Title: Monsoons
- Definition
- Location of Monsoon Climates
- Focus on the Indian Monsoon
- Chapter 8.2
- Definition
- A seasonal reversal of wind, which in the summer
season blows onshore, bringing with it heavy
rains, and in the winter season blows offshore - At least a 120º change in wind direction
- Derived from the Arabic word mausin, meaning a
- A distinct rainy season (summer) and a distinct
dry season (winter) - Wet monsoon (high sun)
- Dry monsoon (low sun)
4Location of Monsoon Climates
Not in Book
5MonsoonsWinter shift in the ITCZ
Not in Book
6MonsoonsSummer shift in the ITCZ
Not in Book
7The West African Monsoon
Not in Book
8The Australian Monsoon
Not in Book
9The East Asian Monsoon
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10The Indian Monsoon
Not in Book
11Focus on the Indian Monsoon
- Complex process involving a number of factors
- Seasonal shift of the ITCZ
- Seasonal surface pressure changes
- Jet streams aloft
12Indian Winter MonsoonStructure of the
Atmospheric Circulation
Not in Book
13Indian Winter MonsoonSurface Pressure
Not in Book
14Indian Winter MonsoonJet Streams Aloft
Convergence Aloft
Figure 8.15
15Indian Winter Monsoon
- ITCZ in Southern Hemisphere
- High pressure over Asia
- Westerly Subtropical Jet
- Winds blow offshore
- Dry monsoon
16Indian Summer MonsoonStructure of the
Atmospheric Circulation
Not in Book
17Indian Summer MonsoonSurface Pressure
Not in Book
18Indian Summer MonsoonJet Streams Aloft
Divergence Aloft
Figure 8.15
19Indian Summer Monsoon
- ITCZ over Asia
- Low pressure over Asia
- Easterly Tropical Jet
- Winds blow onshore
- Wet monsoon
- Precipitation amount is enhanced by orographic
20Indian Summer Monsoon
Figure 8.17
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