Title: VOTable agenda
1VOTable agenda
- News from Applications
- VOTable Schema
- VOTable expression units, datatypes...
- Utype
- Other topic ?
2Where are we ?
- VOTable1.1 is 2 years old
- quite generally used, many tools
- General referencing to external data models
attempted at last El Escorial meeting, without
3News from Applications
- Heard about
- VOPlot v1.2.1 (source code available)
- VOTable Streaming Writer v1.1
- VOMegaPlot 1.0
- TOPCAT v2.1
- Some problems heard about input/output of
VOTables - conservation of GROUP structures (TOPcat)
- ... ?
4VOTable schema
- Embedded spaces nbsp vs 32 or x20
- Recursivity allowed in RESOURCE GROUP and OPTION
- How does it work in VOTable utilities (e.g.
TOPcat VOPlot VOFilter...) a single resource ? - It is useful, can describe trees instead of
simple arrays - Used in some applications (instrument apertures)
- is/will these limitations in the used tools be
removed? - What to do ? ltRESOURCE type"notRecursive"gt
5VOTable expressions
- Sexagesimal necessary ? useful ?
- concerns only the ltTABLEDATAgt serialisation
- Way adopted at CDS
- ltFIELD name"RAJ2000" ucd"pos.eq.rameta.main"
ref"J2000" datatype"double" width"11"
unit"quothmsquot"gt - Date/Time
- accept JD, MJD, decimal year, ISO...?
- specify in some unit ?
- Must agree on common solutions across VO
6VOTable expressions (cont'd)
- Units should not the rules be identical in the
various VO components ? - cm/s2 cms(-2) cm.s-2 cm s-2 ...
- should standardize across VO components!!!
- Explicit and detailed reference is given in
VOTable document (no blank, no asterisk) - "special" quoted units -- should be extended
toward other exotic units like electromagneticCGS
or Crab?? - Must agree on common solutions across VO
7Utypes what is it ?
- Non-mandatory attribute of RESOURCE TABLE FIELD
PARAM GROUP - originally created for DAL needs
- is a possible attribute in VOTable1.1 wherever
the ucd is an acceptable attribute - contrary to the ucd, gives a fully detailed
meaning of the field, parameter or group - ucd broad semantics, typically used for data
mining - utype detailed semantics, refers to a data model
8Utype its usage in VOTable
- can supply an exact description of the column
contents - immediate application for a referencing of
parameters which exact meaning is crucial - systems of coordinates celestial, terrestrial,
solar, ... (connection with STC) - time definitions (connection with STC)
- photometric systems bandpasses
- more generally any parameter in a model,
9Status after El Escorial meeting
- proposal of using in the utype attribute an XPath
analogy to refer accurately to the parameter in
the data model e.g.
ltFIELD name"RAJ2000" datatype"double" utype"c
/ Position2D/Value2(1)"gt lt/FIELDgt ltFIELD
name"DEJ2000" datatype"double" utype"crdAstro
Position2D/Value2(2)"gt lt/FIELDgt
? essentially refused
10What changed since El Escorial
- STC 1.30 does not require any more to give the
components of a position as an array - ? definition of a utype for position easier
- utype role could be somewhat clarified through
restricted discussions between DAL, DM and
VOtable groups
11utype clarifications
- Definition utype piece to reference a component
of an external data model. - differences between static or dynamic data
models - static data model (compile-time) every
component defined in the data model examples - SSA contains only static models
- circular target region is static
- dynamic data model (run-time) components may
be added examples - Characterization may have axises defined by
their ucd. - polygonal region may have any number of vertices
12Examples in STC
ltstcCirclegt ltstcCenter unit"deg"gt
ltstcC2gt23.503330lt/stcC2gt lt/stcCentergt
ltstcRadius pos_unit"arcsec"gt10.0lt/stcRadiusgt lt/
ltstcPolygongt ltstcVertexgt ltstcPositiongt
ltstcC2gt23.503330lt/stcC2gt lt/stcPositiongtlt/stc
Vertexgt ltstcVertexgt ltstcPositiongt ...
... ... ... lt/stcPolygongt
13Scenarios for utype assignation
- XPath way applies to dynamic data models
-OPTICAL-ET'/Position2D/C1 - ... but gives complex strings, and was refused...
- DAL way ssaSky.Resolution
- a simple rule is defined to derive the utype
contents (concatenation of elements' names with
dots e.g. - is restricted to static data models
- define the recommended utype in the model ?
- should converge to common solutions across VO
14Example for STC circular region
ltFIELD ID"Col1" name"cRA"
utype"stcCircle.Center.C1" ucd"pos.eq.ra"
unit"deg" datatype"double" /gt ltFIELD ID"Col2"
name"cDec" utype"stcCircle.Center.C2"
ucd"pos.eq.dec" unit"deg" datatype"double"
/gt ltPARAM name"targetRadius"
utype"stcCircle.Radius" ucd"pos.angDistance"
datatype"double" unit"arcsec" value"12" /gt
15Example for STC polygon
ltGROUP name"myPolygon" utype"stcPolygon"gt
ltFIELDref ref"vert1"gt ltFIELDref ref"vert2"gt
ltFIELDref ref"vert3"gt ltFIELDref
ref"vert4"gt lt/GROUPgt ltFIELD ID"Vert1"
name"point1" utype"stcPolygon.Vertex"
ucd"pos.eq" unit"deg" arraysize"2"
datatype"double" /gt ltFIELD ID"Vert2"
name"point2" utype"stcPolygon.Vertex"
ucd"pos.eq" unit"deg" arraysize"2"
datatype"double" /gt ...
16Example for Coordinates
ltGROUP ucd"pos.eq" utype"stcAstroCoords" gt
ltPARAM utype"stcAstroCoords.coord_system_id"
datatype"char" arraysize""
value"UTC-FK5-TOPO" /gt ltFIELDref ref"Col1"
/gt ltFIELDref ref"Col2" /gt lt/GROUPgt ltFIELD
ID"Col1" utype"stcAstroCoords.Position2D.C1"
ucd"pos.eq.ra" name"RA" unit"deg"
datatype"double" /gt ltFIELD ID"Col2"
ucd"pos.eq.dec" name"Dec" unit"deg"
datatype"double" /gt
17Example for Characterization
ltGROUP utype"charSpectralAxis" gt ltPARAM
utype"AxisFrame.ucd" datatype"char"
arraysize"" value"em" /gt ltFIELDref
ref"Col1" /gt lt/GROUPgt ltFIELD ID"Col1"
utype"Coverage.Location" unit"nm"
ucd"em.wl" name"lambda" datatype"double" /gt
18(No Transcript)
19A1. LINK Questions
- LINK is required for several applications
- SIAP one of the columns gives a link to actual
image server, coded in a ltTDgtlt!CDATA.......gtlt/
TDgt - Aladin required to provide a link to the full
data, coded in a LINK with substitutions - other usage ?
- ? It is important !
20 LINK substitution(Aladin way)
- ltLINK href"http//ivoa.net/lookup?GalaxyName
ampRARAampDEDE"/gt - a substitution filter is applied in the context
of a particular row. For the first row of the
table, the substitution would result in the URL - http//ivoa.net/lookup?GalaxyN224RA010.68DE
21 LINK definition(INES way)
- ltFIELD name"Spectrum" datatype"char"
arraysize""gt - ltDESCRIPTIONgt
- Link to the spectrum file
- ....
- ltTDgtltSTREAM href"http//ivoa.net/getSpectrum?Name
"N224"/gt - lt/TDgt
- .
22A2 Query Extension
- It is another view on the LINK present the
different parameters available for a query. - Role of the registry ?
- these details stored in a "fine-grain" registry
- in the context of a "coarse-grain" registry, some
facility of getting these details must exist...
23A3 Arrays of variable-length strings
- Is related to the String datatype which does not
exist in VOTable (FITS syndrome) - FITS knows only a fixed-size array of
variable-length strings (via the "Variable length
array" convention)
24A4 - FIELDs as data pointers
- when a column contains a reference or a pointer
to the data URLI, cid (Content-ID), ... - http//almasw.hq.eso.org/almasw/bin/view/Archive/V
OTableDataTransfer - Add type"location" attribute to ltFIELDgt
- Add type"location" attribute to ltLINKgt
25A5 - Encoding individual table cells
- To decide to insert binary data at the cell level
typically an image - without the need for a break in the stream
- without having to encode the whole table
26- ltTABLE name"SpectroLog"gt
- ltFIELD name"Target" ucd"meta.id"
datatype"char" arraysize"30"/gt - ltFIELD name"Instr" ucd"instr.setup"
datatype"char" arraysize"5"/gt - ltFIELD name"Dur" ucd"time.expo" datatype"int"
width"5" unit"s"/gt - ltFIELD name"Spectrum" ucd"phot.fluxDensity"
datatype"float" arraysize"" - unit"mW/m2/nm" precision"E3"/gt
- ltTRgtltTDgtNGC6543lt/TDgtltTDgtSWS06lt/TDgtltTDgt2028lt/TDgtltTD
encoding"base64"gt - QJKPXECHvndAgMScQHul40CSLQ5ArocrQLxiTkC3XClAq0OWQK
JAuRaHQLWZmkCyhytAunbJ - QLN87kC26XlA1KwIQOud0DsWh1A5an8QN0m6UDOVgRAxO2RQM
9Lx0Din75A3o9cQMPfO0C/ - dLxAvUeuQKN87kCXQ5ZAjFodQH0vG0B/jVBAgaHLQI7Ag0CiyL
- lt/TDgtlt/TRgt
- lt/TABLEgt
27A6 - Very large arrays
- The BINARY serialization of variable-length
arrays uses a 4-byte prefix for the number of
items of the array. This convention imposes an
absolute maximal number of 231 - Possibility of an arrayprefix which could specify
the size of the number of items - arrayprefix"unsignedChar" would imply max. 255
elements in the array - arrayprefix"long" would accept gt 2billion items
28A7 - Additional TABLE attributes
- ucd and utype attributes ?
- (were adopted)
29A8 - A new CSV serialization ?
Data structure widely interpretable
ltTABLE name"Messier"gt ltFIELD name"Number"
ID"M" ucd"meta.id" datatype"int"
gt ltFIELD name"R.A.2000" ID"RA" ucd"pos.eq.ra"
ref"J2000" unit"deg"
datatype"float" width"5" precision"1"
/gt ltFIELD name"Dec.2000" ID"DE"
ucd"pos.eq.dec" ref"J2000" unit"deg"
datatype"float" width"5" precision"1"
/gt ltFIELD ID"T" name"Classification"
datatype"char" arraysize"10"
ucd"src.class"gt ltDESCRIPTIONgtClassification
(galaxy, glubular cluster, etc)lt/DESCRIPTIONgtlt/FIE
LDgt ltDATAgtltCSV headlines"1"gtlt!CDATA M RA DE Cla
ssification 3 205.5 28.4 Globular
Cluster 31 010.7 41.3 Galaxy gtlt/CSVgtlt/DATAgt lt/T
30Conclusions ?
- Agreement of common conventions (units,
date/time, sexagesimal,...) with other WG - Agreement of utype syntax/definition with other
WG - Rewrite the VOTable schema ? VOTable1.2
- Appendices ? ?
31(No Transcript)
32Question of Astrometry Definition
- Current VOTable way (from V1.0)
- ltCOOSYS ID"J2000" system"eq_FK5"
equinox"J2000" epoch"J1991.25"/gt - Does not apply to e.g. solar studies, moving
frames -- VOTable has to be more generic - VO components have to be shared --- if STC is the
data model of spacetime coordinates, VOTable as
well as other VO components has to refer to it.