The L0 Calorimeter Trigger - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The L0 Calorimeter Trigger


More details in Christophe's talk. 4 July 2002. L0 review - L0 ... PGA on the FE and Validation Card Christophe Beigbeder. Backplane and links Daniel Charlet ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The L0 Calorimeter Trigger

The L0 Calorimeter Trigger
  • Basic principles
  • Overall organization
  • Front-End cards
  • Validation cards

L0 trigger review, 4 July 2002
Basic principles
  • Identify hot spots
  • A shower has a 'small' size
  • Detect a high energy in a small surface
  • Use a square of 2 x 2 cells area
  • 8 x 8 cm2 in the central region of ECAL (may
    loose a few of the energy)
  • more than 50 x 50 cm2 in the outer region of HCAL
  • Select the particles with the highest ET
  • Due to its high mass, a B particle decays into
    high PT particles
  • 'High PT ' is a few GeV
  • For the Level 0 decision, we need only the
    particle with the highest PT.
  • Maybe also the second highest in HCAL, see later

  • One can then select locally the highest candidate
  • Process further only these candidates
  • Reduced complexity and cabling
  • Only 200 for ECAL and 50 for HCAL starting from
    6000 and 1500 cells.
  • Validate the candidates
  • Electron, photon, ?0
  • Electromagnetic nature using the PreShower,
    charge using the SPD
  • Same granularity, projective
  • Look only at the cells with the same number in
    the other detectors
  • Hadron
  • Would like to add the energy lost in ECAL, in
    front of the candidate
  • Complex connectivity, expensive
  • Useful only if the ECAL contribution is important
  • If small, it can be ignored without too much harm
  • Look only at ECAL candidates !
  • Manageable number of connections

  • Select the highest validated candidate
  • One wants simple decisions at this early level
  • Using the second highest hadron was shown to
    improve marginally the efficiency in some cases.
  • The studied implementation allows to produce this
    second highest.
  • No need for a second highest electron or photon.
  • The number of links, and consequently the cost is
    by far smaller if one reduces locally the number
    of candidates
  • Processing entirely synchronous
  • No dependence on occupancy and on history
  • Easier to understand and to debug
  • Pipeline processing at all stages.

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Hardware implementation
  • Inputs
  • About 6000 ECAL cells (same number for PreShower
    and SPD)
  • Variable cell size, but identical structure for
  • HCAL different, see later
  • Front-end electronics located on top of the
  • Order of 100 rads / year
  • Use SEU immune components, I.e. ACTEL anti-fuse
  • 32 channels per card for ECAL/HCAL, 64 for
  • We want to minimise cabling complexity
  • Integrate the first selection in the front-end
  • Quantity to manipulate ET, converted from the 12
    bits ADC.
  • 8 bits are OK, with full scale around 5 GeV.
  • Use a dedicated backplane for as many connections
    as possible
  • Use LVDS levels, multiplexed signals, as soon as
    there are several bits
  • See Daniels talk for details.

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First selection
  • Build the 2x2 sums
  • Work inside a 32 channels (8x4) front-end card
  • To obtain the 32 2x2 sums, one needs to get the 8
    1 4 neighbours
  • Via the backplane (9) or dedicated point-to-point

  • Select the local maximum in the card
  • Simple comparison of the summed ET.
  • Iterative, 16 ? 8 ? 4 ? 2 ? 1 comparisons in 21
  • Currently implemented in 3 ACTEL PGA's

  • In the Ecal/Hcal front-end card
  • More details in Christophes talk

ECAL Validation
  • For each candidate, one needs to access the
    SPDPreShower information, i.e. 2 times 4 bits
    for the SPDPrs cells corresponding to the ECAL
  • The address is sent from the ECAL to the
    PreShower FE card
  • One PreShower card handles 64 channels, exactly 2
    ECAL cards.
  • The 2x4 bits are extracted synchronously at each
    BX and sent to the Validation Card
  • See Remis talk

  • Usage of the PreShower/SPD information
  • SPD signs the charged particles.
  • The PreShower detects early showers, i.e.
    electromagnetic particles
  • Electrons give signal in SPD and PreShower.
  • Photons give a signal in PreShower only.
  • To remove pile-up signal, one look only at SPD
    cells matching a PreShower signal.
  • One can also kill dirty candidates, for example
    if the four PreShower cells are fired.
  • The decision will be in a Look-Up Table, 8 bits
    of address.
  • Each output will be 3 identical bits, followed by
    triple voting for SEU protection.

  • From ECAL, produce 4 candidates
  • Electrons and photons are just validated
  • local ?0 are detected by a high total energy on
    the card.
  • global ?0 are detected by summing the
    FE-candidates of two consecutive cards.
  • No SPD/PreShower validation foreseen for the ?0,
    but this will be integrated in the card, in case
  • This is just a few more output bits of the
    previous LUT, plus the validation of a register.
  • Only the highest Et candidate is interesting
  • We select the highest of the 8 on the Validation
  • Very similar to the selection on the FE-card.
  • Output 4 candidates
  • Each has 8 bits Et and 8 bits address, plus BX-ID.

HCAL Validation
  • Purpose Add the ECAL energy to HCAL candidate
  • Frequently, a hadronic shower starts in ECAL.
  • Ideal case Add the ECAL cells in front of the
    HCAL candidate.
  • But this implies a lot of connections, at 40 MHz.
  • But this addition is important only if the ECAL
    energy is important
  • If important, it has a large chance to be a local
    maximum in the ECAL card.
  • This is now a manageable problem
  • About 200 ECAL local maximum, to send to 50 HCAL
  • But one could also sent the HCAL candidates to
    the ECAL ones,
  • Less connections
  • Some duplication
  • But can use the ECAL Validation Card.
  • One ECAL card matches only one HCAL card.
  • One validation card receives at most four HCAL
  • One HCAL card goes at most (30 of 50) to two
    Validation cards

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  • Principle of operation
  • Compare the addresses of the ECAL and HCAL
  • First select which HCAL card to use for this ECAL
  • This is a configuration parameter, in a
  • Compare the 5 bits addresses
  • 10 bits LUT, as this varies a lot from Validation
    card to Validation card
  • Use 3 identical output bits, and a Triple Voting
    technique to be SEU immune.
  • There may be several matches
  • An HCAL candidate may be in front of more than
    one ECAL card !
  • One should select the highest ECAL contribution
  • The ECAL Et is added to the original HCAL Et
  • No other changes
  • One has no information of which ECAL energy was
  • Each (modified) HCAL candidate is sent to the
    Selection Crate
  • 5 bits address, 8 bits Et BX-ID
  • Same format as ECAL candidates

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Overall Validation Card (prelim.)
SPD Multiplicity
  • Count the total multiplicity in the SPD
  • New idea, under study.
  • Reject dirty events, to cut tails in computing
    time distribution
  • Should help L1, and reconstruction
  • Biases to be understood.
  • Re-use of the connections
  • In the PreShower card, count the number of SPD
    bits fired
  • Answer in the range 0-64 7 bits
  • Send this number to the validation slot, using
    the same backplane links as in the ECAL crate
  • The processing is simple Add the 8 numbers and
    send the 10 bits to the Selection Crate.
  • This can be added on the (existing) SPD control
    card which will anyway exist on this slot.

Selection Crate
  • Receive several similar inputs
  • 28 electrons, 28 photons, 28 local ?0, 28 global
  • Build the final 14 bits address, select the
    highest, send it to the L0 Decision Unit
  • Minor difference for the SPD multiplicity
  • Should add the inputs on 13 bits, instead of
    selecting the highest
  • HCAL processing more delicate
  • Removal of pseudo-clones
  • Same HCAL sent to two ECAL Validation
  • Keep only the one with the highest energy.
    Address is the same.
  • We want also the second highest, and the total Et
  • Details in Umbertos presentation.

  • Relatively complex object
  • 350 FE-cards, 28 (16) Validation cards,
    Selection crate.
  • Many links, but a lot on a dedicated backplane
  • About 500 cables inside and between the 12 racks
    on the Calorimeter Platform.
  • Fully synchronous.
  • More technical information
  • PGA on the FE and Validation Card Christophe
  • Backplane and links Daniel Charlet
  • PreShower and SPD Remi Cornat
  • Optical links and Selection Crate Umberto Marconi
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