Title: Sanctuary Schools Site Visit
1Sanctuary SchoolsSite Visit December 2008Part
- Madhav Acharya
- Manju Krishnan
2Another school
From the outside
3Another school
The children are encouraged to maintain the
school garden
4Another school
Its lunch time!
5Another school
Getting ready for class after lunch (the parents
are involved and assist the kids at lunch time or
as and when they are available)
6Another school
And almost everyone is here
7Another school
Starting on their reading
8Another school
The lady seen in this picture is the assistant
teacher at this school and is also the Village
Headmans wife. She is pursuing her 10th standard
now and serves as a role model for the other
women/girls in the village
9Another school
Learning needlework
10Another school
The children learn needlework/embroidery as a
vocational skill. What you see below is done by
the beginner group, they learn on cardboard
before moving on to cloth