Title: The%20Lassie%20Foundation
1Money Money
I saw that movie star big stack of money. The
big banks gonna make him feel so strong and so
fresh with the honeys.
- Highlights
- Revenue Streams
- Income
- Balance Sheet
- Assets
- Stock Performance
(in millions) 2003 2004
He got the world 4,537 5,121
He got the power 866 951
He got the strength to make you seem so small 449 524
Just because of the money 82 91
Total Assets 6,388 7,965
Stockholders equity 123 145
4Revenue Streams
Born to Build You
Born to Break You Apart
Ooh, Apart
5Income by Division
6Fiscal Analysis
Can someone appease the greedy beast of our days,
without the sound of dreamers blown away? Theyre
just trying to be happy.
- World
- Power
- Strength
- Entitlement
- Honeys
- No mess
7Outlook for 2005
(in millions) 2004 2005
He got the world 5,121 6,336
He got the power 951 1,104
He got the strength to make me feel so small 524 670
I cant mess with the money 91 98
Total Assets 7,965 8,977
Stockholders equity 145 160
8Projected 05 Income
Born to Build You
Born to Break You Apart
Ooh, Apart
9Balance Sheet
(in millions) 2003 2004
Liabilities Betting on the pass line Having to roll the dice Dreaming for a brand new day Having to play the hardest ways 1,453 376 162 369 2,007 499 222 507
Total Liabilities Its gonna clean you out, inside 2,198 3,235
Assets Making the balance right, inside Making the heart beat right 903 55 950 62
Total Assets Until you try to make the heart beat right 958 1,012
Balance Youve got to make the balance right -1,240 -2,223
10Asset Distribution
11Stock Performance
the moneys gonna clean you out