Thomson Scientific Journal Evaluations: The Editorial Process - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Thomson Scientific Journal Evaluations: The Editorial Process


Cited Half-Life the median 'age' of cited articles, their distribution over time. The cited half-life calculation finds the number of publication years from the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Thomson Scientific Journal Evaluations: The Editorial Process

Thomson Scientific Journal Evaluations The
Editorial Process
Colciencias Bogotá, Colombia 6 June 2007
Jeff Clovis Thomson Scientific
The journal literature is vast and international.
What drives it?
Academia the culture of publishing.
  • Publish or Perish to gain promotion and
    tenure one must publish in peer-reviewed journals
  • Exposure/Recognition the desire to have ones
    work disseminated to the widest possible
  • Prestige publication in high-profile,
    influential journals brings prestige and career

Therefore the culture of journal publishing
itself is an absolute foundation of the academic
research environment.
  • The Benefits
  • Cross-fertilization -- Publication provides
    access, allowing researchers to enhance their own
    work through the work of others. This is an
    accepted and expected role of the journal
    publishing system driving the progress of
    science through shared results. Of course, the
    corporate sector is very happy to benefit from
    this as well.

Growth in Multi-author Papers
gt50 authors
gt500 authors
Source Science Watch, July-Aug. 2004
Growth in Multinational Papers
gt5 countries
Percent Single-country Papers
(No Transcript)
Therefore the culture of journal publishing
itself is an absolute foundation of the academic
research environment.
The Downside Too much of the mediocre --
academias demands often produce publication for
the sake of publication. There is a lot of
information within the journal literature that
has little-to-no influence on the research of
Enter Dr. Eugene Garfield and ISI
First Why this is it that Thomson
Scientific-ISI performs extensive journal
evaluations to determine the content of its
indexes? Why this approach to journal coverage?
From the beginning, it was determined by ISI
founder Dr. Eugene Garfield that our
journal indexes would present a select body of
the worlds scholarly journals those which
display a significant level of international
influence within their respective disciplines of
TS Journal Evaluations
The Components
  • Basic Journal Publishing Standards
  • Editorial Content
  • International Diversity
  • Citation Analysis
  • With regard to all journal evaluations
  • We are publisher-neutral, no special
    consideration is given to a particular publisher.
    Commercial, academic, open-access, etc. all
    publishers are treated the same with regard to
    individual journal evaluations.

TS Journal Evaluations
The Components
  • Basic Journal Publishing Standards
  • Editorial Content
  • Timeliness of Publication the ability to meet
    a pre-established publication schedule. This is
    very important, and is the reason why we
    typically examine three subsequently published
    issues at minimum, and often more.
  • International Publishing Conventions complete
    bibliographic information at all levels -- for
    journals, articles, authors, and cited
  • English language article titles, abstracts,
    keywords, and cited references in the Roman
    Alphabet are highly desirable in order to reach
    the widest possible audience.
  • Peer Review absolutely essential.
  • International Diversity
  • Citation Analysis

TS Journal Evaluations
The Components
  • Basic Journal Publishing Standards
  • Editorial Scope
  • -- topics covered
  • -- the nature of overall content (original
    papers, review articles, methods papers, etc.)
  • -- appropriate intellectual level
  • Editorial Content
  • International Diversity
  • Citation Analysis

Subjective considerations are important
here. Essentially -- What does this journal
bring to the ISI database, to our collection of
influential titles?
TS Journal Evaluations
The Components
  • Basic Journal Publishing Standards
  • Authors, Editors, and Editorial Advisory board
  • Are they internationally diverse?
  • Does this journal reflect the global nature of
    research today?
  • Regional Journals
  • We also seek to cover the best regional journals
    as well, again, to properly reflect the global
    nature in which research takes place.
  • This is especially important for the social
    sciences, where local influence greatly impacts
    education, law, etc.
  • Editorial Content
  • International Diversity
  • Citation Analysis

TS Journal Evaluations
The Components
  • Basic Journal Publishing Standards
  • Editorial Content
  • Journal Level
  • If the journal has been in existence for
    several years, a citation history will be
    available. This of course can be extremely
    valuable to the process.
  • Measure of overall Citations, approximate
    Impact Factor, and Immediacy Index would be
    typical statistics utilized.
  • Authors and Editors
  • An examination of individual citation histories
    for authors and editors is quite important, and
    in the case of a new journal is the only
    indication of the potential citation influence of
    that publication.
  • International Diversity
  • Citation Analysis

Estimating Potential Influence
TS Journal Evaluations
The Components
  • Basic Journal Publishing Standards
  • Editorial Content

Comparing Results and Making Selections Journals
under evaluation are compared to journals that
are already covered in the TS database, as well
as other journals under evaluation again, this
is done within the realm of specific subject
categories. In consideration of all factors, we
are looking to add journals that
best enhance the
  • International Diversity
  • Citation Analysis

  • Utilizing the Impact Factor and other JCR data
  • Immediacy Index How quickly are articles cited
    within a particular journal, on average?
  • Citations in 2005 to articles
    published in 2005
  • Cited Half-Life the median age of cited
    articles, their distribution over time.
  • The cited half-life calculation finds the
    number of publication years from the current JCR
    year that account for 50 of citations received
    by the journal.

Immediacy Index and Cited Half-Life, along with
Impact Factor, help to define the traits of a
journal to characterize it.
Impact Factor
Origin created in the early 1960s by Dr.
Eugene Garfield and Dr. Irv Sher in order to help
select journals for the Science
Citation Index (SCI).
  • A Journal-Level metric
  • Average citation activity journal citation
    counts normalized by the number of documents that
    could be cited.
  • Reactive it reflects actual citation use of
    articles after their initial publication Impact
    Factor follows citations.
  • Comparative within but not between subjects

2005 Impact Factor
All Previous Years
Impact Factor Citations during the current
year, 2005 in this example, to articles
published within the prior two years.
Impact Factor in context the only valid method
of comparison.
Aggregate treats the category as though it were
a single journal comprised of many articles.
Thomson Scientific-ISI has always stated that
one should never compare the Impact Factors of
journals from different categories as citing
behavior varies greatly from discipline to
discipline. This is very evident with Aggregate
Impact Factors.
Editorial Manipulation for the sake of Impact
Do some journals make decisions to include more
Review Papers for the sole purpose of acquiring
more citations to the journal?
Have some authors been asked to include
additional cited references to material published
in a journal to which they were submitting a
Journal Self-Citation
  • 80 of all journals listed in the JCR Science
    Edition have self-citation rates of less than
  • Excessive self-citation weakens the integrity
    of the journals Impact Factor.
  • Journals with excessive self-citation are
    recognized by the TS Editorial Development Group,
    are carefully examined, and may be deleted from
    the Journal Citation Reports until the issues are

In the Natural Sciences...
Molecular Biology in Spain Molecular
Biology in the US
Organic Chemistry in Germany Organic
Chemistry in the UK
The conditions for research within the natural
sciences are physically unaffected by country,
culture, societal structure, etc. A molecule is
a molecule, a chemical reaction a chemical
reaction, regardless of nationality.
In the Social Sciences and Arts Humanities
Of course we know that for most of the social
sciences and arts humanities, outside of
fundamental theory, this is not the case
educational, legal, social service systems,
policies, etc. vary greatly from country to
country, differentiating social science and
humanities research.
In terms of gauging the success of programs of
research and publication within particular
countries or regions -- one of course needs to
look beyond sheer volume of coverage of journals
from that region in the Web of Science.
More importantly -- How do researchers from that
country or region fare in getting work published
within the entire collection of influential
journals indexed within Web of Science?
From the Web of Science
Very steady growth of the volume of papers
affiliated with Colombian authors indexed within
Web of Science over the past 10 years.
Thomson Scientific Journal Evaluations The
Editorial Process
Colciencias Bogotá, Colombia 6 June 2007
Jeff Clovis Thomson Scientific
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