Title: GIS Applications for Infectious Disease and Conflict Situations
1GIS Applications for Infectious Disease and
Conflict Situations
- Infectious disease vs. chronic disease
- Risks factors which show a strong correlation
to disease onset. Causality is difficult to
prove. - Risk Assessment likelihood that a
region/population will develop a disease. Based
on probability. - Vulnerability Analysis incorporates risk
assessment but also includes capacity to respond.
3Mapping of Health Data
- Opportunities to study spatial distribution
- Associations between environmental exposure
- Comparison of disease rates or exposures across
regions at group level - Estimate exposures
- Target interventions and plan policy based on
risk assessment and vulnerability analysis
4Spatial Distribution
- Can show non-random distribution
- Suggests possible exposures or disease source
- May point to epi-center
- Can show spread of disease
5John Snow and cholera casesGolden Square area of
LondonAugust September 1854
6Prince Williams County Measles Epidemic 1988
Source Prince William County Fire Rescue
7Mapped by School
8Two Week Elapsed Period
9Association with Environmental Exposure
- Demonstrate risk of disease
- Useful for monitoring and surveillance
- Useful in selection of subjects for different
study designs - Model exposure patterns
10Kenya risk of malaria based on inhabited areas
11Risk associated with meningitisAuckland, New
Source Auckland Public Health Protection
12Residential distribution in relation to
forestsLyme disease
Source G.E. Glass et al 1995
13Selection of Study Subject
- Wartenberg used digitized powerline network
- 100 meter buffer
- Selections for cohort study
14Comparison of HIV/AIDS
15Modeling Anthrax ExposureSverdlovsk, U.S.S.R.
Source Messelson 1994
16Probability of Malaria Exposure
Source Omumbu, 1998
17Ethical Issues
- Protect identity of study subjects
- Critical in small studies studies in developing
countries - Randomizing algorithms, manual shift, etc.
18GIS Applications in Complex Human Emergencies
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Food scarcity disruption of agriculture
- Infrastructure, hydrology and location of
protected areas - Overcrowding, resource depletion potential for
conflict escalation
19UNHCR Planning for Refugee Settlements
- Scale typically poor spatial resolution
(11000000) so limited use in local planning - DRC and Tanzania using SPOT images for smaller
scale - Cost is high
- Kenya mapped with aerial photos and digitized
settlement plans
20UNHCR Planning for Refugee Settlements
- Mozambique incorporating GPS into tracking
cholera and dysentery in settlements - Questionable scale
- Potential for health impact forecasts to impact
bombing site selection - Disease risk tied to demobilization