Title: Introduction to Robotic Research
1Introduction to Robotic Research
EE395 Personal Robotic Research
- Yuichi Motai Ph.D.
- Director, Intelligent Media Laboratory
- http//www.uvm.edu/ymotai
Topics for your project are widely open as far as
the instructor can follow. The core area may be
called sensory or computation intelligence in
computer engineering such as Computer
Vision Mixed Reality Human-Computer
Interaction Sensory Network Robotics Pervasive
Computing Runtime Support
3 Evaluation Final product of academic project is
publication in peer refereed journals or
transactions. This is important and clear
indication how you are productive and active in
the area. Team work is the most efficient way
to produce the final outcome.
4Project Instructions for Class Project and
1. Problem Goal show interest2. Build
Scenario constraints3. Approach Method
straightforward4. Implement Updates
professional effort
5Tip1. Problem Goal
Case studies
6Tip2. Build Scenario
Constraint Problem
Assume conditions
Samples and Examples
Story Making for Outcome
Case studies
7Tip3. Approach Methods
Problem Solving
Seek Relevant Knowledge
Plan Time / Cost / Effort
Case Studies
8Tip4. Implement Updates
Professional Skill for Engineering Implementation
Execute like Expert with Concentration
Keep High Productivity
Efficient Work Management
9Schedule/Time Management
2 class 3 class 4 class 5 class 6 class
10Writing Skill
Continuous description on the on-going project
- Follow Format for Publications
Introduction/Related Studies/Proposed
Method/Experimental Result/Summary
1 topic for 1 unit
Concrete Specific
Case Studies
11Presentation Skill
Visual Aid for Slides
Read paper from writers view
Case Studies