215, DSN 497-2215
- E-mail arpc.contactcenter_at_arpc.denver.af.mil