Title: Dr Ruth Hussey OBE
1Leading Across Boundaries What Makes
Partnerships Tick?
- Dr Ruth Hussey OBE
- Regional Director of Public Health / Medical
Director - NHS / DH North West
2Health and Well Being
3Inequalities Begin from Birth
4The New Agenda
PCTs rely on local government
PCTs are increasingly seeking to become more
engaged with their populations in order to
translate their needs and effectively commission
services in order to improve health and well
Local government rely on PCTs When asked Which
services were most important in making somewhere
a good place to live? 82 of people in local
authorities rank health services as the first or
second most important factor.
5The Value of Partnerships
- Solutions to problems that single agencies cant
solve - Improve service delivery and coordination across
agency boundaries - Makes better use of resources
6Delivery System
- Joint strategic needs assessment
- Local Area Agreements
- Joint budgets
- Practice based commissioning /social care
commissioning - Comprehensive Area Assessment
7The Task
- Public expectations met
- Personal / self care and population based action
- Addressing inequality across all services
- Efficiency cost avoidance
- Effectiveness
8PCT Relationships with Local Government in the
North West
- Questionnaire sent to all 24 PCT Chief
Executives - Assess current relationships and integration
that PCTs have with local government - Results..
9Formal Positions..
- 22 of PCT Chief Executives in the North West
hold a formal position within the local
government structure - Include membership of
- - Partnership delivery board
- - LAA programme board
- Only two are joint appointments
- salary paid by LA formal role within LA
- Accountable to PCT Chair and Joint Partnership
10Informal Positions.
- 48 of PCT Chief Executives in the North West
hold an informal position within the local
government structure - Include membership of
- - Health and Well-being Partnership Board
- - Local Strategic Partnership Executive
- - Joint Commissioning Partnership
- Local Chief Executive Forums
- Health Act Partnership Board
11Joint Appointments between Local Government and
12Joint Appointments between Local Government and
Joint Commissioning Posts
13Do you have existing formal joint arrangements
with Local Government for the
Provision of services in the local area? Yes
83 No 17 Commissioning of Services in
the local area? Yes 92 No 8 All who
responded No to either of the above questions,
said that they intended to implement formal joint
arrangements with local government in the
14Strong strategic achievement
Personal commitment
What factors help partnership working with local
Shared goals / priorities
Good relationships
Quality Communications
Clear financial arrangements
Clear Structure
Fewer PCTs
15Different PerformanceReportingRegimes
Lack ofClarity ofRoles
What factors hinder partnership working with
local authorities?
Financial Arrangements
2 tier Arrangements
Lack of clear leadership
16Partnerships Require
- Leadership and vision
- Strategy and coordination
- Involvement and sustained priorities, commitment
and investment role of projects? - Evidence based decision making
- Intelligence
- Resources
- Trust and communication
- The ability to lead and follow!
- Effective multi agency governance / multiple
accountability - Genuinely productive joint working
- Involving middle managers and front line staff
- Gaining legitimacy with the public
18Effectiveness of Partnerships
- Performance (over time and current)
- Partnership evaluation
19Role of Regional Level Organisations
- Strategic overview
- System management
- Improvement and performance focussed
- Collaborate with regulators
- Develop their own partnerships for strategic
delivery e.g. Government Office/ Strategic Health
Authorities/ Development Agencies
20Journey of Engagement
Health Space