Title: Itinerary selected pages by Russian traveler Dmitry Averianov
1Itinerary (selected pages) by Russian traveler
Dmitry Averianov
3According to forecasts of Russian Academy of
Science, Russia more than any other country is
likely to suffer from global warming. Russia is
situated in the Northern hemisphere, and,
according to the climatic map, northern regions
are much more affected by climate changes.
4- Region of Eternal Frosts comprises most of the
Russian territory. If air temperature kept going
up, the Eternal Frosts would start melting, and
in its turn, this could lead to immense disasters!
5Ive chosen 4 cities for my journey Salekhard,
Surgut, Norilsk and Krasnoyarsk.
7- June, 9th
- Salekhard was my first destination point. This
city is situated near the sea. Due to
deglacation, level of the World ocean has raised,
and the city has now almost completely
disappeared under water. It is very dangerous
here, I didnt need to stay in Salekhard, so I
decided to continue my journey.
8Journey to Surgut
9- June 10-13th
- Trip to Surgut took almost three days, the area
was heavily flooded. Moreover, the road went
through the Eternal Frosts area, and it began to
melt. So, large holes appeared in some places,
and they hindered my journey.
11- June 14th
- Finally Im in Surgut! Cars and even houses went
down the earth because of thawing of the Eternal
Frosts. Moreover, city gas-pipe was destroyed,
so people cannot use gas. I spent only one day
here, but what Ive seen shall remain in my
memory forever.
12Journey to Norilsk
13- June 15th
- This morning Ive started for Surgut. Road to
Norilsk went through rural area, which turned out
to be heavily flooded. It took me 5 days to get
to this city.
15- June 20th
- Its 700 PM and Im getting close to
Norilsk. Its rather strange that people are
quite calm. Ive asked several citizens about
effect of global warming on their lives. It
turned out, that shortage of drinking water is
the only thing people are suffering from. I saw
soil destruction only in the country.
16- June 20th
- Its 700 PM and Im getting close to
Norilsk. Its rather strange that people are
quite calm. Ive asked several citizens about
effect of global warming on their lives. It
turned out that shortage of drinking water is the
only thing people are suffering from. I saw soil
destruction only in the country.
17Journey to Krasnoyask
18- June 22nd
- Ive spent just 2 days in Norilsk, but I have to
go now. Having left the city, I indeed saw soil
destruction. The road went through highland, but
it was heavily bogged up, and it is not typical
for this landscape. So I decided that melting of
eternal frosts had leg to bog formation.
20- June 28th
- It took me 6 days to get to Krasnoyarsk, and my
journey is over now. What I saw in Krasnoyarsk
was really terrible the city disappeared under
water! Constant rainfalls and river-level rise
have led to flood in the city. People suffer from
shortage of drinking water. Rains caused bog
formation in suburbs. This in its turned led to
insect epidemics that caused malaria and
gastrointestinal diseases. Its dangerous to stay
here, so Im going back home.
22This journey made a very sad impression. Both
nature and people are suffering. And we have to
take thought about it today in order prevent
bringing such imaginary journey into life.