Title: AVO WA3 report to SWG Jan 2003
1AVO WA3 report to SWG Jan 2003
- aims of WA3 work
- status of work
- progress against milestones
- priorities for next two quarters
2aims of WA3
- assess, develop and deploy new technologies
- technologies to assess grids storage/comput
e database/datamining - background technology evolving fast stay agile
- led by AstroGrid
- plus effort from TeraPix, CDS, ESO
- now fully staffed 5.6 FTEs
- 2.55 EU funded, 3.05 partner funded
- two new developers 100 on WA3
- Martin Hill, Alan Maxwell
- two new scientists part-time on WA3
- Richards, Tissier
- demo sw
- multi-site, SOAP service, package integration
- initial DBMS assessment done
- part of AstroGrid RedBook
- initial Grid technology assessment done
- part of AstroGrid RedBook
- link to OGSA through AstroGrid
- behind on network analysis
- AstroGrid and TeraPix DBMS work uncoordinated
- various hw asssessments uncoordinated
6progress against milestonesWA3.1 Grid Technology
3.1.1 Benchmark Network Tasks (12months) 3.1.3
Network Analysis Report (24 months) - joined
PPNCG - written grid performance test
proposal 3.1.2 Middleware assmnt report and
reccs (24 months) - initial report
complete 3.1.4 Demonstration of working datagrid
(24 months) - on schedule
7progress against milestonesWA3.2 storage/compute
3.2.1 Deploy Trial Hardware (12months) -
abandoned due to lack of funds - each partner
provides hardware 3.2.2 Storage assmnt report
and reccs (24 months) - on schedule in separate
places - needs co-ordination 3.2.3 Architecture
Assessment Report (30 months) - on schedule
8progress against milestonesWA3.3
3.3.1 Benchmark Datamining tasks
(12months) 3.3.2 DBMS assmnt report and reccs
(18 months) - initial report complete 3.3.3
Working Datamining system for external
user testing (24 months) - on schedule
9goals for next two quarters
- co-ordinate hw assessment activities
- co-ordinate DB assessment activities
- make network analysis plan
- May final DBMS assessment report
- June initial storage assment report (final Nov)
- June initial network analysis report (final
Nov) - June plan for "working datamining system"
(target Nov)