Title: New Marking and Monitoring Techniques
1New Marking and Monitoring Techniques for Fish
( BPA Project 198331900 )
Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Fish Ecology Division
PIT-tag detection is a critical tool for
performing the monitoring and evaluation of
mitigation actions within the Columbia River
3Project goal or problem
The "problem" that this project addresses
is how to expand the current PIT-tag
interrogation and tagging technologies to enable
the fisheries community to successfully carry out
the specified actions, research, and monitoring
activities outlined in the systemwide juvenile
and adult passage program summary and the 2000
4Results / Accomplishments
1998 NMFS started its RD program to adapt
the ISO-based 134.2-kHz technology for detection
of adult salmonids in fish ladders (orifices)
5Transceiver system
Antenna system
62001 Full-ladder installation (prototype)
weir overflow
7Evaluation of full-ladder installation
8Reading efficiencies
Individual orifices 99.9
9Results from tagged fish at Bonneville Dam in
Reading efficiency for full ladder ()
Spring chinook salmon
Fall chinook salmon
B-run steelhead
Coho salmon
102002 Technology advances
Changes in the transceiver
resulted in larger antennas
Alternative choke points
(e.g. counting stations and vertical slots)
11Examples of research issues
What will adult detection provide?
Management / Research / Monitoring tool to
evaluate mitigation efforts
- Conversion rates (needed to try to track losses
- of fish between dams)
- Smolt-to-adult return (SAR) information
- Investigating transport verses inriver issues
- The effects of facility operations
122002 Technology advances
Full-flow interrogation system
Main juvenile fish bypass pipe at McNary Dam
132002 Technology advances
In-stream interrogation system
15Bonneville Dam - corner collector
16Spillway at Little Goose Dam
17Proposed work for FY03-05
Upgrade transceiver system, so it can
- Control multiple adjacent antennas
- Auto-tune to adjust for changing environmental
- Reduce significantly the power requirements,
- internal noise, and the effects of external
noise interference
- Accept additional interface cards such as
sensor cards - or flash memory
Develop and evaluate a high-flow interrogation
system for the corner collector at
Bonneville Dam
Adapt state-of-the-art tagging technology