Title: Polarized parton distribution
1 Ali. N. Khorramian (IPM),
Institute for studies in theoretical Physics and
Physics Department, Semnan University
Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
2Polarized Structure Function
- Workshop on Low-x physics
- 16-19 September 2002
3 Ali. N. Khorramian (IPM),
Institute for studies in theoretical Physics and
MathematicsPhysics Department, Semnan
Atashbar Tehrani Physics Department, Persian
Gulf Universityatashbar_at_cic.aut.ac.ir
Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
4- Outline
- I. Valon model
- II. Unpolarized and polarized valon
- distribution
- III. Polarized parton distributions
- IV. Proton and Neutron polarized
- structure functions.
- V. Summary Outlook
5Some experimental data for p, n, d
E80, 130 (p) E142 (n) E143 (p, d)
E154 (n) E155 (p, d) EMC, SMC
(p, d) HERMES (p, d, n)
Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
6F. Arash and Ali N. Khorramian Nucl. Phys. B 99,
164 (2001)
Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
7Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
8What is the valon model?The valon model
describes the hadron structure relevent for
multiparticle production.The polarized valon is
defined to be a dressed valence quark in QCD with
the cloud of polarized gluons and sea quarks
which can be resolved by high Q2 probes. At
sufficiently low value of Q2 the internal
polarized structure of a valon cannot be resolved
and hence it behaves as a polarized valence
quark. For example in the proton we have 2
U-valons and one D valon.
I. Valon model
Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
9- Unpolarized Valon distribution in a proton
- To facilitate the phenomenological analysis Hwa
assumed a simple form for the exclusive valon
distribution in unpolarized proton which is - Where yi is the momentum fraction of the i-th
valon. - The single valon distributions are obtained by
R. C. Hwa and C. B. Yang , hep-ph /0202140
Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
10Unpolarized valon
F. Arash and Ali N. Khorramian Nucl. Phys. B
99, 164 (2001) Ali N.
Khorramian, F. Arash , Structure of Hadrons,
Proceedings of the International Workshop XXIX on
Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear
Excitations Hirschegg, Austria, (2001)
R. C. Hwa and M. S. Zahir, Phys. Rev. D 23,
2539 (1981)
R. C. Hwa and C. B. Yang , hep-ph
Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
11Polarized Valon distribution in a proton
Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
12Unpolarized and polarized valon distribution in a
Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
13Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
14Polarized valon distribution in a proton
Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
15For calculating the LO and NLO evolutions of the
spin-dependent parton distributions, we have
used the well known analytic LO and NLO solution
in Mellin n-moment space with the n-th moment
being defined by
Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
18Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
19Moments of polarized parton distributions
Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
20Polarized parton distributions as a function of x
Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
22Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
23Moments of polarized parton distributions in LO
and NLO
Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
24Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
25Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
26 IV. Proton and Neutron polarized
Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
27Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
28Polarized structure function in LO
Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
29Polarized structure function in NLO
Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
30- The compare of our predictions for polarized
proton structure function from - our model with the measured structure functions
in experiments on proton target.
Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
31The compare of our predictions for polarized
proton structure function from our model with
the measured structure functions in experiments
on proton target.
Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
32Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
33Plots of neutron polarized structure function
against x at Q2 2, 3
Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
34- Plots of neutron polarized structure function
against x - at Q2 5 GeV2
Workshop on Low-x physics 16-19 September 2002
- We have presented a model that be used for
extraction polarized parton distributions. - Our results for polarized proton and neutron
structure functions are good agrement with
available experimental data.
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