Title: Rockwell Solutions Welcomes King Asia 13th February 2001
1 Save the SealEnvironmentally responsible
packaging for todays consumer
BRC 36
The worlds only innovator for your peel strength
Pick your peel
2When it comes to food purchasing today, people
are looking for
- Customer convenience
- Taste, texture, succulence and colour
- Convenience - Ready to goMeals in minutes
- Ease of access No shredding
- Price / Performance
- No washing up
- Home Meal Replacement
- Healthy food
- Environmentally friendly
- Reliability
- 30 year old British Family owned company
- Technically advanced solutions
- Efficient turnaround of orders
- Service orientated rapid response,
- Support on site, Call off facilities, JIT
- Europes largest producerof ready meal lidding
- Successful Sales
- End of value chain
- Must work first time mission critical
- Technical Support
- No supply failure risk
- Stock management
- looking for better yield
- Innovation partners
3Why is it that our customers appreciate our
product capabilities?
You make the brand. We make the difference
4Our R D processes are continuous and the future
of the company.
Du Pont
Ready Meal Lidding
Ready Meal Lidding
New Markets
The Market
- Packaging Reduction
- Increase Shelf Life
- Sustainable Packaging
- Renewable Packaging
- Compostable Solutions
Ready Meal Lidding
Creativity and Innovation
5Consumers today have high demands
Customers Demand
Sales Marketing
6The product definition phases is where most lose
their way..
Technical Capability
Knowledge Base
Scholastic Approach
Holistic Approach
Sheer Bloody Mindedness
Absolute Focus
7Innovation in Packaging
Recycled Content
8Rockwell Solutions is an innovator in heat
sealable peelable films for all applications
- High technology applications (e.g. BioPeel
the worlds first biodegradable peelable PLA
9ECP and MP grades peel cleanly in one piece with
no tearing
Reduce packaging waste by eliminating the outer
cardboard sleeve
10All these options are available with anti-fog,
barrier, and/or printed
Rocklid MP-AF 18PET
- Recyclable
- Packaging Reduction (27.7 gsm)
- For RPET, APET or PVC pots
11 GP Recyclable, peelable, 18 mu,
excellent clarity, anti-fog,
self venting, dual ovenable
12 appreciates the capabilities of
13iPeel is a coated polyester film and is 99.9
pure polyester in its composition. Exceptionally
strong. iPeel films contain at least 30 PCR
PET from a certified clean source.
-RPET film for sugar cane trays
14The worlds first biodegradable and renewable
PLA peelable lidding
- Compostable and renewable
- Glass clear
- use in chilled and frozen conditions
- always peelable
- Suitable for fruit, vegetables, salads and
sandwich applications - BioPeel also peel seals to other substrates
including APET, PVC, and HIPS.
15sugar cane trays for ready meal and produce
applications the worlds first biodegradable and
sustainable tray with moisture barrier
- Compostable and Sustainable
- Weight reduction by 10 to 15
- Dual ovenable
- Excellent value for money
- Compliant with EEC and FDA food
- contact and cooking regulations.
- Film self vents on the tray
- Use existing sealing tools and outers no
cap-ex required - Cool to touch after cooking
- Tray maintains its rigid structure and is easy
to handle post cooking - Significant reduction in cooking time
- Manufactured to your designs and
- specifications.
16Our new coater cuts CO2 emissions by being self
sustaining reducing gas consumption
- Reduction in NG consumption by approx. 2MT/hr
- Each MT of NG will produce 2.7 MT of CO2 when
burnt - Total CO2 emission reduction is
- 3300 hrs of operation 33002.72 17,820
MT/year - One tonne of CO2 Planting Six trees for carbon
offset - 17,820 MT of CO2 Planting 106,920 trees
every year!
Winner Scottish Enterprise Business Awards in
2008 Business Growth Through Sustainable
17I dont know why I didnt think of it before.