Foundations of Cryptography Lecture 6 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Foundations of Cryptography Lecture 6


Strongly Universal One-Way Hash. Definition and ... E.g. chopping last bit of input. Consider the (n, n-1)-family G where each g G is defined by h H ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Foundations of Cryptography Lecture 6

Foundations of CryptographyLecture 6
  • Lecturer Moni Naor

Recap of last weeks lecture
  • The one-time signature scheme from one-way
    function (Lamport)
  • The idea of regeneration
  • Strongly Universal One-Way Hash
  • Definition and Constructions
  • Combining
  • concatenation
  • Composition
  • Tree composition

The Tree Construction
Let G be a (2k,k)-UOWHF
Let n 2 l k. and t log n/k. Each gi is
chosen independently from G. The result is a
family of functions 0,1n ? 0,1k which is
(n,k)-UOWHF Size of representation t log G
where t is the number of levels in the tree
Pair-wise independent permutations
  • Definition a family of permutations (1-1
  • H h h 0,1n ? 0,1n
  • is called Strongly Universal2 or pair-wise
    independent if
  • for all x1, x2 ?0,1n and y1, y2 ?0,1n where
    x1 ? x2 wand y1 ? y2 we have
  • Probh(x1) y1 and h(x2) y2 1/2n
  • Where the probability is over a randomly chosen
    h? H
  • The same as in truly random permutations
  • In particular Probh(x2) y2 h(x1) y1
  • Construction let F be a finite field F (e.g.
  • H ha,b(x) ax b a, b ? F, a ? 0

Constructing (n, n-1)-UOWHFs
  • Idea Combine one-way with universal
  • Want to match each image of the one-way functions
    with another random image
  • Let f 0,1n ? 0,1n be a one-way permutation
  • Let H hh0,1n ? 0,1n be a Strongly
    Universal2 family of permutations
  • Let chopn-1 0,1n ? 0,1n-1 be a 2-to-1
  • E.g. chopping last bit of input
  • Consider the (n, n-1)-family G where each g? G
    is defined by h? H
  • g(x) chopn-1(h(f(x)))

Proof of Security
  • Want to construct from algorithm A which is
    target collision finding for G
  • an inversion algorithm B for f
  • Algorithm B
  • Input yf(z) to invert,
  • Run algorithm A to get target x
  • Find random h ? H such that
  • chopn-1(h(y)) chopn-1(h(f(x)))
  • and give corresponding g as a challenge to
  • Why does such an h exist and how to find it?
  • If A finds x such that g(x)g(x) then
  • chopn-1(h(f(x))) chopn-1(h(f(x)))
  • and yf(x) since h is 1-1
  • What is the probability of success of B?
  • The same as the simulated collision algorithm A
    for G
  • Claim the probability the simulated algorithm A
    witnesses is the same as the real A

Why does such an h exist and how to find it?
chopn-1(h(y)) chopn-1(h(f(x)))
  • Choose random w?0,1n
  • let w be such that chopn-1(w)chopn-1(w)
  • Want h(y)w and h(f(x))w
  • Such an h should exist from pair-wise
  • Easy to find and unique for
  • H ha,b(x) ax b a, b ? F, a ? 0
  • Open problem(?) what happens to the security of
    the construction if H does not have the property

Distribution of simulated A vs. real A
  • The difference between the simulated and real A
  • Real A gets g defined by random h?H
  • Simulated A chooses x and gets g defined by
  • Choosing random z?0,1n and computing yf(z)
  • y is uniform in 0,1n from f being a permutation
  • Choosing random w?0,1n and finding random h?H
    such that h(y)w and h(f(x))w
  • Since both random y and random w are random the
    result is a random h?H
  • Simulated A and real A witness the same
  • The probability that B inverts is the same as A
    finding a collision

What about the reverse combination
  • Let f 0,1n ? 0,1n be a one-way permutation
  • Let H hh0,1n ? 0,1n be a Strongly
    Universal2 family of permutations
  • Consider the (n, n-1)-family G where each g? G
    is defined by h? H
  • g(x) chopn-1(f(h(x)))
  • Is it a UOWHF?
  • Not necessarily if
  • h is easy to invert
  • and
  • f does not affect the last bit
  • not contradictory to either being one-way or a
  • Then easy to find collisions any x the that x
    collides under h will also collide under g

From (n, n-1)-UOWHFs to (n, n/2)-UOWHFs
  • Idea composition.
  • What happens to the security of the scheme?
  • The probability of inverting f given a collision
    finding algorithm for H may be small by a factor
    of 2/n

General construction (n, k)-UOWHFs
  • Use tree composition
  • Description length k log (n/k) (n,
    n/2)-descriptions of hash function
  • 2k bits in the example

Recall Regeneration
  • If we could get a smaller public-key could be
    able to regenerate smaller and sign/authenticate
    an unbounded number of messages
  • What if you had three wishes?
  • Idea use G a family of UOWHF to compress the
  • Question can we use a global one g ? G for all
    nodes of the tree?
  • Question how to assign messages to nodes in the
  • What exactly are we after?

Signature Scheme
  • Allow Alice to publish a public key pk while
    keeping hidden a secret key sk
  • Key generation Algorithm
  • Input security parameter n ,random bits
  • Output pk and sk
  • Given a message m Alice can produce a signature s
  • Signing Algorithm
  • Input pk and sk and message m ( plus random
  • Possible also history of previous messages
  • Output s
  • Anyone who is given pk and (m,s) can verify it
  • Signature Verification Algorithm
  • Input (pk, m, s)
  • Output accept or reject
  • Completeness the output of the Signing Algorithm
    is assigned accept
  • All algorithms should be polynomial time
  • Security No one who is given only pk and not
    sk can forge a valid (m,s)
  • How to do define properly?

Rigorous Specification of Security of a Scheme
  • Recall To define security of a system must
  • The power of the adversary
  • computational
  • access to the system
  • Who chooses the message to be signed
  • What order
  • What constitute a failure of the system
  • What is a legitimate forgery?

Existential unforgeability in signature schemes
  • A signature scheme is
  • existentially unforgeable
  • under an
  • adaptive message attack
  • if
  • any polynomial adversary A with
  • Access to the system for q rounds
  • adaptively choose messages mi and receive a valid
    signature si
  • Tries to break the system find (m,s) so that
  • m ?m1, m2, mq
  • But
  • (m,s) is a valid signature.
  • has probability of success at most e
  • For any q and 1/e polynomial in the security
    parameter and for large enough n

adaptive message attack
existential forgery
Weaker notions of security
  • How the messages are chosen during the attack
  • E.g. random messages
  • Non adaptively (all messages chosen in advance)
  • How the challenge message is chosen
  • In advance, before the attack
  • randomly
  • Homework show how to construct from a signature
  • that is
  • existentially unforgeable against random message
  • a signature scheme that is
  • existentiallly unforgeable against adaptively
    chosen message attacks
  • Hint use two schemes of the first type

  • Chapter on signatures in Goldreichs Foundations
    of Cryptography, volume 2 (unpublished)
  • Papers
  • Existentially Unforgeability
  • Goldwasser, Micali and Rivest, Siam J Computing,
  • Using UOWHF Naor Yung
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