Title: Completion and Partnering
- Completion and Partnering
2Traditionally, the "close" has been the logical
conclusion of a sales presentation
3The Completion Partnering Steps
- The close is really an open
- The time to complete the transaction and the
opportunity to "open the door" to what could be a
mutually profitable, long-term business
A Partnership!
4Outcomes of a Presentation
- Regardless of the outcome of any one sales
presentation, there is more work to be done - A prospect buys and becomes a customer
- A customer buys again (rebuy situation)
- A customer or prospect makes no purchase but
requests additional information - A prospect expresses no interest in working with
the salesperson's company
5The Salespersons Mentality
- Closing
- Completion
- Partnering
6Closing Mentality
- A closing mentality focuses strictly on the
transaction as the end result of a sales
presentation - Closing questions ask for a definite, immediate
decision, triggering one of the following
responses - A decision to buy
- A reason for not buying
- A request for additional information
7Nature of the Traditional Sales Close
- A real issue in closing is the anxiety,
hesitancy, or inability of human beings to make
decisions - Most salespeople are afraid of rejection
- Their minds sometimes jump to possible negative
consequences, creating a negative attitude
8The Salesperson Should Rejoice!
- The salesperson has made it through all the
previous steps - He should be positive and confident at this stage
- Completing the transaction should be the easiest
of all the steps in the process - It is the next logical thing to do
9When It Is Time To Close
- A salesperson should do the following
- Look
- Lower
- Lean
- Shut Up
- Nod, and
- Smile
10Traditional Closing Techniques
- Professional salespeople often use more than one
technique during a presentation - Salespeople should pick the techniques with which
they feel most comfortable
11Employing Closing Techniques
- Why should salespeople employ closing techniques?
- Many prospects find it difficult to make
decisions - Prospects want to make the right decisions, but
complete certainty in buying never exists - Many prospects will postpone decisions if
salespeople let them - After a sales presentation, prospects often feel
confused and hesitant
12Traditional Closing Techniques
- Asking for the Order
- Assumptive Close
- Alternative Choice Close
- Summarizing the Benefits
- The Weighing Close
- The Probability Close
- Power Questions
- Continuous Yes
- Standing Room Only
- Reserving an Advantage
- Single Benefit Close
- Similar Situation Close
- Price Reduction Close
- Suggestion Close
- Alternate Source Close
- Asking for a Trial Order
- The Takeaway Close
13Cautions About TraditionalClosing Techniques
- The goal of closing techniques is to make it
relatively easy for the prospect/customer to
decide to buy - Although traditional closing techniques can be
effective under the right circumstances,
salespeople should use them judiciously
14Completion Mentality
- A completion mentality emphasizes the point that
all sales presentations must reach some type of
conclusion, which may or may not result in a
transaction - On average, it takes five sales calls on a
business prospect to complete a transaction
15If a Sale Is Made
- Before leaving a customer who has agreed to a
sale - Show appreciation for the customer's business,
but do not gloat - Reassure the customer that the decision is a good
one - Solicit sales leads
- Complete all necessary paperwork, and finalize
the details - Be sure to leave with a good understanding of the
customer's expectations
16If a Sale Is Not Made
- When a sale is not made, the salesperson still
has duties to perform - Duties to the customer
- Duties to the sales organization
17Customer-Related Duties
- The major objective of all postcall activity is
to maintain and increase customer goodwill - This process has two aspects
- Terminating the interview
- Possibly providing service
18Terminating the Interview
- Salespeople must learn to respect customers
decisions and should engage in the following
activities before making a prompt exit - Accept the prospect's decision graciously
- Say "thank you" for the prospect's time and mean
it - Establish good rapport with the prospect
- Do not tarry
Refer to Table 11.2--Postsale Questionnaire
19Providing Service
- There are at least four areas in which
salespeople may be of service - Handling complaints
- Order expediting
- Adjustments, returns, and allowances
- Information
20Organization-Related Duties
- When the sale is not made
- The salespersons duties include the
documentation of the sales presentation and the
assembly of information useful to the
organization - When the sale is made
- The salesperson plays a key role in consummating
the exchange transaction
21Partnering Mentality
- A partnering mentality changes the salesperson's
primary goal from one of just completing the
transaction to one of beginning a partnership
with the prospect
- In a partnership, both the seller and the buyer
perceive a need for the relationship, and each
values the other - Benefits of a partnership
- Quicker response to change
- Cost savings
- Agility in meeting customer needs
- Increases in sales
- Quicker identification of problems and
23Mistakes Made in Forging Partnerships
- Cutting a deal that favors the selling
organization too much - Lacking an exit strategy
- Failing to plan
- Partnering in isolation
- Seeking quick partnerships
- Creating ideas and solutions while thinking on
one's feet - Not being able to walk away
24Figure 11.2True Partnering
25The Nature of Partnering
- Partnering is a way of doing business that helps
salespeople and buyers work together to achieve
mutual and individual goals - Traditional closing methodologies that are
transaction-oriented and often pressure buyers
are not appropriate in partnerships
26Perspectives on Partnering
- If the exchange is to be consummated, salespeople
must provide leadership to help prospects make
decisions - Building relationships involves a shift in
emphasis from persuasion to motivation - Salespeople must help prospects make the
long-term commitment to purchase
27Partnering versusOther Sales Approaches
- Transaction-focused
- A single sale is the focus
- Product-focused
- Product solutions are the focus
- Business-focused
- Multiple product solutions that address larger
business problems are the focus - Partnership-focused
- Multiple business-focused presentations with the
intent of solving multiple business-wide problems
are the focus
28Figure 11.4Transaction RelationshipBandwidth of
the Agile Salesperson
Type of Relationship Solution Orientation How Purchases Are Made Buying Principals
High Partnership-focused Multiple business solutions linked across the customers firm Buying program Top management
Business-focused Multiple product solutions linked to solve a business-wide problem Buying project Middle-upper management
Product-focused Product plus service applications Buying project Department management
Low Transaction-focused Features, functions, price, performance Transaction User
Complexity of Relationship
Source Adapted from Dunn, D. T., and C. A.
Thomas (1994), Partnering with Customers,
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing,
9(1), 3440.
29Account Management and Partnering
- Salespeople must develop partnership relations
selectively - Extend account bandwidth in both the
transactional and partnering directions - Craft relationship strategies that more closely
meet the requirements of customers
30Basis of The Relationship
- Transactional customers
- Core product/service
- Unbundling of product/service offerings
- Most interested in price
- Partnership customers
- Augmented products
- Bundling of product/service offerings
31Customer Equity
- Customer equity is the value of a complete set of
resources, both tangible and intangible, that
customers invest in a supplier firm - Tangible investments include products, services,
and money - Intangible investments include commitment and
32Becoming the Preferred Supplier
- The best way for salespeople to become preferred
suppliers is to build such a high level of
goodwill that customers always think of them and
their sales organizations first
33Salespeople are an integral part of the total
package provided to customers