Title: A UAV Platform Designed for Research
1A UAV Platform Designed for Research
- Research cargo-carrying capacity (10-15lb)
- Devoted onboard computing facility for research
- Air-Air and Air-Ground communications channels
- Low-Level Guidance and GPS-Based Navigation
Capability - Size and cost must suit a university research
2UC Berkeley UAV Platform Configuration
Pentium III
- Commercial Autopilot System (by CloudCap Tech.)
- Autonomous Guidance and GPS-Based Navigation
- Air to Ground Communications
- Supports Multi-Vehicle Operations
- Onboard Computing
- 700 MHz Pentium III processor in PC/104 form
factor - 20 GB IDE HD
- Multiple Video Capture Cards (SVGA Chipset)
- Serial, USB, and Ethernet ports
- Multiple Cameras
- Two Fix-Mounted Cameras
- One Belly-Mounted Gimbaled Camera
- Onboard Processing or Downlink
3UC Berkeley UAV Platform Configuration
Payload Tray with PC/104, Gimbaled Camera, and
Payload Batteries
PC/104 Computer Stack
Payload Bay
4UC Berkeley UAV Platform Configuration
- 320x240 resolution
- 60 degree FOV
- 30 Hz frame rate
- Miniature form factor of 1 in2
Gimbaled camera Mounted on the Payload Tray
5UC Berkeley UAV Platform Configuration
- Wing-Mounted Camera
- Air-Ground UHF Ant.
- Analog Video TXs
- GPS Ant.
- PC/104, Gimbaled Camera, and Payload Batteries In
Payload Tray
6UC Berkeley UAV Operations
UAV Research Operations Conducted at Moffett
Field, California
7UC Berkeley UAV Operations
8UC Berkeley UAV Platform Future Hardware
- 802.11B radio and Hyperlink radio amplifiers
provides inter-aircraft communication.
(successful preliminary testing)
- Laser range finder for accurate distance
measurement at close range (possibly SICK Laser)
9A UAV Platform Ready for Research
- Research cargo-carrying capacity (10-15lb) ?
Cameras, gimbal assembly, PC/104
and payload batteries (11 lbs),
SICK laser for future work - Devoted onboard computing facility for research?
700MHz PIII PC/104 - Air-Air communications channels ? 802.11B Radio
and Amp - Air-Ground communications channels ? 900 MHz
radio by CCT - Low-Level Guidance and GPS-Based Navigation
Capability ? Piccolo Autopilot - Size and cost must suit a university research
program ? 3-4 people RD and
maintenance team