Title: SiLi Advanced Compton Telescope
1Si(Li) Advanced Compton Telescope Richard
Kroeger Jim Kurfess, Eric Grove, Neil Johnson,
Bernard Phlips, Mark Strickman Naval Research
Laboratory Ethan Hull, Paul Luke, Richard Pehl,
Craig Tindall Lawrence Berkeley National
21999 GRAPWG Report
Advanced Compton Telescope (ACT) The HIGHEST
PRIORITY major mission recommended by the GRAPWG
is ACT, a high-technology MeV line and continuum
Compton Telescope mission operating in the 500
keV to 30 MeV range.
3Compton Scattering
41 MeV in Silicon ?
53-Compton Efficiency
6Detection Efficiency vs. active material fraction
0.95 0.90 0.80
Coherent scattering has the same effect as
passive material
7Doppler Broadening
Silicon is the idea choice 4 keV for 40 degree
8Silicon Doppler Correction
12 keV FWHM Using knowledge of point source
19 keV FWHM Source position unknown
9Battling Doppler
- Total energy absorption E0 computed from summing
energy losses. Doppler does not contribute to
energy uncertainty, only the angular uncertainty. - Known source position Doppler contribution in
first scatter estimated from two ways of
determining E1 one using L1, and the other using
L2. Clear improvements are realized. - Four or more interactions Doppler contribution
in upstream scatter estimated. Subject of
ongoing work.
Good energy and spatial resolution are essential
Doppler broadening degrades background rejection
using point source discrimination method.
E3 etc
10Ge Laboratory measurement
Ge strip det.
Ge strip det.aray
11Event simulations
4 interactions with energy loss
9 interactions
12Event reconstruction
- Events with 4 or more interactions
- Number of interactions 4 5 6 7 more
- Number of sequences 24 120 720 5040 lots more
1. Find a sequence of 3 that works, compute
2. Check that the 4th interaction is possible
3. Repeat process for all possible sequences,
determine most probable of the valid choices
4. Easily generalizes to 5 or more interactions
13ACT Mission Profile Considerations
- Equatorial Orbit
- Reduce cosmic ray and SAA background
- Wide Field of view, on the order of ?60
- Cover 70 of sky each orbit
- Achieve 106 s observations for most of sky in 1
mo. - Include CZT top layer and coded mask for 10-100
keV - meet EXIST science objectives
- Undertake as MIDEX opportunity
- Competitive opportunity every 2 years
14Baseline Advanced Compton Telescope (ACT)
1 m2 frontal area 25 layers 7-mm thick
double-sided silicon strip detectors, each 10x10
cm active area 42 g/cm2 thick 420 kg
silicon Broad FoV (? 60-75 deg)
1.5 mm thick silicon crossed strip detector
15ACT Sensitivity
Broad Line (30 keV) sensitivity (106 s)
16SN science
SN Ia rates (per year) for pairs of models per
year would be distinguished
Chandrasekhar Sub-Chandrasekhar
Super lum.
Vela 26Al Simulation
Sub lum.
Milne et al, 2000
17Gamma Ray Lines of GRAPWG recommendation